

单词 disdain
释义 dis·dain 英dɪsˈdeɪn美dɪsˈdenAHDdĭs-dānʹ ★☆☆☆☆高四研GIST宝八COCA¹⁴⁵⁵⁰BNC¹⁶⁸⁰⁶iWeb¹⁵⁸⁴²Economist⁷⁵⁵⁴


complete lack of respect

vt. 鄙视

look down on sb or sth

vt. 不屑于做

be too proud to do sth

lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike;

he was held in contempt

the despite in which outsiders were held is legendary

a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient
look down on with disdain;

He despises the people he has to work for

The professor scorns the students who don't catch on immediately

reject with contempt;

She spurned his advances

dis-, 不,非,使相反。-dain, 同-dign, 尊贵,词源同dignity, decent.即使不尊贵,蔑视。钱博士dis不,反义+dain=dign-的法语变体,值得的,在此转作动词,表示认为值得→认为不值得→蔑视,鄙视,不屑⇒转作名词鄙视,蔑视
GRE红宝书dis不, dai戴n象帽子: 武警官兵不戴帽子见老江: 轻视dis不, dain = dign高贵, 值得-不高贵-鄙视
dis 不 + deign 屈尊→不屈尊→因为轻蔑;dis 不 + dean 系主任,不是系主任就轻视,现在只有当了官的才不被轻视;dis 没 + 音:胆,没胆,说你没胆量→鄙视
dis不,反义+dain=dign-的法语变体,值得的,在此转作动词,表示认为值得→认为不值得→蔑视,鄙视,不屑⇒转作名词鄙视,蔑视。GRE难词记忆disdain→dis不+dain=deign 降低身份→不愿意在别人面前降低身份→以高傲的态度对待别人→蔑视非常记忆dis的士〖拼音〗+da大〖拼音〗+in在…里面〖熟词〗⇒的士司机鄙视大明星躲在里面不出来词根记忆dis不+dain=dign 高贵→把人弄得不高贵→鄙视,蔑视词根记忆dis不+ dain=dign高贵→ 把人弄得不高贵 ⇒鄙视近义词 scorn轻蔑reject拒绝despise轻视despite尽管contemn侮辱contempt轻视derision嘲笑snobbery势利disregard不顾disparage蔑视aloofness远离repudiate拒绝patronage赞助turn down调低rebuff断然拒绝freeze off疏远spurn轻蔑地拒绝disparagement轻视underestimate低估pooh-pooh表示轻蔑或不耐烦…condescension自以为高人一等…反义词 admire钦佩praise赞美respect尊敬
用作名词n.He was treated with disdain.他受到鄙视。
He curled his lips in disdain.他轻蔑地撇着嘴。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.Some people disdain labour.有些人轻视劳动。Pdisdainfullyad.轻蔑地Pdisdainfula.轻蔑的倨傲的

用作名词Laval brushed this aside withdisdain.赖伐尔以轻蔑的态度拒绝了。
The receptionist looked at me withdisdainwhen I walked into Suffolk College asking to enrol.当我走进萨克福大学,要求报读时,接待员用轻蔑的眼神看着我。用作动词Hedisdainedthat man for snobbishness and was unwilling to talk to him.他鄙视那个势利小人,不愿和他说话。noun.hate;indifference
同义词 antipathy,arrogance,aversion,contempt,derision,dislike,hatred,pride,ridicule,scorncontumely,despisal,despite,disparagement,haughtiness,hauteur,insolence,loftiness,sneering,snobbishness,superciliousnessdespisement,superbity
反义词 admiration,affection,approval,flattery,humility,like,liking,love,praise,regard,respect,sympathy,complimentesteem,favorverb.scorn
同义词 abhor,belittle,deride,despise,pooh-pooh,spurnchill,cold-shoulder,contemn,disregard,hate,ignore,refuse,reject,scout,slight,undervaluebe allergic to,look down nose at,look down on,misprize,put down,sneer at
反义词 admire,cherish,like,love,praise,accept,allow,approve,note,pay attention,regard,sanctionesteem,favor,respect
arrogancenoun exaggerated self-opinion
bum's rushnoun forcible eviction
cold shoulderverb snub intentionally
avoid,brush aside/brush off,brush off,disdain,disregard,ignore,ostracize,rebuff,scorn,shun,slight,spurn
condescendencenoun condescension
contemnverb despise
contemptnoun disdain, disrespect
antipathy,audacity,aversion,condescension,contumely,defiance,derision,despisal,despisement,despite,disdain,disesteem,disregard,disrespect,distaste,hatred,indignity,malice,mockery,neglect,recalcitrance,repugnance,ridicule,scorn,slight,snobbery,stubbornness And he quotes northerners whose disdain for the south, or Mezzogiorno, leads them to call it Africa or Egypt.
他举证说,正是北方人对意大利南部地区的蔑视致使他们称呼南方为非洲或埃及。 ecocn

And we reserve special disdain for our rivals, taking care not to behave in the unethical ways they do.
我们对竞争对手总是抱有一种特别的鄙视,注意不要像对手一样做一些不道德的行为。 yeeyan

At every discharge by platoons, Gavroche puffed out his cheek with his tongue, a sign of supreme disdain.
分队每发一次排枪,伽弗洛什就用舌头鼓起他的腮帮子,表示极大的蔑视。 ebigear

Ignore outsiders who disdain our way of life or try to discredit our special teachings.
对那些鄙视我们的生活方式或试图怀疑我们特别教义的局外人要不屑一顾。 ebigear

The delayed birth of the Arabic novel was a direct consequence of the Arab disdain for the individual.
阿拉伯小说起源时间的推迟是阿拉伯世界蔑视个体的直接结果。 yeeyan

The receptionist looked at me with disdain when I walked into Suffolk College asking to enrol.
当我走进萨克福大学,要求报读时,接待员用轻蔑的眼神看着我。 yeeyan

And if we tell someone we’re going to fix it instead of rushing out to buy the newest, hottest thing on the market, we fear that we will be met with disdain.
如果我们告诉某人我们打算去修理它而不是冲出去买新的、市场上最流行的东西,我们害怕会受到鄙视。 yeeyan

But then Europe needs immigrants to counteract the impact on economic growth of its low birth rate and to do the dirty work its own citizens disdain.
但,欧洲那时需要移民来抵消低出生率对经济增长的影响,并且从事本国人民不屑一顾的不体面工作。 ecocn

He curled his lips in disdain.

Indeed, the latter often express disdain for, and impatience with, the messiness of democracy.
事实上,后者经常对混乱的民主表现出蔑视和漠不关心。 ecocn

One of his tasks is to overcome Europeans’ sense of being treated with disdain.
奥巴马任务之一就是让欧洲人摆脱被蔑视的感觉。 ecocn

Others may look like that cohort but may be devout Christians and disdain native medicine.
其他人可能看起来像这群人,但可能是信仰基督教而鄙视原生药物。 yeeyan

They need to stop treating the outside world with disdain, and replace it with transparency and honesty.
不能再对外界采取一种不屑的态度,他们必须换之以透明和真诚。 yeeyan

Toads pursuit of swans, swan disdain said: If I as long as you die!
癞蛤蟆追求天鹅,天鹅不屑地说:我要是长成你这样早去死了! cri




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