

单词 dirty
释义 dirt·y 英ˈdɜːtiː美ˈdɝtiAHDdûrʹtē ★★★☆☆常小中高研牛4COCA³⁶⁵⁰BNC³⁴⁵³iWeb³⁸²⁷Economist³⁶³⁸


not clean, covered with dirt




unfair, underhand



vt. 弄脏

make sth dirty

vi. 变脏

become dirty

soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime;

dirty unswept sidewalks

a child in dirty overalls

dirty slums

piles of dirty dishes

put his dirty feet on the clean sheet

wore an unclean shirt

mining is a dirty job

Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves

of behavior or especially language characterized by obscenity or indecency;

dirty words

a dirty old man

dirty books and movies

boys telling dirty jokes

has a dirty mouth

vile; despicable;

a dirty or lousy trick

a filthy traitor

spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination;

the air near the foundry was always dirty

a dirty bomb releases enormous amounts of long-lived radioactive fallout

contaminated with infecting organisms;

dirty wounds

obliged to go into infected rooms

of color discolored by impurities; not bright and clear;


a dirty or dingy white

the muddied grey of the sea

muddy colors

dirty-green walls

dirty-blonde hair

of a manuscript defaced with changes;

foul or dirty copy

obtained illegally or by improper means;

dirty money

ill-gotten gains

expressing or revealing hostility or dislike;

dirty looks

violating accepted standards or rules;

a dirty fighter

used foul means to gain power

a nasty unsporting serve

fined for unsportsmanlike behavior

unethical or dishonest;

dirty police officers

a sordid political campaign

unpleasantly stormy;

there's dirty weather in the offing

make soiled, filthy, or dirty;

don't soil your clothes when you play outside!

dirty, filthy, foul, nasty


dirty是最普通用词,意思是“肮脏的”; filthy比dirty强烈一些,表示“令人厌恶的”; foul是这几个词中语气最强烈的词,形容人时表示“令人作呕地讨厌”,形容物时表示“恶臭的”“很肮脏的”“味道难闻的”; nasty指“极其令人厌恶的”,常用来修饰人,表示“爱挑剔的”“令人厌恶的”。例如:

My coat is dirty.我的上衣很脏。
I ought to sell maximum out like that,I would be utterly filthy.我应把它们大部分卖掉,我太讨厌它们了。
The air in this room is foul, open the window.这屋里的空气令人作呕,把窗户打开。
He is a nasty man, don't talk with him.他是一个令人厌恶的人,不要和他说话。dirty,foul,nasty





用作形容词 adj.
~+名词dirty job脏活dirty mind肮脏的灵魂dirty money不义之财dirty story下流的故事dirty trick卑鄙的伎俩dirty wound已化脓的伤口用作动词 v.~+名词dirty floor弄脏地板dirty hand弄脏手dirty new dress弄脏新裙子~+副词dirty easily易弄脏dirty quickly很快变脏
用作形容词adj.be a dirty word

不喜欢的或不正经的事物或想法 thing or idea that is disliked or not respected

dirty work

苦活 the tasks that sb else does not like or can't face

give sb a dirty look

厌恶地看着某人 look at sb disapprovingly or in disgust

make dirty with

被…弄脏 be dirty by

play a dirty trick on sb

以卑鄙的手段对付某人 play a mean trick on sb

钱博士dirt尘土,污垢+y形容词后缀,有很多…的⇒肮脏的非常记忆dir敌人+ty太阳⇒敌人在太阳下洗肮脏的衣服dirt尘土,污垢+y形容词后缀,有很多…的⇒肮脏的。近义词 lowbasebluedullmeanfoulsoilspotgrimybitterfilthysoiledpolluteadj. angryuncleanv. befoul反义词 purepurifycleanseadj. cleanspotlessv. clean
~+ n.It was a dirty room.这是一个很脏的房间。
Mother cleared the dirty dishes away when we had finished eating.当我们吃完饭时,妈妈撤走了脏盘子。
Do you think that dirty mark will come out?你说那块污迹能去掉吗?
Keep your dirty fingers off the wet paint.油漆未干,别用脏指头乱摸。
Repairing cars is a dirty job.修汽车是件脏活。
They left me with a stack of dirty dishes.他们留给我一摞脏盘子。
The main street was edged on both sides with dirty decaying buildings.那条主要街道的两边都是些肮脏、破败的房子。
I was hurt by his dirty trick.我被他的卑鄙手段伤害了。
They were telling dirty stories.他们在讲下流事。
You've got a dirty mind.你满脑子下流事。
The company published dirty books.这家公司出版淫秽书籍。
They sat up drinking and telling dirty stories.他们坐着边喝酒边说荤段子。
Don't scribble dirty words on lavatory walls.别在厕所墙上乱写下流话。
He got involved in some dirty dealing in the stock market.他卷入股票市场的一些肮脏交易中。
War is a dirty business.战争是卑鄙的事。
He was willing to use any dirty trick to get what he wanted.他愿意使用任何卑鄙的手段来得到他所要的东西。
I'm sick of her dirty cracks about my work.我憎恶她对我的工作所散布的流言蜚语。
Even in the dirtiest weather, they were driven to go out to sea.即使是最恶劣的天气,他们也被迫出海。
S+be+~The boy's hands were dirty.这男孩的双手很脏。
My dress is getting dirty and needs washing.我的连衣裙脏了,需要洗。
Children playing in mud get dirty.在烂泥中玩的孩子弄得很脏。
See how dirty your hands are!瞧你的手多脏啊!
They were hot, dirty, and exhausted.他们又脏又热,疲惫不堪。
I was very dusty and dirty and went up to my room to wash.我满身灰尘和污秽,就进自己房间去洗浴。
It was very dirty, and covered with mould.太脏了,用泥土把它盖上。
It became dirty.它变脏了。
It was found dirty.它被发现是污秽的。
It was made dirty.它被弄脏了。
S+V+O+~I saw the book dirty.我见这本书脏了。
Don't keep it dirty and wash it.不要让它脏下去,洗洗它。其他as n.She used a fair cloth to clean away the dirty on the table.她用一块干净的布擦去了桌子上的脏东西。用作动词v.
S+~+AWhite shoes dirty very quickly.白鞋脏的很快。
White gloves dirty easily.白手套易弄脏。
S+~+ n./pron.Don't dirty your hands.别弄脏你的手。
Don't dirty the floor.别把地板弄脏了。
Don't dirty your new dress.别弄脏了你的新裙子。
You will dirty his honoured name.你会败坏他的名誉。Pdirtyisha.有点儿脏的









用作形容词The clothes on the floor aredirty.地板上的那些衣物是脏的.
The tourist complained that the room was toodirty.游客抱怨说房间太脏了。
Thedirtypub is a beastly place.那个肮脏的小酒馆是一个叫人恶心的地方。
They sat drinking and tellingdirtystories.他们坐在那里,边喝酒边讲下流故事。
They have been playing all sorts ofdirtytricks.他们一直在耍弄种种卑鄙的伎俩。
The progress of that country is hindered bydirtypolitics.那个国家因腐败的政治而停滞不前。
This campaign wasdirtyand contentious.这次的竞选活动充满阴谋并让人争论不已。用作动词You'lldirtyyour hand if you play in the dirt.如果你去玩泥巴,手会弄脏。
He willdirtyhis reputation by following bad people and doing bad things.和坏人一起做坏事,这将玷污他自己的名声。adj.soiled, unclean
同义词 contaminated,crummy,disheveled,dusty,filthy,greasy,grimy,messy,muddy,murky,nasty,polluted,sloppy,stained,unkemptbedraggled,begrimed,black,defiled,disarrayed,foul,fouled,smudged,spattered,spotted,sulliedcruddy,dreggy,dungy,grubby,grungy,icky,lousy,mucky,scummy,scuzzy,slatternly,slimy,slovenly,sooty,squalid,straggly,undusted,unhygienic,unlaundered,unsanitary,unsightly,unswept,untidy,unwashed,yucky
反义词 bright,clean,clear,ordered,orderly,sterile,neatspotlessadj.obscene, pornographic
同义词 coarse,filthy,nastybase,blue,low,mean,uncleancontemptible,despicable,immoral,impure,indecent,lewd,off-color,ribald,risqué,salacious,scatological,scurvy,smutty,sordid,squalid,unchaste,uncleanly,vile,vulgar
反义词 clean,decent,moralnice,pure,spotless,uprightadj.dishonest
同义词 sleazycheating,corrupt,crooked,foulbelow the belt,deceitful,double-dealing,shabby,shady,shifty,sneaky,sordid,underhanded,unethical,unscrupulous,untruthful
反义词 clean,good,honest,moral,purenice,spotless,uprightverb.cause to be soiled
同义词 blacken,smear,smudge,sullybegrime,blotch,blur,coat,contaminate,corrupt,debase,defile,discolor,encrust,foul,grime,muddy,mung,pollute,rot,smoke,smutch,spatter,spoil,spot,stain,sweat,taint,tar,tarnishbesoil,make dusty,make impure,mess up
反义词 clean,cleanse,clear,flourish,grow,improve,purify,sterilize
Philistineadjective coarse
X-ratedadjective pornographic
bedraggledadjective unkempt
decrepit,dilapidated,dirty,disheveled,disordered,dowdy,drenched,dripping,faded,messy,muddied,muddy,run down,seedy,shabby,sloppy,slovenly,sodden,soiled,stained,sullied,tacky,tattered,threadbare,untidy,wet
befoulverb contaminate
below the beltadjective nastily and unfairly
below the beltadverb nastily and unfairly
cowardly,dirty,dishonest,foul,unjust,unscrupulous,unsportsmanlike The food does not have to be mixed with water, which in many countries may be dirty.
在一些卫生状况恶劣的国家这种食品不需要与水混合就可以食用。 hjenglish

And if you want to join the political game, you must be prepared to get your hands dirty, ? and what Machiavelli means by that, ? how he comes to this problem.

Beyond the issues above are the ever present problems associated with“ dirty data”.
除了上述问题之外,与“脏数据”相关的问题也总是存在。 ibm

But the Danes have a dirty secret.
然而,丹麦人有个肮脏的秘密。 yeeyan

Down below, in my underworld, the lower level, dirty and scrounging about.
在下方,我的地下世界,更低的层次,肮脏的、四处游荡的地域。 yeeyan

First, it must be said that Bulgaria itself is kind of a dirty place.
首先,必须指出,保加利亚本身是那么一种肮脏的地方。 yeeyan

For him, it was yet another example of dirty office politics.
对他来说,这是又一个肮脏的办公室政治的例子。 fortunechina

He hesitated and told me he was brought up in a shabby and dirty town.

He tried to profiteer from this dirty deal.

If there is missing or dirty data, how will you proceed?
如果有丢失的或脏数据,您将如何进行呢? ibm

Put away clothes when you take them off. If clothes are dirty, put them in the hamper.
脱下来的衣服要放好.如果衣服脏了,丢进桶里.如果是干净的,放进衣橱. yeeyan

The bed was uncomfortable because too dirty.

These“ dirty snowballs” castoff gas and dust whenever they venture near the sun.
这些“脏雪球”在冒险接近太阳时会丢出气体和尘埃。 yeeyan

They lurk on the kitchen sponge, your computer keyboard and the dirty laundry.
它们潜伏在厨房的洗碗布上、你的电脑键盘和脏衣服上。 iciba

This is why there is less overhead for dirty data as compared to clean data.
这就是与干净数据相比,“脏数据” 的开销更小的原因所在。 ibm

Throw your dirty clothes in the washing machine.

You go ahead and sign this paper and I'll do the dirty work.
你就把这个东西纸签了, 剩下来的「下流的工作」就交给我了。 hxen




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