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di·rect 英dɪˈrekt, daɪ-美dɪˈrɛkt, daɪ-AHDdĭ-rĕktʹ, dī- ★★★★★中高四六研IT牛4COCA¹⁷⁴²BNC⁹⁰⁹iWeb¹²¹⁹Economist¹³⁹⁷ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 adj.直接的⁵³;笔直的³;坦白的¹v.对准¹;指挥²⁹;指示¹⁰;命令³过去分词directed现在分词directing三单directs 交通教育方式方法
v.动词 vt. 指示方向,指引tell or show sb how to do sth, how to get somewhere vt. & vi. 指导,导演,管理give orders and in this way manage; be in charge of the way sth is done vt. 在…上写姓名和地址address a letter, parcel, etc. adj.形容词 直的,笔直的,径直的straight, not curved or crooked, not turn aside 直接的,直系的with nothing or no one in between, immediate 率直的,坦率的,坦白的straightforward, frank A恰好的,完全的exact, complete adv.副词 径直地,笔直地without interrupting a journey; using a straight route 直接地,亲自地with no one in between; personally Adjective: direct in spatial dimensions; proceeding without deviation or interruption; straight and short;a direct route a direct flight a direct hit having no intervening persons, agents, conditions;in direct sunlight in direct contact with the voters direct exposure to the disease a direct link the direct cause of the accident direct vote straightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action;a direct question a direct response a direct approach in a straight unbroken line of descent from parent to child;lineal ancestors lineal heirs a direct descendant of the king direct heredity moving from west to east on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in the same direction as the Earthsimilar in nature or effect or relation to another quantity;a term is in direct proportion to another term if it increases or decreases as the other increases or decreases of a current flowing in one direction only;direct current being an immediate result or consequence;a direct result of the accident in precisely the same words used by a writer or speaker;a direct quotation repeated their dialog verbatim lacking compromising or mitigating elements; exact;the direct opposite Adverb: without deviation;the path leads directly to the lake went direct to the office Verb: command with authority;He directed the children to do their homework intend something to move towards a certain goal;He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face criticism directed at her superior direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself guide the actors in plays and filmsbe in charge oftake somebody somewhere;We lead him to our chief can you take me to the main entrance? He conducted us to the palace cause to go somewhere;The explosion sent the car flying in the air She sent her children to camp He directed all his energies into his dissertation point or cause to go blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment towards;Please don't aim at your little brother! He trained his gun on the burglar Don't train your camera on the women Take a swipe at one's opponent lead, as in the performance of a composition;conduct an orchestra; Barenboim conducted the Chicago symphony for years give directions to; point somebody into a certain direction;I directed them towards the town hall specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain publicdirect the course; determine the direction of travellingput an address on an envelopeplan and direct a complex undertaking;he masterminded the robbery v.动词 direct, charge, command, enjoin, instruct这组词都有“发出命令”的意思。其区别是: command表示“命令,指挥”,强调强制性; enjoin表示“命令,迫使”,强调权威性,含有督促或警告的意味; direct表示“命令,指示”,强调指示和对指示的遵从; instruct表示“命令,指令”,常可和direct相互换用,但instruct更为正式,多用于商业、官方、外交关系中; charge表示“命令,指示”,为文学用语,侧重布置任务或委以重托。 direct, conduct, guide, lead这组动词的共同意思是“引导”“指引”。它们之间的区别是: 1.conduct有时表示既做向导又当助手; guide表示带路者熟悉沿途情况,并在领路时加以指点; lead强调走在前面领路,也可指带领他人共同去达到某个目标; direct表示为某人指方向,指出某种途径,但自己并不亲自引路,也表示“指导”别人的事务或活动。例如: He guided them round the Art Show.他带领他们参观美术展览。 I'll lead, you must follow me.我带路,你一定得跟着我。 He conducted a party of tourists to Europe.他带领着一批游客去欧洲。 Tom directed him to the bus stop.汤姆指点他如何去汽车站。2.在引申表示“领导”时, guide和lead可互换。 adv.副词 direct, directly这两个词都可表示“直接地”。其区别是: 1.direct常指空间、距离,表示“直接地”; directly可指时间,表示“立刻”“马上”。例如: She drove direct to school.她直接开车到学校。 I'll be there directly.我马上到那儿。2.direct多用于直义,修饰动词,而directly则多用于比喻义,修饰形容词。例如: You had better write direct to the secretary.你最好直接写信给书记。 I think Mike is directly responsible for the damage.我认为迈克要对这个损失负责。3.如果乘坐交通工具,飞机、火车、汽车等从一地直达某地,不换乘其他交通工具,则不可用directly,而要用direct来表示。例如: You can't go to Manchester direct, you have to change trains at Birmingham.你不能直达曼彻斯特,你一定要在伯明翰换车。4.directly还可用作连词,相当于as soon as; direct无此用法。例如: Directly that he came in,I knew something had happened.当他进来时,我知道有事发生了。5.在美式英语中direct用作副词时和directly用法上没有严格的区分。 control,direct,govern,manage,rule,supervise,administer这些动词均有“管理、支配”之意。 control含义广泛的常用词,指对人或物施以约束或控制的力量。 direct侧重行使领导或指导权。 govern侧重指运用任何控制的权力来统治或管理一个国家、一个社会或一个部门,暗含能力和知识的运用。 manage强调对具体事务机构进行管理,有时含受权管理或处理之意。 rule强调用绝对或独裁的权力来管理或统治。 supervise侧重指运用本身的或被授予的权力来管理、检查工作,含监督意味。 administer指官方的或正式的对事务的管理。 direct,conduct,guide,lead,pilot这些动词都含“引导”之意。 direct指为某人指方向,但自己不一定亲自引路,也可表示指导一群人的事或活动。 conduct正式用词,指引导某人去某处,强调亲自带领;也强调监督管理一群有共同目的或目标的人。 guide普通用词,可与conduct换用,指引导者与被引导者双方彼此合作,共同努力的关系。 lead指走在前面给某人引路或带路,共同去达到某一目标。用于抽象意义时,指在某项活动或运动中起主导和组织作用。 pilot从原义“为飞机、轮船导航”借喻为指亲自带领某人去某处。 direct,directly这两个副词都有“直接地”之意。 direct指行路中不停步、不绕道、直奔目的地。 directly指以一种直接的方式。表示时间的时候,指立刻,不拖延之意。 dis-, 分开。-reg, 竖直,引导,词源同regulate, correct. 引申义拉直,部署,管理。 用作动词 v. ~+副词direct downward朝下看direct heavenward朝上看direct well指引得很好direct brilliantly英明地指导direct calmly冷静地指导direct dangerously危险地指导direct generally普通地指引direct hurriedly急切地指导direct independently独立地指导direct intelligently英明地指导direct properly指导得当direct uniformly统一地指导direct victoriously成功地指导direct wisely指导英明direct wrongly指错了方向~+介词direct against把…对准,针对…direct attacks against把进攻的目标对准…direct against fort对准堡垒direct a gun against把枪对准…direct at把…对准,对…讲〔写〕direct remarks at把话针对…说direct by出于direct to给…指路,对…讲〔写〕direct a letter to把信寄至…direct to sb's address指向某人的地址direct to the post office指去邮局的路direct toward向…指导,指向…direct efforts towards努力是为了…direct steps towards朝…走去用作形容词 adj.~+名词direct action直接行动direct answer直截了当的回答direct contact直接的联系direct election直接选举direct road最近的路direct way最近的路,直截了当的方式用作副词 adv.动词+~come direct直接来deal with direct亲自处理drive direct直接开车去fly direct直接地飞go direct直接去lead direct直接通向report direct直接汇报take from direct从…中提取write direct直接写信 用作动词v. direct against v.+prep.
把…对准 make sth aim at sth direct sth against sthThey directed all the guns against the fort.他们把所有的炮都对准那个要塞。 They directed the attacks against the enemy's seaports.他们攻击的目标是敌人的海港。 direct at v.+prep.
宗旨在于 have firm direction direct sth at sb/v-ingThe system is directed at providing help for old people.这项制度旨在为老人提供帮助。 direct to v.+prep.
将…讲给某人听 speak to direct sth to sth/v-ingThe government will direct the additional taxes to industries in greatest need.政府将把额外的税收用于最急需的产业。 The system is directed to providing help for old people.这种制度的目的是为老人们提供方便。direct sb to sthThe stranger asked me to direct him to the station.这位陌生的客人要我指示他去火车站的方向。 Can you direct me to the post office?你能指示我去邮局的方向吗?direct sth to sb/sthThe letter is directed to him.这封信是写给他的。 The parcel was directed to the wrong address.这邮包被寄错了。direct sth to sbPlease direct all complaints to Head Office.请把意见讲给总公司听。 Let me direct these remarks to the younger students.这些话还是让我来对低年级的学生说吧。 My next remarks are directed to the boys and girls of this school.我下面的话是讲给本校的男女学生们听的。 direct towards v.+prep.
花时间或力气去做 cost time, strength to do (sth) direct sth towards sthOur energies must be directed towards higher productivity.我们必须努力谋求增产。钱博士di=dis,离开,加强语气+rect使变直→画直线,使变直,使走直线走正道⇒指导,指向;笔直的,直接的 词根reg-使走直线,使变直变正,引申为纠正,统治来自拉丁语,过去分词形式为rect-使变直变正,直的,正的。它和日耳曼单词right直的,正的最终都源自原始印欧语词根*reg-使走直线,使变直变正。方振宇词汇奥秘di=de,表加强意义+rect正→矫正,纠正→指正,指导→指示,指引,指挥,命令 比较记忆directlyadv.直接地;正好地;立即directorn.指导者,主管;董事衍生词direct+ion名词后缀→进行校正指导后→directionn.方向,趋向,趋势,动向故事记忆话说得很 Direct直接的错误善于 Detect发现缺点从不 Neglect忽视用人细心 Select挑选公共设施 Erect建造人民利益 Protect保护di=dis,离开,加强语气+rect使变直→画直线,使变直,使走直线走正道⇒指导,指向;笔直的,直接的。非常记忆di弟〖拼音〗+re热〖拼音〗+ctCT〖编码〗⇒指挥弟弟在热天去做CT检查近义词 aimcaseleadguidefrankplainchargeearnestsincerev. advisestraightforwardmanageadj. straight反义词 indirectdishonestuntruthfuladj. crooked 用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AWho will direct at the concert?音乐会上谁将做指挥? Who's directing at yesterday's concert?昨晚的音乐会是谁指挥的? 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.Sign posts direct travellers.路标给游人指路。 “I'm sorry,I can't direct you.”“This young man can direct you there.”对不起,“我不知道怎么去。”“这位青年人可以告诉你怎样去”。 They directed me wrongly.他们把我指引错了。 There is nobody to direct the workers.没有人指挥工人们。 Who is directing the army?谁在指挥部队? Who directed the film?谁导演这部影片? There is nobody to direct the operations.没有人指挥作战。 The government has promised to direct its attention to the needs of children with special learning difficulties.政府答应密切注意有特殊学习困难的儿童的需要。 Isn't it time we directed our attention to packing the books?我们还不该密切注意包装书籍的问题? Thinking directs one's actions.思想指导行动。 Who is directing the work?谁在指导这项工作? Shall I direct the letter to his business address or to his home address?我该把这信寄到他的办公地点还是寄到他家里呢?S+~+that-clauseThe general directed that the prisoners should be set free.将军命令释放囚犯。 The government directed that the school be built in that area.政府指示这所学校建在那个地方。 He accordingly directed that preparations be made to put to the blockade into effect on Monday.他于是指示做好准备使封锁在星期一生效。 The manager directed that the office secretary should answer for it.经理指示,办公室秘书要负责此事。 用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. +to- vI directed him to do the work.我命令他去做这项工作。 The coach directed them to run faster.教练指导他们跑快一些。 The officer directed his men to advance slowly.指挥官命令部下缓慢前进。 He directed us to remain silent.他命令我们保持沉默。 The manager directed us to make all-round arrangements.经理指示我们要作全面安排。 The general directed the army to attack.将军指挥军队进攻。 We have been directed to return to school before Friday.我们已得到指示:星期五以前返回学校。 I was directed to cut the budget.我得到指示削减预算。用作形容词adj. 用作定语 ~+ n.Which is the most direct way to London?到伦敦哪一条路最近? This is the most direct road.这是最直的一条路。 This is a direct election.这是直接选举。 He gave me a direct answer.他给我直截了当的回答。 She has a direct way of speaking.她说话直爽。 The organization was investigated at the direct request of the President.按照总统亲自提出的要求,这个组织受到了审查。 Your reply today is in direct contradiction to what you said last week.你今天的答复跟上星期说的恰好相反。 用作表语 S+be+~He is very direct, so you always know what his real views are.他为人很直率,所以总能知道他的真实想法。用作副词adv. 用作状语 He came direct from Changchun.他从长春直接来的。 The road leads direct there.这条路直接通那儿。 Let's go direct to the station to see him off.让我直接到车站去为他送行。 She drove direct to the school.她直接开车去学校。 The train goes there direct.这趟列车直达那里。 This plane flies direct to Paris.这飞机直飞巴黎。 These vegetables came direct from a nearby farm.这些蔬菜是直接从附近的一农场运来的。 The teacher suggested that I write him direct.老师劝我直接给他写信。 I prefer to deal with him direct.还是我直接跟他打交道为好。 He came and reported it direct to me.他来直接向我汇报。 The writer must take his material direct from real life.作家必须直接从现实生活中摄取素材。 The mayor goes direct to the people to listen to their complaints.市长亲自深入群众倾听他们的怨言。Pdirecting指示Pdirectrixn.准线Punidirection单向Pdirectoried索引的Pbidirectional双向的Pdirectionala.方向的Pnon-direction无指导Pdirectnessn.笔直率直Pforwarddirection正向Pnondirectional无向性Psubdirectoryn.子目录Pdirect-action直接传动Pundirectional不定向的Pdirect-coupled直接联结Pdirectorn.主管导演董事Pdirectoscope直接检喉镜Pdirect-coupling直接耦合Pdirectionn.方向指导趋势Pedit-directed编辑制导的Pdirection-sensen.方向感Pomnidirectionala.全向的Pdirectivity指向性方向性Pmisdirectvt.误导写错地址Pbidirectionallyad.双向地Punidirectionala.单向性的Pdirect-acting直接的直动式Ppolydirectionala.多方向的Pdirect-current阳极直流电阻Y P-directionY轴方向纵轴方向Pmultidirectionala.多方向的Pdirectly-coupled直接耦合的Pdirectorshipn.管理者的职位Pdirectoryn.目录工商名录指南Predirectionn.更改收信人地址Punidirectionallyad.单方向地Pex-directorya.未列入电话簿的Pmisdirection错误指示错误指导Pdirectressn.女主管女导演女董事Pgoal-directeda.有目的的有用意的Pdirectoriala.指挥的管理的主管的Pindirectionn.间接手段迂回不诚实Plist-directed表式表制导的表控制的Pouter-directeda.符合客观外界标准的Pdirection-finder探向器测向仪定向器Pnondirectivea.不直接提问的不定向的Pdirectivea.指导的指挥的方向的n.指令Predirect)vt.重新寄送使改道使改方向Psyntax-directed语法导引的面向语法的Pdirectoraten.理事之职务董事会理事会Pindirecta.间接的不直截了当的不坦率的Pinner-directeda.有自己的看法的不随俗Pundirecteda.未受指导的无姓名和地址的Pother-directeda.受人支配的缺少自主性的随俗的Pindirectlyad.间接曲折迂回不直截了当不诚实不坦率Pdirectlyad.径直地直接地直率地正好地直截了当地立即马上conj.一…一当…就…
direct的基本意思是“指示方向”“指引”,表示向正确的路线行走,或引导使沿着正确的路线前进,有时还可表示让某人或某类人注意自己所说的话或所做的事。常引申为“指导”“导演”,表示用技能、权威、权力去指引、指挥或统治。 direct还可指在信封或包裹上写上姓名和地址。 direct可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或虚拟的that从句作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。 direct接介词to可表示“指向…”或“用于…”; 接介词at可表示“目的在于”; 接towards则可表示“花时间或力气去做…”。 adj.形容词
direct作形容词时基本意思是“直的”“笔直的”“径直的”,引申可表示“直接的”“直系的”,指当中没有其他事物的或对某事或某人有直接关系的。direct用来形容人时,表示“直率的”“坦率的”“坦白的”,指人直性子或有坦率的态度。direct有时还可表示“恰好的”“截然的”,在句中只用作定语。 direct作“直接的”“亲身的”“直系的”解时无比较级和最高级形式。 adv.副词
direct用作副词时基本意思是“直接地”“直达地”“笔直地”,指径直地,不绕道地,表示实际距离,从甲地到乙地一直走,也可用来强调直接性,也可表示“一直”,多修饰动态动词,引申还可表示“直接地”“亲自地”,不经过第三者转手直接交付对方。 当表示“对…直接地”时,常用介词to。 direct在表示“直接地”时,指不经过第三方的,不绕圈子的,可作副词。 You had better write direct to the headmaster.你最好字节写给校长。副词形式directly的主要意思则是“立即地”“正好地”; direct表示“命令”时,后可以引导that从句,从句要用shall或should或虚拟现在式。I directed that you should be paid in full. 形容词58%,动词38%,副词2%,名词2% 用作形容词I' m indirectcontact with the hijackers.我与劫机者保持着直接的联系. Keep product away fromdirectsunlight and store in a dry cool place.置放在不受阳光直射,干燥通风的地方。 He is verydirect, so you always know what his real views are.他为人很直率, 所以你总能知道他的真实想法。用作动词The guidedirectedour attention to the other picture.讲解员要我们注意另一幅画. Hedirectedthe building of the new bridge.他指挥修建这座桥。 I asked a little girl todirectme to the bus stop.我请一个小姑娘告诉我怎么去汽车站。 The generaldirectedthat the prisoners should be set free.将军下令释放犯人。adj.honest 同义词 blunt,candid,explicit,forthright,sincere,straightforward,unambiguous,unequivocalbald,express,frank,open,plain,straightcategorical,downright,matter-of-fact,outspoken,plainspoken,point-blank,straight from the shoulder,talk turkey,unconcealed,undisguised,unreserved 反义词 ambiguous,deceitful,devious,dishonest,equivocal,indefinite,tricky,vague,indirect,obscure,unclearwilyadj.undeviating;uninterrupted 同义词 continuouseven,right,straight,truebeeline,horizontal,in bee line,in straight line,linear,nonstop,not crooked,point-blank,shortest,straight ahead,straightaway,through,unbroken,unswerving 反义词 changing,deviating,intermittent,interrupted,varyingadj.face-to-face;next to 同义词 immediate,personal,person-to-personprompt,lineal,succeedingcontiguous,firsthand,head-on,next,primary,proximate,resultant 反义词 changing,deviating,devious,dishonest,indirect,intermittent,interrupted,varying,wilyverb.manage, oversee 同义词 advise,conduct,control,guide,handle,keep,lead,operate,run,superviseadminister,boss,dispose,dominate,govern,influence,ordain,quarterback,regulate,rule,shepherd,superintendbe in the driver's seat,call the shots,carry on,control the affairs of,have the say,head up,preside over,run the show,run things,take the reins 反义词 abandon,give up,leave,let go,neglect,obey,serve,follow,mismanage,submit,surrender,yielddiverge,misdirect,misguide,misleadverb.give instructions;teach 同义词 address,advise,command,deliver,inform,instruct,order,tell,warnbid,charge,dictate,enjoin,lecture,readgive directions,give orders 反义词 diverge,misdirect,misguide,mislead,mismanage,neglectverb.point in a direction;guide 同义词 address,aim,cast,conduct,focus,head,intend,lead,mean,present,see,set,show,steer,target,train,turnbeam,escort,fix,incline,indicate,lay,level,pilot,point,route,shepherd,sight,slantmove in,point the way,sight on,zero in 反义词 follow,ignore,neglect,obey,overlook,takediverge,misdirect,misguide,mislead,mismanageverb.send, usually by mail system 同义词 addressdesignate,inscribe,label,mail,mark,route,superscribe 反义词 diverge,misdirect,misguide,mislead,mismanage,neglectverb.put all of efforts toward 同义词 address,aim,apply,devote,give,set,throw,try,turnbend,endeavor,fix,settle,strivebuckle down 反义词 forget,ignore,unsettlediverge,misdirect,misguide,mislead,mismanage,neglect abruptadjective rude or brief in manner blunt,brusque,crude,crusty,curt,discourteous,gruff,impetuous,impolite,matter-of-fact,rough,short,snappy,snippy,uncivil,ungracious addressverb devote effort to something apply oneself to,attend to,concentrate on,devote oneself to,dig,direct,engage in,focus on,give,go at,go for,hammer away,have a go at,have at,knuckle down to,peg away,pitch into,plug away at,take care of,take up,throw oneself into,try,turn,turn to,undertake addressedverb devote effort to something applied oneself to,attended to,concentrated on,devoted oneself to,directed,dug,engaged in,focused on,gave,had a go at,had at,hammered away,knuckled down to,pegged away,pitch into,plugged away at,threw oneself into,took care of,took up,tried,turned,turned to,undertook,went at,went for addressesverb devote effort to something applies oneself to,attends to,concentrates on,devotes oneself to,digs,directs,engages in,focuses on,gives,goes at,goes for,hammers away,has a go at,has at,knuckles down to,pegs away,pitch into,plugs away at,takes care of,takes up,throws oneself into,tries,turns,turns to,undertakes administerverb manage an organization or effort administrate,be in the driver's seat,be in the saddle,boss,carry out,conduct,control,crack the whip,direct,execute,govern,head,head up,hold the reins,oversee,pull the strings,pull the wires,render,ride herd on,run,run the show,sit on top of,superintend,supervise administrateverb administer direct,govern,manage,organize,oversee,run,superintend,supervise The workers' movement poses a direct threat to their interests. 工人运动对他们的利益造成了直接威胁。《21世纪大英汉词典》 All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience. 一切真知都是从直接经验发源的。《新英汉大辞典》 If they have a direct incentive to do so they will think about it. 只有他们有了直接动机,他们才会思考这样做的意义。 yeeyan It can also be done by establishing direct contact with the organization of interest. 也可以通过与感兴趣的组织建立直接联系来做到这一点。 ibm Moreover, control of these risk factors lies beyond the direct responsibility of the health sector. 此外,控制这些风险因素不仅仅是卫生部门负有的直接责任。 who Not all the projects are the ones I direct myself. 不是所有这些项目都由我自己指导的。163 Quite frankly, I do not have a direct answer for you. 相当坦率地说,我没有一个直接的答案给你。 ibm These approaches, however, assume that you have direct control over the schema. 但是,这些方法都要求您能够直接控制模式。 ibm They reinforced good behaviour with some kind of reward to direct a child's pattern of behaviour. 他们以某种奖赏鼓励好的行为来指导孩子的行为模式。《21世纪大英汉词典》 When do that, we can get direct feedback of whether or not it’s something that people want. 这样做了以后,对于人们是否需要这些东西,我们可以直接得到反馈。 yeeyan When asked a direct question, she dodges. 当她被问到直接的问题时,她总设法回避。《21世纪大英汉词典》 |