

单词 direction
释义 di·rec·tion 英dɪˈrekʃən, daɪ-美dɪˈrɛkʃən, daɪ-AHDdĭ-rĕkʹshən, dī- ★★★★☆小初中高四六研I牛4COCA¹⁰⁶⁸BNC⁹⁹⁸iWeb¹⁰⁶²Economist²¹¹⁷


course taken by a moving person or thing; way that a person or things or another; way in which sb/sth develops


respect, limits


information or instructions about what to do, where to go, how to do sth, etc.


management, supervision, guidance


address on a letter, parcel, etc.

a line leading to a place or point;

he looked the other direction

didn't know the way home

the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves;

he checked the direction and velocity of the wind

a general course along which something has a tendency to develop;

I couldn't follow the direction of his thoughts

his ideals determined the direction of his career

they proposed a new direction for the firm

something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of actionthe act of managing something;

he was given overall management of the program

is the direction of the economy a function of government?

a message describing how something is to be done;

he gave directions faster than she could follow them

the act of setting and holding a course;

a new council was installed under the direction of the king

a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something;

the judge's charge to the jury

the concentration of attention or energy on something;

the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology

he had no direction in his life


❌ I'm going to that direction.

✔️ I'm going in that direction.

要表示“朝…方向”时,需用in the direction of,不可说to the direction of。







词根词缀: di-分离 + -rect- 正,直 + -ion名词词尾
用作名词 n.
动词+~ask for directions请教,请求指导〔指示〕assume direction负责管理disobey sb's directions不遵从某人的指示〔指教,指挥〕follow sb's directions听从某人的指教〔指示,指挥〕follow out sb's directions遵照嘱咐give directions发出指示go in a direction朝一个方向走have a direction有指示keep sb's directions in mind记住某人的指示〔指导〕listen to sb's directions听取某人的指教〔指导〕obey sb's directions遵从某人的指示〔指挥,指教〕point in the direction of指向…方向remember sb's directions记住某人的指示〔指导〕turn in the direction of转向…方向形容词+~all directions四面八方,各方面brilliant direction卓越指挥clear directions明确的指示competent direction得力的指导each direction每个方向easterly direction东方,朝东的方向elaborate directions详尽的说明every direction四面八方,各方面full directions详细说明〔指示〕general direction总的趋向〔趋势〕good directions好的指导〔指教〕important directions重要指示〔指导〕new direction新的指示〔倾向〕opposite direction相反的方向,反方向,对面personal direction亲自指导right direction正确的方向wrong direction错误的方向名词+~mother's directions妈妈的话stage directions舞台导演介词+~according to one's directions根据某人的指示at the direction of奉…的命令in all directions四面八方in every direction四面八方in the direction of朝…方向in the direction of London朝伦敦的方向under direction在指导下~+介词directions for the use of medicine药物使用说明direction of President总统之命directions on the medicine bottle药瓶上写的说明
用作名词n.at the direction of

奉某人之命 being order by

directions about〔as to〕

关于…的说明 information about

directions for

…的说明 information at

in the direction of

朝…方向 to the way of

under the direction of

在…的领导之下 under the lead of

小学英语速记词根记忆:direct指路+ion表名词→指出的路→方向 David calls Bob for directions. 戴维打电话给鲍勃问路。钱博士direct指导+ion抽象名词后缀,表行为本身和结果⇒指导,指示,方向
di-分|散开rect-正|直ion-离子名词后缀→进行校正指导后⇒direction n.方向,趋向,趋势,动向非常记忆direct直接〖熟词〗+i蜡烛〖编码〗+on上〖熟词〗⇒直接把蜡烛放在上面可以照明方向蒋争熟词记忆direct指引方向-ion名词后缀⇒指导;管理;方向;方位词根记忆direct正,直+ion→直着走下去→方向近义词 orderchargecommandaddressleadership
用作名词n.The bullets and cannon-balls were flying in all directions, and presently one of the latter took the wounded man's head off.子弹和炮弹到处乱飞。转眼工夫,一发炮弹把受伤者的头颅炸开了花。
That is the present direction of government thinking.这就是政府考虑问题的方向。
He shows rare ability in this direction.他在这方面有非凡的才能。
I am not certain about what to do,I feel need of direction.我不确定该做什么,我觉得我需要指导。
She was entrusted with the direction of the project.她受委托负责这项计划。
He feels the need for firmdirection.他觉得需要坚定的方向。
Follow the directions that your doctor gives you.根据医生给你的说明。
I gave him full directions to enable him to find the house.我向他作了详细的说明,好让他能找到那房子。
The parcel was returned to the deliverer because the directions were incorrect.包裹因姓名地址有误而退给了寄件人。Punidirection单向Pbidirectional双向的Pdirectionala.方向的Pnon-direction无指导Pforwarddirection正向Pnondirectional无向性Pundirectional不定向的Pdirection-sensen.方向感Pomnidirectionala.全向的Pbidirectionallyad.双向地Punidirectionala.单向性的Ppolydirectionala.多方向的Y P-directionY轴方向纵轴方向Pmultidirectionala.多方向的Punidirectionallyad.单方向地Pdirection-finder探向器测向仪定向器


direction表示“方向”,指物体移动的所要确定的方位,引申可表示“趋向”“趋势”“动向”,指事物发展的方向,作此解时,即可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词; 也可引申表示“方面”“范围”,作此解时,是可数名词; direction还可表示“指南”“指示”“说明”,指从某事物中得到某些信息,并指导人如何去做,作此解时,常用作复数形式; 引申还可表示“管理”“领导”“指导”,作此解时,是抽象名词,没有复数形式。


当表示“在某方向”“在某方面”时, direction前面用介词in。

用作名词Whichdirectiondoes your room face?你的房间面向哪个方向?
The investigation was carried out under thedirectionof a senior police officer.调查是在一位高级警官的指导下进行的。
Simpledirectionsfor assembling the model are printed on the box.盒上印有装配模型的简要说明。
That is the presentdirectionof government thinking.这就是如今政府考虑问题的取向.
Your life seems to lackdirection.你的人生似乎缺少目标。
The factory is under thedirectionof the government.该工厂受政府的管理。noun.management
同义词 control,guidance,leadership,orderadministration,charge,command,government,oversight,superintendence,supervision
反义词 deviation,misdirection,wrong waynoun.course, route
同义词 angle,area,aspect,line,objective,orientation,outlook,path,trend,wayaim,bearing,beeline,bent,bias,current,drift,end,inclination,proclivity,range,region,road,set,side,slant,spot,standpoint,stream,tack,tendency,tide,track,trajectory,viewpointpoint of compass,that-a-way
反义词 deviation,misdirection,wrong way
addressnoun place of residence or business where one can be contacted
ZIP code,abode,box number,domicile,dwelling,headquarters,home,house,living quarters,location,lodging,number,place of business,place of residence,street,whereabouts
addressesnoun place of residence or business where one can be contacted
chalk talks,discourses,dissertations,lectures,orations,pep talks,pitches,sermons,soapboxes,spiels,talks
administrationnoun management of an organization or effort
aimnoun goal
ambition,aspiration,course,desideratum,design,desire,direction,end,intent,intention,mark,object,objective,plan,purpose,scheme,target,where one is heading,wish
aimsnoun goal
ambitions,aspirations,courses,desiderata,designs,desires,directions,ends,intentions,intents,marks,objectives,objects,plans,purposes,schemes,targets,where one is headings,wishes
anglenoun personal approach, purpose
aim,approach,aspect,direction,hand,intention,outlook,perspective,plan,point of view,position,side,slant,standpoint,viewpoint And what makes us choose the direction?
什么让我们选择这个方向呢? yeeyan

For the moment, it feels good to have no set direction at all.
此时此刻,没有任何的方向是设定好的,这似乎感觉很好。 yeeyan

A bat echolocates the direction.

After all, when I choose one direction in life, I lose the possibility of another.
毕竟,当我为人生选择一个方向时,也失去了其它方向的可能性。 yeeyan

And for each direction, I have a plane.

And this other direction was the predominant one.
这样一个方向是有支配地位的。 yeeyan

And if you want it with someone, I wonder how you might go about it and what courage and optimism will help you to move in that direction.
如果你想和某人一起拥有它,我好奇你会怎样进行,又是怎样的勇气和乐观能帮你在这个方向上走下去。 yeeyan

And like any group of people, these specialists disagree on the future direction of this work.
和任何人多的地方一样,这些专家也对此项工作的未来方向持有不同意见。 ibm

Be open to growing in that direction. You owe it to yourself.
请放开向梦想的方向成长吧,这归功于你自己。 yeeyan

Because gravity is in this direction.

But, we can still ask, is there a derivative in every direction?

But since then the scales have tipped in the other direction.
但自那之后,比例却向着另一个方向发展了。 ecocn

Go in this direction.

God wants you to have direction.
上帝希望你有明确的方向。 blog.sina.com.cn

Imagine it like this: If you spin something, the direction of the axis tends to wobble.
这样想一下:如果你旋转什么东西,这个轴的方向将会变化。 yeeyan

It pulls you in the direction of positive growth.
它将你吸引向积极性成长的方向。 yeeyan

Next, we need to retrench, to reconsider the direction of research on this disease.
接下来,我们需要紧缩开支,重新考虑这个疾病的研究方向。 yeeyan

So how to nudge China in the right direction?
那么如何推动中国迈向正确的方向? ecocn

The most important step is to reorient the direction of the new building.

They merely tip you in one direction or another.
他们只是使命运向某个方向倾斜。 yeeyan

This is the wrong direction not just for farming, but for the planet.
这不仅对农业来说是错误的方向,对于地球也是如此。 yeeyan

We try to provide them with direction and help.
我们试图给他们提供指导和帮助。 yeeyan

You are, as an observer, in this direction.

You think in this direction? I disagree.




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