

单词 diplomas
释义 diplomas 英dɪp'ləʊməz美dɪp'ləʊməz 高ICOCA³⁰¹⁵⁹BNC²¹²⁴⁶Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
名词 diploma:
a document certifying the successful completion of a course of studydiploma-s复数⇒pl.公文;文书;执照¹⁴;特许证;毕业文凭²⁰;学位证书⁴³;奖状⋘⋙Diplomas, school certificates or apprenticeship cetificates.学位证书或学徒证明。 A deal on licence plates, identity cards and university diplomas sounds small, but it is not.
关于汽车牌照、身份证和学位证书的协议看似微不足道,实则不然。 ecocn

A ministry assessment completed shortly afterward said the schools lacked proper marketing methods and had failed to clearly state the practical benefits of receiving graduate diplomas.
随后不久教育部做的评估说这些学校缺乏恰当的营销方法,没有清晰地说明获得研究生文凭的实际益处。 yeeyan

The bulk of the migrants, 60% or more, have only nine years of education; people with technical diplomas are rare.
大多数农民工——超过60%,只接受了九年教育;拥有职业技能文凭的农民工很少。 yeeyan

The central proposal was to replace the existing exams with all-encompassing diplomas.
该项提议主要在于以包罗万象的文凭取代目前的考试。 ecocn

The duration of studies leading to higher level diplomas depends on the type of faculty.
较高水平的文凭学习年限由专业类型来决定。 ebigear

The educational program and diplomas obtained are recognised as in France.
教育体制和获得的毕业证书在法国也被承认。 ebigear

The problem for schools and colleges is that Conservative announcements have cast doubt on the future of the diplomas.
对于学校和大学,问题是保守党的公告对文凭的未来产生了怀疑。 yeeyan

I see diplomas as the next stage in the development of a child-centred curriculum.
我把学历文凭看成是以孩子为中心课程未来发展的下一个平台。 yeeyan

Nolan has reservations about the new diplomas.
诺兰对新的文凭持保留态度。 yeeyan

Not surprisingly, a new survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers NACE shows that business, engineering and computer science diplomas top the list.
答案并不出人意料。由美国高校和雇主协会 NACE发布的一项问卷调查显示,商学、工程学和计算机科学的文凭最为吃香。 forbeschina

Promotional literature contains grammatical and spelling errors, words in Latin, extravagant or pretentious language, and sample diplomas.
宣传材料里有语法错误或错别字,喜欢用拉丁文,语言华而不实,还喜欢展示学位证书的样本。 hjenglish

The first results for the government's flagship diplomas were published, with just213 students receiving awards in the first year.
政府公布了第一批获得旗舰文凭的名单,第一年只有213名学生。 yeeyan

There is a huge amount of uncertainty about diplomas.
学历文凭存在很大的不确定因素。 yeeyan




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