

单词 dimensions
释义 dimensions 英dɪ'menʃənz美dɪ'mɛnʃənz COCA⁴⁷⁷²BNC⁵⁰³¹Economist¹³⁵³⁰
名词 dimension:
the magnitude of something in a particular direction especially length or width or heighta construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguishedone of three Cartesian coordinates that determine a position in spacemagnitude or extent
动词 dimension:
indicate the dimensions onshape or form to required dimensionsdimension-s复数⇒n.面积²³;大小⁷⁰;容积
用作名词We measured thedimensionsof the kitchen.我们测量了厨房的面积。
When figuringdimensions, we usually change common fractions to decimals.当计算面积时,我们通常将普通分数变为小数。
Resonant frequencies are related to the shape and sizedimensionsof the element.共振频率与这种元件的形状和大小有关。
Cavernous porosity can take the equidimensional form of vugs or follow channels, but the voiddimensionsare measurable in meters.溶洞孔隙可呈等尺度的溶孔形态,或者呈溶沟形态,但空间大小是以米度量的。noun.range
同义词 ambit,amplitude,bigness,bulk,capacity,compass,depth,dimensionality,extension,extent,greatness,height,importance,largeness,length,magnitude,measure,measurement,proportion,reach,scale,scope,size,volume,widthextensity
反义词 insignificance,littleness,smallness,tininess,unimportance
bulknoun size, largeness
capacitiesnoun volume;limit of volume held
accommodations,amplitudes,bulks,burdens,compasses,contents,dimensions,expanses,extents,full,holding abilities,holding powers,latitudes,magnitudes,masses,measures,proportions,quantities,ranges,reaches,retention,rooms,scopes,sizes,spaces,spreads,standing room onlies,sufficiencies,sweeps
capacitynoun volume;limit of volume held
accommodation,amplitude,bulk,burden,compass,contents,dimensions,expanse,extent,full,holding ability,holding power,latitude,magnitude,mass,measure,proportions,quantity,range,reach,retention,room,scope,size,space,spread,standing room only,sufficiency,sweep
extentnoun range, magnitude
admeasurement,ambit,amount,amplitude,area,bounds,breadth,bulk,capaciousness,compass,degree,dimensions,duration,elbowroom,expanse,expansion,extension,intensity,leeway,length,limit,mass,matter,measure,neighborhood,orbit,order,period of time,play,proliferation,proportions,purview,quantity,radius,reach,scope,size,space,spaciousness,span,sphere,stretch,sweep,term,territory,time,tract,tune,vicinity,volume,wideness,width
formatnoun layout, plan
formatsnoun layout, plan
arrangements,compositions,configurations,dimensions,figures,formations,forms,formulas,looks,makeups,patterns,schemes,setups,shapes,sizes And yet there is much that America can still try to do to mitigate the dimensions of the debacle.
但是,在努力减轻溃败的规模和程度方面,美国仍然还有很多事情可做。 ecocn

Because the balance is additive only across some dimensions, we call it a semiadditive measure.
因为余额只是跨一些维度进行相加的,所以我们称之为半相加测度。 ibm

By default the selected measure is displayed across all dimensions; this is the top level of the cube.
默认情况下,选中的测量在所有的维度中显示,这是该多维数据集的最高级别。 ibm

Could space have dimensions beyond the three that we all know and love?
除了我们都了解和喜欢的三个维度,空间还可能有其他维度吗? yeeyan

For certain models, small perturbations to the extra dimensions would probably cause all the black holes and strings to ultimately merge into one giant black hole.
对于某些模型,对额外维度的微小扰动,就可能会导致所有的黑洞和黒弦最终合并成一个巨大的黑洞。 yeeyan

He understood that this was where he was supposed to go and yet naturally he hesitated, sizing up the dimensions just as he had once sized up the crates he had helped unload.
他明白这就是他应该去呆着的地方,但还是发自本能地犹豫了一下,那里的大小尺寸正好和他曾经帮着卸货的那种箱子一样。 yeeyan

I like the angstrom because atomic dimensions are conveniently measured by angstroms.

If this is the case, we may not be able to recognize the hidden dimensions in everything, including black holes.
如果真是这样的话,我们未必能够在任何事情中都承认隐藏的维度,包括黑洞。 yeeyan

Instead, the result could be the first evidence for a reality built out of extra dimensions.
与此相反,这个实验结果可能就是用来建造现实的额外维度的第一个证据。 yeeyan

It represents the two dimensions of motivation and visibility.
它描绘出动机和可见性两个维度。 ibm

That to me speaks to the political, ideological and cultural dimensions of this debate.
这就是气候变化这个争论的政治学,理想主义和文化维度。 yeeyan

The most fun element of string theory is the requirement that the universe has about a dozen dimensions, rather than the usual four length, width, height and time.
弦论最有趣的元素是宇宙大约拥有十二个维度这一要求,而不是通常所说的四维长、宽、高和时间。 yeeyan

Then, you can define the measures and dimensions in the monitoring model.
然后,您需要在监视模型中定义这些测量和维度。 ibm

They help the menu or window stand out from the background by reinforcing its dimensions.
它们通过加强周边尺寸来使菜单和窗口从背景当中凸显出来。 cnblogs

When merging two dimensions, you might have a situation where each dimension has a different default member.
在合并两个维度时,可能出现每个维度有一个不同的默认成员的情况。 ibm




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