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Dili 'dili 高 基本例句 帝力帝汶岛Timor东北部港市 A new film, shown this week in Dili, has reignited the affair in Australia. 本周于帝力上映的新片引起了澳方对此事的再次关注。 ecocn He was killed in the attack but his key lieutenants escaped into the mountains that surround East Timor's capital, Dili. 雷纳多在伏击中被打死,但是他的副手逃进了首都东帝汶周围的山区。 www.voanews.com.cn The virologist from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases NIID, Japan, is working with the Central Laboratory and the National Hospital, Dili, for further laboratory investigations. 来自日本国家传染病研究所的一名病毒学家正在与帝力的中心实验室和国立医院一起工作,开展进一步实验室调查。 who Additional insecticides and larvicides are expected to reach Dili next week. 下周,预计将有更多的杀虫剂和杀幼虫剂运抵帝力。 who Drug-induced liver injury or DILI occurs in a small subset of patients. 仅有小部分患者出现药物性肝损伤 DILI。 dxy FOR months workers have been feverishly sprucing up Dili, Timor-Leste’s scruffy capital. 数月来,东帝汶工人们忙着装饰清理其破旧肮脏的首都帝力。 ecocn Nor is Timor-Leste keen: on July12th the parliament in Dili voted against the plan. 帝汶岛也不急于这样做:7月12日,帝力的国会投票否决了这项计划。 putclub.com The study found that at least20 percent of patients with DILI ingest more than one potentially hepatotoxic agent. 研究发现至少20%的中毒性肝损伤摄取过一种以上的潜在肝损伤药物。519liver The case fatality rate at the National Hospital, Dili, has dropped from16.3% during the period of5-21 January2005 to 3.6% during the period of12-24 February2005. 在帝力国立医院的病死率已从2005年1月5-21日期间的16.3%下降至2005年2月12-24日期间的3.6%。 who There were total50 patients according with Chinese diagnostic criteria for DILI, from DILI caused by west medicine were divided in group of A1, and those from DILI caused by herb in group of A2. 符合我国药物性肝损害诊断标准的患者共50例,将西药致肝损害病例划为 A1组,中药致肝损害病例划为 A2组。 iciba This study is an initial analysis of an ongoing prospective study of DILI. 这项研究是正在进行的中毒性肝损伤的预见性研究的最初分析。519liver Thousands of people greeted President Ramos-Horta as he arrived in the East Timorese capital, Dili, Thursday. 数以千计的民众周四在东帝汶的首都帝力欢迎拉莫思。奥尔塔总统归来。 kekenet |