

单词 disclaimers
释义 disclaimers dɪsˈkleɪməz COCA⁵⁷²³⁵BNC⁴¹³²⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.放弃¹⁰⁰;弃权者disclaimer的复数原型disclaimer的复数 Despite all the disclaimers, this will be the bit of most interest to the oil and gas industry.
尽管科学家们有所否认,但这部分恰好是石油天然气行业最感兴趣的。 yeeyan

Lotus Domino7.0 now features support for message disclaimers.
Lotus Domino7.0现在具有支持消息免责声明的功能。 ibm

Many disclaimers are, in effect, seeking to impose a contractual obligation unilaterally, and thus are probably unenforceable.
实际上,大部分免责声明都在争取利用单方契约义务,最终可能导致条款无法执行。 ecocn

One Kansas City station has begun airing disclaimers before Mr Miller's ads explaining that its hands are tied.
一家堪萨斯城的电台已经开始在米勒广告前插播免责声明,用来表明电台本身的无能为力。 topsage

So why are the disclaimers there?
那么,免责声明是干什么用的? ecocn

Some electronics manufacturers have issued disclaimers on3D TV sets to protect themselves from legal claims.
一些电子制造商也发布3D电视的免责声明来保护自己的合法要求。 hxen

These days, presentations and offering documents are stuffed with warnings and risk disclaimers.
在这些日子里,演示报告和公开文件中充斥着警告和风险提示。 yeeyan




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