释义 |
Dikembe Mutombo 基本例句 迪肯贝·穆托姆博 Dikembe Mutombo, amidst a victory lap of a final season, might just come back for an encore.在职业生涯尾期,如果能克服膝伤的困扰,穆托姆博可能会选择再打一年的球。 Philadelphia -Dikembe Mutomborejoined the Rockets during their toughest stretch of the season.穆大叔在本赛季火箭最困难的一段时间重返球队。 The Rockets startedDikembe Mutomboin Yao's place the second game, but also used Carl Landry and Luis Scola.第二节,火箭队有穆大叔代替姚明首先上场,不过也派出了兰德里和斯科拉。 That did not change when McGrady left the floor with a mild concussion after taking aDikembe Mutomboelbow in the first quarter Saturday.上周六;第一节麦蒂撞上木桶伯的大胳膊叉子造成轻微脑震荡下场后;火箭在进攻端和上面描述的一样. Four of Yao's teammates -- Artest, Battier, Scola andDikembe Mutombo-- have shoe endorsement deals with Chinese brands Peak and Anta.姚明的四个队友:阿泰斯特、巴蒂尔、斯科拉和迪肯贝穆托姆博,都为中国品牌匹克和安踏的鞋子代言。 |