

单词 dime
释义 dime 英daɪm美daɪmAHDdīm ★☆☆☆☆高T四八COCA¹⁰⁴⁹¹BNC⁴⁶⁸⁸³iWeb⁹⁷³³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹


coin worth 10 cents

a United States coin worth one tenth of a dollarstreet name for a packet of illegal drugs that is sold for ten dollars来自拉丁语decima,十,十分之一,词源同ten, December。用于货币单位。比较dinar。 ten来自古英语ten。来自原始日耳曼语*tehun。来自原始印欧语*dekmt,十,词源同dean, December,进一步来自*de,二,词源同di-,二,*kmt,手。字面意思即两只手。ten-, tend-持有,握住,控制,延伸,伸长,试探,尝试,变细。来自拉丁语tenare,握住,控制。来自tendere,延伸,伸长,最终来自原始印欧语ten,伸长,拉。由该印欧词根主要引申如下词义:1,持有,握住,控制,词源同tenure, contain。2,延伸,伸长,词源同extend, tend。3,变细,变薄,词源同tender, thin。4、试探,尝试,词源同tentacle, tentative。 December来自decem-,十,词源同ten。原指古罗马历的十月,后为使历法更科学,加入了January, February,而原来的十月顺延到十二月。 dinar来自拉丁语denarius,货币单位,词源同ten。后进入阿拉伯语。din-dins食物,好吃的来自儿语dinner。a dime a dozen不希罕dime store廉价商店dime novel故事动人但毫无文学价…dime museum简易博物馆nickel-and-dime拥有或支付仅一小笔钱…five-and-dime专售廉价物品的商店…penny便士on a dime在很小的间内…get off the dime开始nickle and dime要零钱not give a dime a dozen认为毫无价值…
钱博士dim(=den,十+e→十的⇒一角硬币dim=den,十+e→十的⇒一角硬币近义词 dime bag廉价毒品
用作名词n.Pennies,nickels,dimes,and quarters are United States coins.1分铜币、5分镍币、1角银币和2角5分银币是美国硬币。Pdime-store一角商店

用作名词The liberty torch is on the back of thedime.自由火炬在一角硬币的反面。
Adimeis equivalent to ten pennies.一角等于十分。
The car can turn on adime.这车能在极小的地方转弯。as in.betray
同义词 revealdisclose,evince,inform,manifest,show,sing,snitch,spill,squeal,stool,tattle,tell,uncover,unmaskblurt out,fink on,give away,lay bare,let slip,make known,rat on,tell on,turn in
反义词 conceal,cover,hide,withholdbe faithful,be loyal,be quiet,defend,keep secret,protect,support
betrayverb divulge, expose information
blurt out,disclose,evince,fink on,give away,inform,lay bare,let slip,make known,manifest,rat on,reveal,show,sing,snitch,spill,squeal,stool,tattle,tell,tell on,turn in,uncover,unmask And after these years, I've tried to live up to the example of the discreetly dropped- in dime.
这几年来,我一直尽力以那名男子悄悄投入机械马一角硬币的行为为榜样来为人处世。 ebigear

Can you get through a whole day in a foreign country without spending a dime?
你可以在国外生活一整天不花一毛钱? yeeyan

What I didn't know was that I could've made my own set of weights without spending an extra dime.
我当时并不知道我可以不用额外多花一分钱的来健身保持体重。 yeeyan

Your business will improve and grow, and you won’t have spent a dime.
不需要花一分钱,你的业务量将提高及增长。 yeeyan

Donate every dime you have?
捐赠出身上的每一分钱? blog.sina.com.cn

Every dime we saved brought us closer to our dream.
我们省下的每一毛钱都使我们离梦想更近。 yeeyan

Filling stations have whacked as much as a dime off their regular prices.

His dime has been earning interest.
他的硬币一直在获取着利息。 ebigear

I will change on a dime.
我会抛硬币来决定变不变。 yeeyan

Lureen's old man wouldn't give me a dime if I dropped it, except one way.
要是我玩儿砸了,露玲她爹一分钱都不会给我的。 ebigear

Not long after, our business's bottom lined surged without having to spend a dime on lead generation.
不久之后,我们的业务盈利大幅上升,而没在商机形成上花一分钱。 yeeyan

One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left. He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house.
一天,一个贫穷的小男孩为了攒够学费正挨家挨户地推销商品。 饥寒交迫的他摸遍全身,却只有一角钱。于是他决定向下一户人家讨口饭吃。 ebigear

Redecorate your room without spending a dime.
不花一毛钱装饰你的房间。 yeeyan

The big old monster greedily accepted my dime, and I heard the bottles shift.
那个老巨人贪婪地吞下我的硬币,我听见了瓶子移动的声音。 ebigear

There are lots of great, easy ways to get fit, wholesome and healthy without spending a dime.
其实有很多简单而有效地方法来获得健康并且不需要花费一分钱。 yeeyan

Those online critics, they’re a dime a dozen.
那些网上所谓的批评家,不值钱到一毛钱就能买一打。 yeeyan

Today, a dime does not buy much.
今天,一角硬币买不到什么。 tingvoa

Without an official WSDL binding, it is unlikely a given binding will be supported by all vendors and, therefore, DIME bindings would not interoperate.
而没有一个官方绑定,很可能一个给定的绑定不会被所有提供商所支持,而且这样的话, DIME绑定将不能协同操作。 ibm

DIME has strengths in two areas.
DIME在两方面有优势。 ibm




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