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词汇 93
释义 93BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
ninety three,九十三
A Pew poll published this week finds that93% of Germans expect him to do the right thing in world affairs.
本周公布的佩尤民意调查显示,93%的德国人希望他在世界事务中做正确的事。 yeeyan

As Tom merged his E82 coupe onto I-93 and headed for his new condo in North Andover, it seemed unwise to have bought a car and house so soon.
汤姆启动了他的 E82轿车,驶上 I-93道路向北安多佛的新公寓而去,似乎此时这么快就买新车和新房子不太明智。 yeeyan

Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, on taking office, each replaced all93 US attorneys with ones they preferred.
罗纳得•里根和比尔•克林顿在各自任上分别将全美93个检察官换成了自己人。 ecocn

The gang set up their head-quarters at93, rue Lauriston, probably the most infamous address in Parisian history, the home of the gang that became known as the French Gestapo.
洛里斯顿大街93号或许是巴黎史上最为臭名昭著的地方,因为,这帮匪徒的老巢便设在那里,他们后来以“法国盖世太保”而闻名。 yeeyan

The lowest fertility rates were in April and May, with 1.92 and1.93 for each woman.
最低生育率出现在四月和五月,分别为平均每个育龄妇女生育1.92和1.93个孩子。 huanqiu

The program has completed93 test flights in 2010, three more than planned, the official said.

The survey found93 percent of people wanted to have a say in the new system before it takes effect.
调查发现,93%的人认为国家在实行新的休假方案前应听取民意。 ebigear

When the ground dug for Michelle Obama's vegetable garden at the White House was found to have some lead93 parts per million, ground crab shells were added to help neutralize the toxicity.
米歇尔·奥巴马用来开辟菜园的那块白宫土地中也曾发现有铅污染浓度为百万分之93,当时污染治理专家利用蟹壳掩埋中和了土壤中铅的毒性。 yeeyan

According to PwC, a consultancy,93% of shoppers say they have changed their behaviour as a result of the economic downturn.
通过普华永道律师事务所的调查,93%的消费者称他们会因为经济衰退改变自己的购买习惯。 ecocn

An SPF30 gives you30 times your natural protection, and deflects 97 percent of the sun's burning rays, whereas SPF15 deflects93 percent.
防晒因子30能让你比只依赖你的天然防护系统多呆30倍的时间,也就是阻挡97%的紫外线,而防晒因子15则能阻挡93%。 yeeyan

Figures from Reunite show that since 1995, the number of children abducted from Britain and taken to another country has risen by93%.
“团聚”机构的数据显示,以1995年数字为基准,现在被拐骗带离英国的儿童数目上升了93%。 yeeyan

Her country suffered 472 killings last year—close to 5% of all deaths. In1999 there were just93.
去年,她的故乡有472人被杀,几近于全国受害死亡率的5%.而1999年,该区域只有93人遇害。 ecocn

His true score of93%, Mr Lukashenka explained, would not have been acceptable to the European Union, so a few points were lopped off.
卢卡申科先生解释说,他真正的得票率为93%,但鉴于这一结果不会得到欧盟的承认,因此他砍掉了几个百分点。 ecocn

In years of El Niño, the researchers found, the annual risk of conflict in their93 tropical countries was 6%.
研究人员发现,在厄尔尼诺时期,93个热带国家的年度冲突风险为6%。 ecocn

In a country where93 percent of people believe in a personal God concerned about their well-being, only about40 percent of scientists in the U.S. are believers.
在美国只有40%的科学家是信教者,而在这个国家中高达93%的民众都相信自己有一个贴身呵护的个人守护神。 yeeyan

It is an alloy of tin93 percent, antimony5 percent, and copper2 percent. It's known for its smooth texture and silvery appearance.
是由93%的锡,5%的锑和2%的铜组成的一种合金材料,因其平滑纹理和银色外观而闻名。 yeeyan

It's based on an actual database of more than93,000 earthquakes that occurred worldwide over a period of years.
它基于一个地震数据库,其中包含一段时间内世界各地发生的93,000 多次地震的实际数据。 ibm

National average concentrations of lead in the air have fallen93% since1980, largely because of the phaseout of lead in gasoline, the EPA says.
自1980起,美国空气中铅平均浓度已下降了93%,主要缘于逐步停止在汽油中加入铅,环保署称。 yeeyan

Our oldest snowmobiler was93, and he was an excellent driver.
我们最老的雪地摩托手93岁,他是一个优秀的驾驶者。 yeeyan

The judge, aged75, will be flanked by a former general of86 and a former diplomat and lawyer of93.
法官本身就已75岁高龄,而辅佐他的两位助手分别是86岁的一位前任将军和93岁的一位前任外交官兼律师。 ecocn

The outcome was a93% endorsement of a controversial charter.
结果是,93%的人赞同了这部有争议的宪法。 ecocn

The service uses an actual database of more than93,000 earthquakes that occurred worldwide over a period of years.
这个服务采用一个实际的数据库,它包含在一段时间内在全世界发生的93,000 多次地震的记录。 ibm

We reduced resource costs by over93%!
我们减少的资源成本超过93%! ibm

Yes, this number used to be higher— it peaked at93 percent in 1980— but, clearly, marriage remains a part of most people’s lives.
是的,这个数字过去要高一些——1980年时达到一个顶峰93%,但是,很明显,结婚仍然是大多数人生活的一部分。 yeeyan




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