

单词 dignitaries
释义 dig·ni·tar·y 英'dɪɡnɪtəri美'dɪɡnɪteri COCA²⁴⁴⁶⁸BNC²²⁵⁹⁴Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
an important or influential and often overbearing person近义词 VIP贵宾hero英雄somebody某人heroine女英雄notable显著的personage名流celebrity名人worthy有价值的official正式的bigwig权贵之人panjandrum首领luminary杰出人物public figure公众人物high-up社会地位高的人…very important person要人

用作名词Thedignitaryalso said that a solution must be worked out to put an end to the recent political unrest in the country.该高官也说,必须提出一种解决方法,以将该国最近的政治动荡加以平息。noun.high ranking person
同义词 celebrity,luminaryVIP,bigwig,official,starbig gun,big kahuna,bigshot,person of influence,top cat
反义词 nobody,nonentity The donations mainly came from the country's performing artists, dignitaries, news organizations as well as private and state-owned enterprises.
表演艺术家、社会知名人士、各大新闻机构、国有企业以及民营企业均捐赠了善款。 iciba

The President of the United States shakes the hands of several foreign dignitaries as Vice President Reynolds moves in.
美国总统在与几个外国权贵握手,副总统 Reynolds走了过来。 yeeyan

Former President George W. Bush greeted family members and local dignitaries with President Obama at the memorial in New York.
前总统布什与总统奥巴马于纪念馆问候死难者家属及地方要员。 yeeyan

Other times, the restaurant choice is left to local dignitaries.
其他的时候,餐馆的选择是由当地的权贵决定的。 yeeyan

The mayor welcomed the visiting dignitaries at the airport.
市长在机场欢迎了来访的要人。 iciba




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