

单词 disbelieving
释义 disbelieving 英ˌdɪsbɪ'liːvɪŋ美ˌdɪsbɪ'liːvɪŋ 高COCA⁴⁷⁷³⁹BNC⁵¹⁵¹⁵iWeb⁵¹¹⁹⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion;

a skeptical approach to the nature of miracles

近义词 skeptical怀疑的sceptical怀疑的unbelieving不相信的
用作形容词Disbelieving his unlikely story, she looked askance at Jack.她用怀疑的目光看着杰克,不相信他那靠不住的叙述。
Asked if he will be in awe of anyone in Germany, he gives adisbelievingstare.'No.被问及在德国他会害怕谁的时候他怀疑的盯着记者。
Ambreene favored him with adisbelievingsneer.艾布瑞妮回以一个不相信的冷笑。adj.suspicious, doubting
同义词 questioningaporetic,cagey,cynical,incredulous,leery,mistrustful,quizzical,show-me,skeptical,unbelieving
反义词 believing,trusting,unquestioning,unsuspicious
atheisticadjective unreligious
incredulousadjective unbelieving
quizzicaladjective appearing confused or curious
unbelievingadjective skeptical
agnostic,cynical,disbelieving,distrustful,doubtful,doubting,dubious,freethinking,leery,mistrustful,nonbelieving,not born yesterday,questioning,show-me,suspicious,unconvinced He showed “ a disbelieving world that republican government could prosper without being spineless or disorderly or reverting to authoritarian rule”.
只要有骨气,有秩序,不向权贵折腰,共和政府也能繁荣了一个缺乏信任的国度。 ecocn

His disbelieving friend challenges him to materialize in the women's bathroom of a local bar.
它们来到一家本地酒吧,朋友要它设法当众进入女厕所,以证明自己。 skygate

The latest findings extend the effects of disbelieving to a more basic physical level.
最近的发现将不相信自由意志的影响扩大到更加基本的物理层面。 kle100

“ Companion?” Mr. Pike repeated in amazement. Then, with a disbelieving shake of his head, he fell silent.
“伴儿?”派克先生惊奇地重复道。然后,不相信地摇摇头,便陷入沉默。 blog.sina.com.cn

Ambreene favored him with a disbelieving sneer.
艾布瑞妮回以一个不相信的冷笑。 kekenet

As a Schiavone backhand drifted over the baseline, a disbelieving Li fell to the clay and put her hands to her face.
当斯齐亚沃尼反手将球抽出底线时,李娜不敢置信地以手覆面倒在场地上。 yeeyan

He fixed her with a disbelieving gaze. “ Never?”
他用一种怀疑的眼神看着她,“从不?” yeeyan

He was a stuttering, faltering, disbelieving young man, much like the young Moses in his pride.
他是一个结巴口吃、又不信神的年轻人,就像年轻的摩西自以为是。 ecocn

Her disbelieving son insisted: “Just let me eat it! There is no ghost!”
可是那个儿子不相信,他说:「拿给我吃好了,哪有什么鬼!」 ebigear

I said “ Really?” in a disbelieving tone, but leaned forward to kiss her anyway.
我用怀疑的口气问道:“真的吗?” ,并凑过去吻她。 yeeyan

I suppose this must really be happening, I think, still disbelieving.
我想这一定是要发生的了,但我还是不相信。 yeeyan

Respiratory took over the CPR and I stood back against the wall, bloody and disbelieving.
呼吸科医师接过心脏起搏器,我背靠墙站着,到处都血淋淋的,令人不敢相信。 yeeyan




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