

单词 discomforts
释义 dis·com·fort·s 英dɪs'kʌmfət美dɪs'kʌmfərt COCA⁵⁴⁶⁰¹BNC⁴²⁷⁷⁸
the state of being tense and feeling painan uncomfortable feeling of mental painfulness or distressdiscomfort index不安指数discomfort threshold不适阈threshold of discomfort不适阈discomfort relief quotient不舒适减轻商数…gastric discomfort胃脘嘈杂discomfort glare刺眼的闪光
近义词 ache痛pain痛苦worry撕咬bother烦扰upset心烦的disturb扰乱trouble困难anxiety焦虑distress不幸soreness痛苦perturb使烦恼irritation刺激tenderness温柔uneasiness担忧awkwardness笨拙embarrassment困窘pang肉体上的剧痛…uncomfortableness不舒适反义词 comfort舒适

用作名词One has to bear a littlediscomfortwhile travelling.旅行中总要忍受一点不便。
The homes were pushed outwards even at the cost of thediscomfortof commuting.很多家庭甚至不惜忍受往返的不便,把家往城外搬。
I was unhappy because of thediscomfortsof travel.我因为旅行的不适而感到不快。
She still suffers considerablediscomfortfrom her injury.她因那次受伤至今仍感不适。用作动词The tart reply did notdiscomforthim.那尖刻的回答并没有使他难过。 At first girl on opposite looks at me not friendly in the eyes, let me feel some discomforts.
起先对面的女孩不友好的眼神,让我有些不安。 blog.sina.com.cn

Of all the discomforts of living in space, this one makes us gag the most.
虽然生活在太空会遇到种种不便,不过围绕以下话题的玩笑总让我们乐此不疲。 yeeyan

And the patients do not experience any pain or discomforts.
而病人不会遇到任何疼痛或不适。 vips-us

Backache is one of the most common discomforts of pregnancy.
背痛是一种很常见的妊娠期不适症状。 cogonline

Common discomforts. Cramps, edema, frequent urination.
痉挛性疼痛,水肿,小便频数。 blog.sina.com.cn

No difference between male and female in the assessment of acceptability and discomforts was observed.
男女间的可接受度和不适感觉无显著差异。 cjpp

Pregnancy is an exciting time; unfortunately it comes with discomforts. Follow these simple steps to learn how to alleviate back pain.
怀孕兴高采烈,却伴有诸多不适。按照以下简单的步骤,可以减轻背部疼痛。 yeeyan

Think of the discomforts endured by explorers in the Antarctic.
试想一想南极探险家忍受的艰难困苦。 tdict

This research is a comprehensive and systematic investigation of the associated factors in the physical discomforts problems of the VDT users.
此研究完整及系统化评估会造成 VDT工作站使用人员身体不适之相关风险因素。

What lies ahead for me apart from those discomforts and a lack of soap?
除了那些诸多不便和没有热水澡以外,前面还有什么在等着我呢? yeeyan




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