

单词 disfunction
释义 dis·func·tion 英dɪsˈfʌŋkʃən美dɪsˈfʌŋkʃənAHDdĭs-fŭngkʹshən MCOCA²²²⁴⁵⁰BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁵³¹²⁶

medicine any disturbance in the functioning of an organ or body part or a disturbance in the functioning of a social group;

erectile dysfunction

sexual relationship dysfunction

dis-分|散开funct-活动-ion名词⇒n.机能不良²⁶近义词 dysfunction功能不良
It is pointed out that the lasted cough due to lung carcinoma was caused by disfunction of zang-fu organs.
认为肺癌久咳是脏腑功能失调的综合表现。 chemyq

The operation can not only decrease outlet resistance of bladder but also improve disfunction of the bladder voiding.
能解除膀胱出口梗阻,改善膀胱逼尿肌的功能障碍。 cnki

The development of tissue engineering cast a new light to the treatment of organ disfunction.
肌腱组织工程的发展为肌腱损伤的修复提供了新的希望。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

The patients with cranial defect or abnormality would suffer from the physiological disfunction, and to design a complement proper to the defect part of cranium is the key point in repair.
颅骨缺损或畸形,将给患者的各项生理功能造成障碍,设计符合患者头部缺损区域的修补体是颅骨缺损修复技术中关键的步骤。 bjbme

While analyzing function and disfunction of the market under specific circumstances of China we find they are manifested in three respects.
市场的功能与失灵在我国特殊的条件下有其特殊的表现形式。 cnki

Aluminium has striking toxic effect on mesencephalic DA neurons and the impairment of DA neurons might be correlated with the disfunction of cognition in rats administered aluminium.
铝对大鼠中脑 DA能神经元有明显的毒性作用,而 DA能神经元的损伤可能与大鼠的短期学习记忆能力下降有关。 cnki

Conclusion LI has some degree of cognitive impairment, especially deficits of visuospatial ability, disfunction of perceptual organization, memory, and attention.
结论 LI的认知损害表现为视-空能力缺陷、知觉组织和记忆及注意力障碍。 cnki

If you are thinking you are social networking, you are actually becoming a social disfunction.
当你认为自己在与人交往的时候,实际上你已经成了社交无能的人。 hjenglish

Marked deep sensory disfunction and sensory ataxia involving all four limbs.
四肢明显的深感觉障碍和感觉性共济失调; cnki

No severe disfunction in liver and kidney was found .
无严重肝、肾功能障碍。 cnki

Objective To explore the way of Minimally Invasive treatment of obstructive kidney disfunction caused by painless upper urinary stones.
目的:探讨无痛性上尿路结石并肾功能衰竭的微创治疗方法。 dictall

Objective To study efficiency of prostaglandin EI for chronic renal disfunction.
目的探讨前列地尔注射剂对慢性肾功能不全的疗效。 dictall

Postoperative death was mainly related with multi organ disfunction resulted from hemorrhagic shock.
术后死亡主要与出血性休克所致多器官功能损害和衰竭有关。 cnki

Results The incidence of middle ear disfunction on the cleft palates was much higher than control group, with statistics significance.
结果腭裂患者中耳功能障碍发病率比对照组高,有统计学意义; cnki

Sexual psychological investigation and spouses under examination are of help in distinguishing the type of prospering disfunction.
性心理调查、配偶方接受检验对勃起功能障碍的类型有鉴别作用。 cnki




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