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词汇 discharges
释义 dis·charge·s 英dɪs'tʃɑːdʒ美dɪs'tʃɑːrdʒ COCA²⁹⁴¹⁴BNC¹⁵⁸⁹⁸Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

discharging or being discharge


that which is discharged

vi. 卸船

unload cargo from a ship

vt. & vi. 放出; 流出

give or send out liquid, gas, electric current, etc.

vt. 开枪; 发射

fire a gun, etc.; let fly an arrow or other missile

vt. 偿还

pay a debt

vt. 执行; 履行

perform a duty

the sudden giving off of energythe act of ventinga substance that is emitted or releasedany of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body;

the discharge of pus

electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric fieldthe pouring forth of a fluidthe termination of someone's employment leaving them free to departa formal written statement of relinquishmentthe act of discharging a gun
complete or carry out;

discharge one's duties

pour forth or release;

discharge liquids

free from obligations or dutiesremove the charge fromgo off or discharge;

The gun fired

pronounce not guilty of criminal charges;

The suspect was cleared of the murder charges

eliminate a substance;

combustion products are exhausted in the engine

the plant releases a gas

leave or unload;

unload the cargo

drop off the passengers at the hotel

cause to go off;

fire a gun

fire a bullet

release from military servicebecome empty or void of its content;

The room emptied

discharge, achieve, effect, execute, fulfil, perform


perform表示“执行”“完成”时间较长、难度较大或较正式的任务,通常强调过程和目的,而不重视所采取的行为和手段; achieve暗示在克服困难或经过一系列曲折后“完成了任务”或“达到了目的”或指“成就”了某项意义重大或对一个人的精力、意志、才略有不寻常要求的事业; discharge用于执行必须的行为以达到履行职责或义务; effect强调发挥内在的力量主动克服或清除障碍来“达到”“实现”预定目的,可以指人,也可指事物; execute主要用于实施计划、建设或执行命令,比perform更强调完成; fulfil指完美无缺地“实现”“履行”保证或诺言,也指不折不扣地“完成”任务或“尽”责任或义务等。例如:

He will never achieve any objectives if he doesn't work harder.如果他不加紧努力工作,他会一事无成。
She undertook to discharge all the responsibilities of a Minister.她承担了做部长的所有责任。
I shall effect my purpose; no one shall stop me!我决心实现我的目的,谁也阻挡不住我。
The nurse executed the doctor's orders.护士执行医生的吩咐。
We must fulfil our parents' expectations.我们必须实现父母的期望。discharge, cashier, discard, dismiss


1.dismiss和discharge一般用以指人; 而discard和cashier则既可指人,也可指物。

2.指人时, dismiss通常指“开除”“解雇”或“解散”职员、工人或学生等; discharge特指开除处于从属地位的人、释放刑满的犯人等; discard指将无用的或不喜欢的人“抛弃”或“遗弃”,有时含“裁撤”之意; cashier主要指将雇员撤职、免职或开除。

3.指物时, discard指把无用的或不喜欢的东西丢弃掉; cashier是把用旧的、废的东西抛弃掉或处理掉。







用作名词 n.
形容词+~dishonorable discharge不光荣的退役disruptive discharge分裂性放电general discharge大批解雇honorable discharge光荣退伍medical discharge因健康原因退伍~+名词discharge pump排水泵,排气泵~+介词discharge from获准从…离开,从…获释discharge from the army退役discharge from the hospital获准出院the discharge of one's duties职责的执行用作动词 v.~+名词discharge an arrow from a bow射箭discharge cargo卸货discharge a committee解散委员会discharge duty履行责任discharge errand履行使命discharge a gun开枪discharge obligation履行义务discharge a patient让病人出院discharge a person from office免去某人职务discharge a prisoner释放犯人discharge promise履行诺言discharge responsibility履行职责discharge a servant解雇佣人discharge smoke冒烟discharge a student开除学生discharge waste倒垃圾~+副词discharge accidentally意外走火了discharge briskly明智地离开discharge constantly不断流脓discharge faithfully忠实履行discharge freely排水顺畅discharge fully完全执行discharge honorably光荣退伍discharge intelligently理想地离开discharge punctually准时离开discharge watchfully警惕地执行discharge out排出~+介词discharge for因…而解雇discharge for dishonesty因欺诈行为而解雇discharge …from允许从…离开,放出,免除,从…上卸下discharge from the army复员discharge from hospital出院discharge sb from office免除某人的职务discharge sb from service解雇某人discharge sth into a river把…排入河流discharge into the sea江,河流入大海discharge a ship of one's cargo卸下船上的货物discharge oneself of one's duties尽某人的职责discharge upon击中
discharge from v.+prep.

遣走…,让…离走 send (sb away; allow sb to leave)

discharge sth from sthA lot of people discharged the cargo from a ship.一些人从船上卸下货物。
The captain ordered his men to discharge the cargo from the ship at Keelung Dock.船长命令下级在基隆卸下船上的货物。discharge sth from sthThe boy discharged a stone from a sling.这个男孩用弹弓把石头射了出去。discharge sb from sthThey discharged him from prison.他们把他从监狱里放了出来。
The man was discharged from his post.这个人被解除了职务。
She was discharged from the company.她被公司解雇了。
discharge into v.+prep.

放出,流出 give or send out

discharge sth into sthThe Nile discharges itself into the Mediterranean.尼罗河水注入地中海。
The river Thames discharges itself into the sea some miles east of London.泰晤士河在伦敦东面数英里处流入大海。
The factory discharge its waste into the river.这个工厂将废物倾泻到河里。
Factories chimneys discharge smoke into the atmosphere.工厂的烟囱向高空排烟。
discharge of v.+prep.

执行职责( perform)

discharge oneself of sthWe have to discharge ourselves of our duties.我们要尽我们的职责。近义词 releasen. firing反义词n. employment
用作名词n.After his discharge from the school, he went to Hongkong.他离开学校后去了香港。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe ship discharged at Shanghai Dock.这艘船在上海卸货。
The pistol discharged accidentally.手枪走火了。
The wound discharges constantly.伤口不断流脓。
S+~+ n./pron.The workers were discharging cargoes.工人们正在卸货。
The wound is still discharging pus.这伤口仍在流脓。
Where do the sewers discharge their contents?阴沟的水流到哪里?
The children were discharging stones.孩子们在投掷石头。
The army discharge a torpedo.部队发射鱼雷。
The policeman discharged his gun at the fleeing robbers.警察向逃跑的强盗开了枪。
She discharged all the responsibilities of a minister conscientiously.她自觉地履行部长的一切职责。
He'll discharge the duties of postman.他将成为一名邮差。
He has discharged his debts.他已把债务偿清。
All his accumulated nervous agitation was discharged on Maud like a thunderbolt.他那蓄积已久的怒气,就像雷电般倾泻在莫德身上。

discharge的基本意思是指把处于限制、管事下或处于某范围内的人或物释放出来; 也指从一出口或出气道流出,射出,放出; 还可指财务上的支出与结算。



用作动词The Niledischargeitself into the Mediterranean.尼罗河水注入地中海。
The water pipe doesn'tdischargefreely.水管排水不畅。
The judgedischargedthe prisoner.法官把囚犯释放了。
I am going todischargeour chauffeur.我要解雇我们的司机。
Severe variations deform thedischargecurves.严重者使放电曲线发生畸变。
Thus, thedischargelamp starts with certainty.如此,可以确定地启动放电灯。
The carrier maydischargethe goods into any depot.承运人可将货物卸入任何仓库。
We have todischargeour debts.我们必须偿还债务。用作名词How long will thedischargeof the cargo take?卸货需要多久?
The prisoner was glad to get hisdischarge.囚犯获准释放,感到很高兴。
The simultaneousdischargeof these guns destroyed enemy's defence.这些枪炮的同时开火,摧毁了敌人人防守。
According to the electron collision ionization theory of Townsend, the electron avalanche is the basic process in gasdischarge.根据汤逊电子碰撞电离理论,电子崩是气体放电最基本的过程。
So far,China has designated 34 dumping areas for dredged materials of the third category and four areas for midair oildischarge.到目前为止,中国已建立了34个三类疏浚物倾倒区,4个空中放油区。 Different parts of the brain can be the site of such discharges.
大脑的不同部位都可能成为这类放电的位点。 who

Sometimes they do water tests, sometimes they report suspicious discharges to authorities.
有时他们做水质测试,也有时他们向当局报告可疑的排放。 yeeyan

The third source of ritual impurity would be genital discharges, both normal and diseased.

Water passed through bottom discharges of the plant.
水流通过电厂底部的泄水孔排出。 yeeyan

When a battery powers a product, or discharges, energy travels the opposite way, between its anode and cathode.
当电池释放电能或放电时,能量以相反的方向迁移,从阳极移至阴极。 yeeyan

X-rays are a byproduct of high-energy electron discharges in the Sun, in exploding stars, and even in lightning. Many scientists did not expect sparks alone to do the trick.
射线是太阳、爆炸星体甚至闪电中的高能电子放电带来的副产品,很多科学家并不认为电火花独自也能产生出这种射线。 cri




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