释义 |
dipendra 基本例句 迪彭德拉 According to this tradition,Dipendra,29,and Devyani Rana,in her 20s,were a perfect match and made no secret of their relationship.因此,29岁的王储迪彭德拉同20岁的拉娜可以说是天作之合。 According to this tradition, Dipendra, 29, and Devyani Rana, in her 20s, were a perfect match and made no secret of their relationship.因此,29岁的王储迪彭德拉同20岁的拉娜可以说是天作之合。 Dipendra is believed to have told his parents that he was determined to marry the woman he loved,but they threatened he would be never be king if he did so.因此,当迪彭德拉向父母表明他深爱着拉娜,非卿不娶时,遭到了来自各方的反对。国王和王后威胁他说,如果迪彭德拉一意孤行,他们将不会把王位传给他。 Dipendra is believed to have told his parents that he was determined to marry the woman he loved, but they threatened he would be never be king if he did so.因此,当迪彭德拉向父母表明他深爱着拉娜,非卿不娶时,遭到了来自各方的反对。国王和王后威胁他说,如果迪彭德拉一意孤行,他们将不会把王位传给他。 Shahi did not comment on widespread reports that the massacre was sparked by a furious quarrel between Dipendra and his mother over his choice of bride.先前流传广泛的报道称;迪彭德拉是和他的母亲在他的定亲问题上爆发激烈争吵;由此引发了屠杀.;沙伊对此未发表评论 |