

单词 dig
释义 dig 英dɪg美dɪgAHDdĭg ★★★☆☆常中高研牛4COCA³⁰⁶⁵BNC⁹³¹⁷iWeb³¹²⁷Economist⁸⁹¹¹
vt. & vi. 挖,掘

uncover by taking away the earth


a quick push


speaking to sb in an unpleasant way

the site of an archeological exploration;

they set up camp next to the dig

an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect;

his parting shot was `drop dead'

she threw shafts of sarcasm

she takes a dig at me every chance she gets

a small gouge as in the cover of a book;

the book was in good condition except for a dig in the back cover

the act of digging;

there's an interesting excavation going on near Princeton

the act of touching someone suddenly with your finger or elbow;

she gave me a sharp dig in the ribs

turn up, loosen, or remove earth;

Dig we must

turn over the soil for aeration

create by digging;

dig a hole

dig out a channel

work hard;

She was digging away at her math homework

Lexicographers drudge all day long

remove, harvest, or recover by digging;

dig salt

dig coal

thrust down or into;

dig the oars into the water

dig your foot into the floor

remove the inner part or the core of;

the mining company wants to excavate the hillside

poke or thrust abruptly;

he jabbed his finger into her ribs

get the meaning of something;

Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?

dig, grub, spade


dig指松动某物周围或下面的土,将土弄到表面或只是搅动这些土; spade强调用体力挖土,以便种植物; grub强调在挖土时挖出某物,可引申强调工作、任务或职责的艰苦、肮脏和使人精疲力竭。例如:

Will you dig the garden?你将为花园翻土吗?
The dog was grubbing under the bush, looking for a bone.狗在灌木丛下面挖掘,寻找骨头。
We must spade the field to plant flowers in an hour.我们必须在一小时之内挖好这块地以便种花。来自PIE*dhigw, 刺,挖,词源同dike, ditch.
用作动词 v.
~+名词dig a cellar挖掘地窖dig a field翻地dig a foundation挖地基dig a pond挖池塘dig a well打井dig an air-raid shelter挖防空洞dig clams掘蚌dig coal采煤dig drainage ditches挖排灌渠道dig facts寻求事实dig the soil翻地dig underground hideout挖地下隐蔽所~+副词dig deep付出重大代价dig deeper更深入地挖dig industriously勤奋地钻研dig intentionally有目的地挖dig laboriously吃力地挖dig away a subject苦学一门课程dig down挖下去,掏腰包dig down a big tree掘倒一棵大树dig in把…埋进土里,挖掩体dig out挖开dig out all the facts调查研究所有事实dig out one's mistakes找出自己的错误dig out the past发掘过去的历史dig out the truth探求真理dig over挖掘dig up挖出,找出dig up 1000 dollars付出1000美元dig up ginseng roots挖人参dig up the hatchet挑起战端dig up lotus roots挖莲藕dig up the tree把树挖起dig up the weeds铲除杂草~+介词dig at挖苦,钻研dig at mathematics钻研数学dig for发掘,寻找dig for facts搜集事实dig for gold挖金子dig for information探求消息dig for scientific data搜集科学资料dig for treasure挖宝dig for uranium发掘铀矿dig …from the earth从土里挖掘dig …from the ground从地里挖掘dig …from the ruins从废墟里挖掘dig in the ground掘地dig in the land挖地dig into挖掘dig into etymology深入钻研词源学dig into one's work全力以赴地工作dig into saving动用存款偿付dig into the earth挖土dig out of prison从狱中逃出dig through a trunk翻遍衣箱用作名词 n.动词+~give a dig给某人一个提醒~+介词dig at挖苦
dig at v.+prep.

钻研 make a careful study of sth

dig at sbThe teacher shouldn't dig at his pupils.老师不应挖苦学生。
She often digs at others as if she were better than anyone else.她经常挖苦其他人,好像她比别人好一样。
I don't know exactly what he meant by that remark.He was obviously digging at somebody, but I don't know who it was.我不知道他说那话是什么意思。他明显是在挖苦谁,但我不知道他挖苦的是谁。dig at sthHe is digging at his algebra lessons.他钻研代数。
dig away v.+adv.

挖开,挖松,挖走 detach, loosen or displace by digging

dig awayHe has been digging away for hours.他一连挖了几个小时。dig sth ⇔ awayThe workmen have dug away the foundations.工人们挖好了地基。
dig down v.+adv.

掏腰包 pay money out of one's own pocket

dig sth ⇔ downWe are going to dig down this wall.我们要挖倒这堵墙。dig down for sthHe has to dig down for the window, for he broke it.他得为这扇窗户掏腰包,是他打破窗户的。
dig for v.+prep.

挖; 寻 find sth by digging

dig for sthThe miners were digging for gold.矿工们正在挖金子。
In those days we often went to dig for wild vegetables.那时候我们常常去挖野菜。dig sth for sb/oneselfThe invaders are digging graves for themselves.侵略者在自掘坟墓。
dig in v.+adv.

使确立牢固的地位 (cause to establish a secure position for oneself)

dig inThey dug in and waited for the enemy's attack.他们挖好壕沟,等候敌人进攻。
The soldiers were ordered to dig in.士兵们奉命挖掘壕沟。
They were attacked before they had time to dig in.他们还来不及挖战壕就受到了攻击。
The enemy scarcely had time to dig in before our assault was on.敌人还没有来得及挖好掩体,我们的进攻就开始了。dig oneself inOur soldiers have landed and are now digging themselves in.我们的战士已经登陆,现在正在挖战壕把自己隐蔽起来。
As soon as they had seized the enemy position, the infantry dug themselves in.步兵一拿下敌军阵地,立即掘壕固守。
The fighters steadily dug themselves in.战士们沉着地挖掘战壕。dig sth ⇔ inDig this chemical in and your crops will grow faster.把这种化学剂埋到地里庄稼就会长得更快。
The chemical fertilizer should be well dug in.化学肥料应该均匀地混入土壤中。dig inJohn dug in and finished his homework quickly.约翰开始认真地学习并很快就把家庭作业做完了。
Come on! Dig in before the food goes cold.来吧! 趁热快吃。
The boys dug in ravenously.男孩们开始狼吞虎咽地吃起来。
Don't stand on ceremony — dig in!别客气,开始吃吧!
Mother set the food on the table and told the children to dig in.妈妈将食品摆在餐桌上告诉孩子开始吃。dig in to sthThey dug in to the meal.他们大吃了一顿。
He sat down and at once dug in to his meal.他坐下来,立刻开始吃饭。
He dug in to a pie.他津津有味地吃馅饼。dig inThe more the boss tries to get rid of her, the more she digs in.老板越是想除掉她,她就越是拼命保住自己的地位。dig oneself inIf anyone is to be dismissed when the company falls on hard times, it won't be Jack; he's dug himself in too well.如果公司碰到困难时刻要裁员的话,那是裁不到杰克头上来的。他在公司里的地位是稳固的。
dig into v.+prep.

调查,刻苦钻研 investigate thoroughly

dig into sthHe dug into the ground to get something.他挖掘土地寻找东西。
It's very difficult to dig into the cliff.往石崖里挖是非常困难的。
Fingers like prongs of steel dug into his throat.钢叉似的指头掐住了他的喉管。
Their fists were clenched so tightly that their nails dug deep into their palms.他们紧握着拳头,指甲深深地捏进了手心。dig sth into sthThe child dug his fingers into the sand.小孩把手指插进沙里。
She dug her spoon into the pudding.她把勺子插入布丁。
He dug his elbow into my ribs.他用胳膊肘顶了一下我的肋部。dig into sthThe detectives are digging into this whole business.侦探们彻底地调查了整个事件。
The police are digging into the case.警察正在调查这个案子。
The young worker dug into Lu Hsun's works.这位青年工人钻研鲁迅的著作。
He spent several weeks digging into the problem.他花了几个星期深入研究这一问题。
They dug into Chinese history.他们深入研究了中国历史。
dig out v.+adv.

匆匆地离开 flee at full speed; depart hastily

dig sb/sth ⇔ outThe workmen dug out a deep channel for the water.工人们挖出一条深水沟。
They have dug out the foundations of the new houses.他们挖出了新房的地基。
He dug the stones out.他把石头都挖了出来。
The doctor had to dig the bullet out.医生必须把子弹取出。
The rescuers managed to dig out the trapped miners.救护人员设法挖出了困住的矿工。
What a miracle!The rescue-party dug out from underneath the debris an infant who was intact and still alive!真是个奇迹!救援队从废墟中挖出一个婴儿,他竟然还活着,而且毫发未伤。dig sb/sth out of/from sthThe injured men have been dug out of the snow.受伤人员从雪中被挖了出来。
Some people are still being dug out of the ruins of the building.人们仍在挖掘压在建筑物废墟里的一些人。
After the earthquake some survivors were dug out from underneath a tangle of fallen beams and debris.地震后,有些幸存者从塌下的房梁和瓦砾堆中被挖了出来。
Some gold coins were dug out from the ground.几枚金币从地下挖了出来。dig sth ⇔ outWhy did you dig out all these old magazines?你把这些旧杂志翻出来干什么?
Where did you dig out the old books?你从哪儿翻出这些旧书的?
Newspapermen are good at digging out information.记者们都很善于打听消息。
The truth was dug out.真相被揭露出来了。dig sth out of sb/sthWe must dig the truth out of him.我们一定要从他那里把事实真相查清楚。
Jack dug his sled out of the cellar.杰克从地窖中翻找出雪橇。
Quite a number of valuable details were dug out of libraries and archives by the group of researchers.这组研究人员从图书和档案资料中查找出相当一批有价值的详细资料。dig outShe didn't say where to go, just dug out.她没有讲要到哪儿去,只是匆匆地走了。
dig over v.+adv.

重新考虑 reconsider sth

dig up v.+adv.

筹集 make a money contribution

小学英语速记联想记忆:使劲dig挖成如此big大的坑故事记忆一只 Pig猪非常 Big大把洞 Dig挖非常记忆地沟⇒挖地沟近义词 shovelexcavatescoop outv. burrow反义词 bury埋葬
S+~+AShe went from place to place, and dug and weeded.她到处走,又挖土,又锄草。
Inspired by his example, thousands of people began to dig.在他的带动下,数以千计的人也挖起来了。
Digging deep, we found water.挖到深处,我们找到了水。
The negotiators have been instructed to dig in their toes on the last two major issues.谈判代表受命坚定自己的立场在两大问题上寸步不让。
S+~+ n./pron.I find this tool is a great help when I dig the garden.我发现在花园翻土时这件工具很有用。
It is difficult to dig the ground when it is frozen hard.地面冻硬时,不易挖掘。
They dug a hole.他们挖了一个坑。
With a spade her kid dug a pit on the sand.她的孩子用铲子在沙地上挖了一个坑。
They first dug a deep hole in the ground.他们先在地上挖了个深洞。
Last year they dug five channels.去年他们挖了五条水渠。
We are going to dig a second well next spring.我们打算明年春季再打一口井。
In addition to natural rivers, the Chinese working people have dug many canals.除了天然的河流之外,中国劳动人民还开挖了许多人工河流。
Many other animals dig tunnels in the earth.许多其他的动物则在地里挖地道。
They are digging sweet potatoes.他们在挖红薯。
Just now I saw him digging carrots in his garden.刚才我看见他在菜园里挖胡萝卜。
We'll start digging potatoes tomorrow.我们明天开始挖马铃薯。
Consequently,580 power-operated wells and some canals have been dug.结果挖了580口机井和几条水渠。
A tunnel was dug through the mountain to bring water from the river for irrigation.开凿了一条穿山隧道把江水引来灌溉。用作名词n.She gave me a dig in the ribs when she told a joke.她讲笑话时捅了我一下,要我注意。
John's falling asleep, just give him a dig!约翰要睡着了,捅他一下。
That last remark was a dig at me.最后那句话是为了挖苦我。
That is a dig at the Prime Minister.那是对首相的挖苦。
He tried to get in a few digs at you but I quietened him.他本想挖苦你几句,但被我劝住了。
They gave him a dig about his meanness.他们在挖苦他吝啬。
She never fails to get in a dig at me, if she has the chance.只要有机会,她就会插嘴挖苦我几句。
I'm going to have a dig at English.我要下决心钻研英语。Pgravediggern.挖墓者埋葬虫


dig的基本意思是用铁锹或类似工具破土挖到地面以下,可以是把土松动; 也可以是挖成洞穴或沟等; 还可以是把地下某物弄到地面上来,如挖土豆等。引申可以表示从隐蔽处拿出某物,或长期勤奋学习或研究。口语中还可以表示“挖苦”。


dig in或dig oneself in用于军事术语中可作“挖战壕”解。





用作动词Ten soldiers were told off todigditches.十名战士被分派去挖沟。
He was buried by an avalanche and had to bedugout.他遇雪崩被埋住了,得把他挖出来。
An old Greek statue wasdugup here last month.上个月在这儿挖出了一尊古希腊雕像。
The workmen broke up the pavement todigup the pipes under it.工人们把柏油路刨开,把埋在下面的管子掘了出来。
Be sure todigthe whole garden over before winter.在冬季来临前要把园子好好地翻一下。
Let us nowdiga little deeper into this theory.现在我们再深入的探究一下这个理论。用作名词She gave me a sharpdigin the ribs.轻轻的一戳就会使她禁不住要笑。
Thedigalso uncovered window glass and a knife made from bone.这次挖掘也发现了玻璃窗和骨制的刀。
He made a bigdigat his boastful brother.他狠狠挖苦他那个喜欢自吹自擂的兄弟。
She never fails to have adigat me if she has the chance.她一有机会就挖苦我。noun.insult
同义词 gibecrack,cut,innuendo,jeer,quip,slur,sneer,taunt,wisecrackcutting remark
反义词 compliment,praiseflatteryverb.delve into;hollow out
同义词 bore,bulldoze,burrow,clean,discover,dredge,drill,enter,excavate,exhume,go into,gouge,harvest,penetrate,scoop,search,shovel,sift,uncover,unearthchannel,deepen,depress,drive,grub,hoe,investigate,mine,pierce,pit,probe,produce,quarry,root,rout,sap,spade,till,tunnel,underminebreak up,concave,dig down,fork out,root out,scoop out,turn over
反义词 bury,cover,fillverb.thrust object into
同义词 gouge,poke,punch,sink,stickdrive,jab,jog,nudge,plunge,prod,ram,stabverb.investigate;discover
同义词 delve,find,go into,retrieve,search,sift,uncover,unearthexpose,extricate,inquire,probe,prospect,research,rootbring to light,come across,come up with,dig down,look into,search high and low,shake down,turn inside out,turn upside downverb.enjoy, like
同义词 appreciate,follow,groove,groove on,love,mind,relish,understandgo for
反义词 dislike,hate,scornverb.understand
同义词 catch,seeaccept,apprehend,comprehend,follow,grasp,recognize,taketake in
反义词 misunderstand,not get
addressverb devote effort to something
apply oneself to,attend to,concentrate on,devote oneself to,direct,engage in,focus on,give,go at,go for,hammer away,have a go at,have at,knuckle down to,peg away,pitch into,plug away at,take care of,take up,throw oneself into,try,turn,turn to,undertake
addressedverb devote effort to something
applied oneself to,attended to,concentrated on,devoted oneself to,directed,dug,engaged in,focused on,gave,had a go at,had at,hammered away,knuckled down to,pegged away,pitch into,plugged away at,threw oneself into,took care of,took up,tried,turned,turned to,undertook,went at,went for
addressesverb devote effort to something
applies oneself to,attends to,concentrates on,devotes oneself to,digs,directs,engages in,focuses on,gives,goes at,goes for,hammers away,has a go at,has at,knuckles down to,pegs away,pitch into,plugs away at,takes care of,takes up,throws oneself into,tries,turns,turns to,undertakes
adoreverb love intensely
admire,be crazy about,be gone on,be mad for,be nuts about,be serious about,be smitten with,be stuck on,be sweet on,be wild about,cherish,delight in,dig,dote on,esteem,exalt,fall for,flip over,glorify,go for,honor,idolize,prize,revere,reverence,treasure,venerate,worship
adoresverb love intensely
admires,be goes on,be smites with,be sticks on,cherishes,delight in,digs,dote on,esteems,exalts,falls for,flips over,glorifies,goes for,honors,idolizes,is crazy about,is mad for,is nuts about,is serious about,is sweet on,is wild about,prizes,reverences,reveres,treasures,venerates,worships
applyverb work hard
address,be diligent,be industrious,bear down,bend,buckle down,commit,concentrate,dedicate,devote,dig,direct,give,give all one's got,give best shot,give old college try,grind,hammer away,hit the ball,hustle,knuckle down,make effort,peg away,persevere,plug,pour it on,pull out all stops,scratch,study,sweat,throw,try,turn An interesting country to dig deeper into would be the Philippines, which some might not have even heard of, but in fact has a very Internet and mobile- savvy population.
值得深入挖掘的国家应该是菲律宾,也许很多人以前没有听说过它,事实上其拥有大量精通互联网和移动媒体的群体。 yeeyan

In those days we often went to dig for wild vegetables.

Another way to dig up fewer streets is to avoid unearthing cables for small repairs.
另一个减少开挖街道的方法是避免因为小型维修而掘出电缆。 yeeyan

But then thousands of horse stables were found in an archeological dig.
但是然后成千上万的骑兵马厩在一个考古的挖掘中被发现。 yeeyan

By then, my colleagues were trying to dig me out.
那时,我的同事们正在设法把我挖出来。 joyen

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
如果你想要的在地下,直到挖到它为止。 yeeyan

Lourey’s recollections led them to a location where they soon started to dig.
劳瑞的回忆把他们带到一个地方,他们很快开始了挖掘工作。 yeeyan

Men and boys, the educated and the uneducated, all come to the north to dig for gold.
无论男人还是男孩,受过教育和没有受过教育的,都跑到苏丹北方去挖黄金。 yeeyan

They began to dig into the hill.

They knew that I was down so deep that if they started to dig with shovels, they’d never reach me in time.
他们知道我被埋在地下很深的地方,如果一开始就用铲子挖,绝对没法及时把我挖出来。 joyen

This is a story about the people who dig.
这是一篇关于人们挖掘古物的报道。 hxen

We waited and waited while people continued to dig.
人们在挖掘的时候,我们就一直在等待。 yeeyan

We dig a hole, which is not easy, due to roots.
我们挖出了一个坑。由于地里到处是树根,这事并不容易。 yeeyan

When you dig deeper you steal what you unearth.
当你更深地挖掘,你便是“窃取”你所发掘的了。 yeeyan

Your design must be able to dig deep enough to provide everything your organization needs at this moment but be nimble enough to change course within hours.
您的设计必须能够足够深入地挖掘,以提供组织在此刻需要的所有信息,但是又要足够敏捷,以在数小时内改变航向。 ibm

Dig this kind of thing as much as we do?
尽我们的努力尽可能多的挖掘这类事物? yeeyan




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