

单词 dilemmas
释义 dilemmas 英dɪ'leməz美dɪ'leməz COCA¹⁴⁸⁴⁰BNC¹⁴¹⁶³Economist¹⁴¹⁰⁶
名词 dilemma:
state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options
用作名词Life is filled with paradoxes anddilemmas.人生充满了种种矛盾兴困境。
Her words gave readers the courage to face thedilemmasof life.她的文字给予读者以勇气来面对生活中的困境。noun.crisis
同义词 difficulty,embarrassment,impasse,mess,plight,predicament,problem,puzzle,quandarybind,box,corner,fix,hole,hooker,jam,mire,perplexity,pickle,scrape,spot,straitcatch-22,double bind,tight corner
反义词 good fortune,solution,advantage,benefit,boon,successmiracle,wonder As politicians mull such questions in the capital, workers across the state are confronting their own dilemmas.
州首府的政客思考这些问题时,全州的工人正在面对自己的困境。 ecocn

In other words, Libya is just the front-end of a series of moral and strategic dilemmas we are going to face as these Arab uprisings proceed through the tribes with flags.
换句话说,随着阿拉伯这些起义卷入挂着旗子的部落,利比亚成了我们将要面临的一些列道德及战略进退两难境地的最前沿。 yeeyan

Over the past decade, Washington's Taiwan policy has created unnecessary dilemmas for Taiwan's political leadership.
过去十年华盛顿的对台政策已经把台湾的政治领导带进了不必要的困境。 yeeyan

The new breed of reformers might face similar regulatory dilemmas in more emotive policy areas.
新一代的改革者可能在更富感情化的政策领域面临类似的调控两难。 ecocn

The new trade strategy looks at both of these dilemmas, among others.
新贸易战略在兼顾其它的同时,也照顾到了这种两难的局面。 ecocn

The other narrative of social dilemmas is The Tragedy of the Commons.
另一个关于社会困境的解说就是“公共品悲剧”。 yeeyan

An American writer, Isaac Asimov, confronted them with their most memorable dilemmas.
一位美国作家以撒·阿西莫夫让他们面对他们最难忘的困境。 ecocn

But it also opens a Pandora's box of ethical dilemmas.
但该研究也开启了潘多拉魔盒,带来了伦理困境。 news.edu.hp009.com

He weaves their lives and writings into a compelling story of dilemmas, courage, dignity and defiance.
他把两人的生平和著述编织成引人注目的故事,故事中有困境、有勇气、有尊严、有蔑视。 ecocn

It made me realise that cinema could be about ordinary people and their dilemmas.
它让我意识到电影可以关注普通人和他们所面临的困境。 yeeyan

Similar dilemmas are faced by women tech entrepreneurs, which may be why very few tech startups are founded by a person with no Y chromosome.
高科技产业的女性企业家面临类似的困境,这便可能是极少有高科技企业是由一个没有 Y染色体的人创建的原因。 yeeyan

Such dilemmas are familiar in Latin America as it has moved from dictatorship to democracy.
这种困境在拉丁美洲很常见,因为拉丁美洲已经从专制走向民主。 ecocn

The region’s doughty band of genuinely independent newspapers, long critical of governments, have faced fewer dilemmas.
该地区一些真正独立的报纸,长期抨击政府,英勇无畏,而今面临较少困境。 ecocn

This strong rebound is bringing with it different dilemmas from those under debate in Europe, North America or China.
这波强劲的反弹带来了不同的困境,在欧洲、北美或中国等地引发辩论。 ecocn

To me, the easy way out of such dilemmas is to foreclose the tension.
对我来说,最简单的方法就是从这样的困境没收了紧张感。 yeeyan




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