

单词 dipoles
释义 dipoles ˈdaɪpoʊlz COCA¹⁶⁶¹⁸⁰BNC⁷³⁸⁶⁹
n.双极子;偶极化偶极原型dipole的复数 The approximate method determining the transient response of large antenna arrays composed of short dipoles is discussed.
讨论了近似求取由短振子组成的大阵的瞬态响应的方法。 cnki

The center of excess negative charge on all of the dipoles is at the very center of the molecule.
多出来的键,的负电荷中心都集中在,分子的正中间。 v.163.com

The mechanism of SHG, the influences of poling conditions and glass compositions are explained by model of dipoles.
根据偶极子取向模型,解释了 SHG产生机理以及各种极化条件、组成对玻璃二阶光学非线性的影响; cnki

According to quantum field theory, this sudden snapping to order of electric dipoles, called polarization, generates a secondary electric field that combines with and strengthens the first field.
在量子场理论中,这个瞬间电偶极子有序化的过程被称为极化,它产生一个次电场,与第一个电场结合并使其强化。 yeeyan

All of these electric dipoles are randomly oriented— like countless compass needles pointing every which way.
所有这些电偶极子随机排列———象无数指向四面八方的罗盘针。 yeeyan

But if the dipoles form in the presence of an existing electric field, they immediately align along the same direction as the field.
但是,如果这些电偶极子处于电场中,他们就会立即沿电场的方向排列。 yeeyan

The brain primary somatosensory responses were evaluated by equivalent current dipoles ECDs.
大脑初级体感皮质反应由等电流偶极 ECD评价。 cnki

The theory basis is given that using the model of magnetic dipoles to substitute the magnet model.
给出利用磁偶极子模型代替小磁石模型的理论及实际依据。 cnki

This phenomenon was explained by a model based on filamentary conduction disturbed by dipoles in view of experimental results.
在此基础上,结合文献提出了偶极矩微扰下的细丝传导模式来解释这种现象。 fabiao

Dipoles, Quadrupoles. Azimuthal Symmetry. Magnetostatics, Charge Conservation and Magnetic Force.
偶极,四极。方位角对称。静磁,带电量守恒及磁力。 myoops




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