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词汇 air
释义 air 英eə美ɛrAHDâr ★★★★★小中高IT牛4研四COCA⁴¹⁷BNC⁴⁴⁴iWeb⁵⁰⁹Economist⁵³¹


the sky or space above the ground; atmosphere


the earth's atmosphere as the place where aircraft fly


music; tune; melody


appearance; manner


light wind

vt. & vi. 晾晒,烘干

dry clothing, bedding, etc. in the open air or in a warm place

vt. 使房间通风,换空气

cause to become fresh by letting in air

vt. 发表,倾诉,炫耀

make public opinions, complains, etc., especially in a noisy manner

vt. & vi. 播送,广播


a mixture of gases especially oxygen required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of;

air pollution

a smell of chemicals in the air

open a window and let in some air

I need some fresh air

the region above the ground;

her hand stopped in mid air

he threw the ball into the air

a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing;

an air of mystery

the house had a neglected air

an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters

the place had an aura of romance

a slight wind usually refreshing;

the breeze was cooled by the lake

as he waited he could feel the air on his neck

the mass of air surrounding the Earth;

there was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere

it was exposed to the air

once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe Empedoclesa succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence;

she was humming an air from Beethoven

medium for radio and television broadcasting;

the program was on the air from 9 til midnight

the president used the airwaves to take his message to the people

travel via aircraft;

air travel involves too much waiting in airports

if you've time to spare go by air

expose to fresh air;

aerate your old sneakers

be broadcast;

This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M.

broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television;

We cannot air this X-rated song

make public;

She aired her opinions on welfare

expose to warm or heated air, so as to dry;

Air linen

expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen;

air the old winter clothes

air out the smoke-filled rooms


❌ Don't put on airs to me!

✔️ Don't put on airs with me!

表示“对…摆架子”时, put on airs后面用介词with,不用to。


❌ He by air to Taiyuan.

✔️ He came to Taiyuan by air.

by air是介词短语,不可用作谓语。

in the air, in the open air, on the air

in the air是“在空中”“不定的”“散布的”“无掩护的”“在众人心中的”“可感觉到的”等意思; in the open air是“在户外”的意思; on the air是“广播”的意思。

in air, in the air

in air的意思是“在空气中”,而in the air的意思是“在空中,计划悬而未决; 谣言等流行”。

take air, take the air, take to the air

take air的意思是“事情或消息传开”; 而take the air的意思是“到户外散步,呼吸新鲜空气”; take to the air的意思则是“乘飞机或当飞行员”。

air, look


1.air所表达的表情往往是虚假的; 而look则是真实的。例如:


The accused spoke about it with an air of secrecy.是装出来的

The accused spoke about it with a look of secrecy.是真情的流露


Judy always gives himself airs.朱迪常摆架子表示抽象概念。

air, manner





His manner is always formal.他的态度总是郑重其事的。
He was a man of suave and courteous manners.他是一个态度和蔼而有礼貌的人。
She has an air of languor about her.她总是一副无精打采的样子。in the air, in the sky

二者有所区别:in the air指在离地球较近的“天空”; 而in the sky指在离地球较远的“天空”。例如:

A bird is flying in the air.有一只鸟在天上飞。
There is no cloud in the sky.天空没有一丝云彩。
air, broach, express, utter, vent, voice


express含义最广,可指口头、笔头或用其他任何方式表达思想、感情、经历、构思或个性; air指宣扬某人的看法,希望引起公众的注意或获得同情; broach强调首次提出,尤指经过深思熟虑之后或等待辩论; vent强调无法控制地发泄或吐露强烈感情; voice专指用言语强有力地表达出一个人的思想、意见或感情; utter指突然发出某种强烈的声音。例如:

I can't express it properly.我不能恰当地把它表达出来。
He is ready to air his views to anyone.他乐于向人发表他的观点。
At last he broached the subject of the new contract to them.最后他向他们提出新合同的问题。
The wounded man uttered a groan.那受伤的人发出痛苦的呻吟。
He had had a bad day at work and vented his anger on his family.他整天不顺心,便拿家里人出气。
The chairman encouraged us all to voice our opinions.主席鼓励我们发表自己的意见。air, advocate, agitate for, preach

这组词语都有“鼓吹”的意思。其区别在于:preach指认为正当或有价值而极力主张; advocate指公开宣扬一种计划或主张; agitate for则指公开极力宣扬或强烈反对某些政治或社会变革; 而air则指大声宣扬自己的思想、观点或抱怨等。











用作名词 n.
动词+~accompany air伴奏admit air放进空气adopt air采纳态度affect air佯装神气arrange air改写乐曲change air换空气clear air使空气新鲜communicate air换空气compose air作曲condition air调节空气cool air使空气凉爽drink air吸气expel air排出气体get the air被解散infect air传染空气inject air注入空气load air装满空气play air演奏曲子purge air清除空气污浊rule air支配空中sing air唱,歌颂split air分裂气势spoil air弹坏了曲调stir air使气氛激动sweep air掠过空中take air事情传开whistle air用口哨吹曲调win the air赢得控制权形容词+~atmospheric air大气blue air沮丧,忧虑的神情chilly air寒冷的空气cloudless air晴朗的天空,无忧愁cheerful air喜悦神色cold air冷空气cool air凉爽的空气comfortable air舒服的空气conditioned air调节的空气damp air潮湿的空气darkened air阴沉的空气dusky air昏暗的天空flower-fragrant air充满花香的空气foggy air有浓雾的天气free air自由的神情fresh air新鲜空气frosty air寒冷的空气greedy air贪婪的神情healthful air有益健康的空气heaven-high air卓越,超绝的神气heavy air阴沉,多云的天空lifeless air无生命空气liquid air液态空气lofty air傲慢态度mild air温和的空气mineral air含矿物质的空气misty air有雾的空气moist air潮湿的空气pale air苍白的神情pleasant air愉悦的神态polluted air污染的空气raw air阴寒的空气salt air咸味空气sharp air严寒的〔凛冽的〕空气smoke-saturated air烟雾弥漫的天空spiced air有香气的空气starry air多星夜空thin air稀薄的空气vacant air空虚,茫然的表情delightful air欢乐的歌light air轻音乐lilting air节奏轻快的曲调lively airs欢快的曲子memorable air难忘的曲调patriotic air爱国曲调persistent air固执的语气plaintive air哀怨的曲调popular airs流行歌曲stirring air动人的旋律warm air热烈气氛wizard air令人着魔的调子〔声调〕名词+~country air乡村空气mountain air山间空气night air夜间空气holiday air节日气氛~+名词air action空战air age航空时代air alarm空袭警报air arm空军air attack空袭air battle空战air blower鼓风机air bombardment轰炸air brick空心砖air bridge空运线air burst空中爆炸air bus空中巴士,大型客机air cargo空运货物air carrier空运机air castle空中楼阁air cleaner空气清洁器air conditioner空气调节器air cooler空气冷却器air cover空中掩护air craftsman空军士兵air crew机组人员air current气流air distance行距air drain通气管,通气沟air drop空投air engine心机air express空运包裹air field机场air fight空战air fleet机群air flight航空小队air force空军air gas瓦斯air guard空中警卫air gun气枪air hammer气锤air head空降场air hop超短程空中旅行air jet空气喷嘴air letter航空信air lift空中补给air line航空公司,航线air liner客机air load气动力负荷air lock阻隔室air mail航空邮件air map由空中摄影制成的地图air park小机场air passenger空中乘客air pipe通风管air plant气生植物air police空中宪兵air pollution空气污染air post航空邮件air power空中力量air pressure气压air raid空袭air rifle气枪air service航空队air show航空表演air sickness晕机air space领空; 空域air station航空维修站air stop直升机航空站air support空中支援air survey空中地型测量air train空中列车air travel空中旅行air vehicle空中运载工具air war空战air way通风孔air well通风井~+后置定语air conditioned装有空调的air cooled用冷气调节的air driven由压缩空气推动的air proof密不透气的,不通气的air sick晕机的air tight不透气的air wise富有航空经验的air worthy飞机适于安全飞行标准的,适宜航空的介词+~by air乘飞机,用无线电go by air乘飞机去bask in air沐浴在空气中build in air建于空气中dance in air在空气中飘动in the air在空中,未决定blow into air给…充气disappear into thin air不留痕迹地消失了melt into air与空气融为一体mount into air登高入空中a breath of air一阵微风off the air停止广播live on air靠西北风过活on the air广播,正在播音bore through air挤入空气draw up with air靠近,靠拢的表情address with air讲话的神态mix with air与空气相混合~+介词air of importance了不起的样子put air in给 …充气give airs to装腔作势fill the air with空气中装满香味用作动词 v.~+名词air bedclothes晒床单air clothing晒衣服air grievance发牢骚air one's arrogance摆出高傲的架子air one's opinion发表个人的意见~+副词air out通通风,透透空气,晾一晾
用作名词n.airs and graces

做作的姿态,装腔作势 affectation

as free as the air

自由自在 happy-go-luck

beat the air

徒劳,白费气力 waste

build castles in the air

做白日梦,不能实现的希望,计划等 day-dream hopes, plans that are unlikely to be realized

by air

乘飞机; 航空邮寄信件( in an aircraft)

clear the air

换气 make the air in a place fresh by opening a window

give air to

阐明,详细解释 state or explain in detail

give oneself airs

盛气凌人,神气活现 act proud; act vain

go up in the air

十分恼火 become very angry

hang in the air

悬而未决 leave undecided or unsettled

hot air

夸夸其谈 bluster

in the air

悬而未决,没充分计划好; (谣言等)传开,散布开; 流行开 (of stories, rumours etc. spreading not fully planned, uncertain)

in the open air

在户外 outside

off the air

停止广播 not engaged in broadcasting

on the air

广播 broadcasting

out of thin air

无中生有,突然出现 out of nowhere; out of nothing visible

put on airs

装腔作势,摆架子 behave in an unnatural way in the hope of impressing people

take air

为众人所知,被传扬 spread about among people; become known

take in the air

到户外散步,户外透透气 go outdoors; take a walk or ride

vanish into thin air

无影无踪,化为乌有 disappear

walk〔tread〕 on air

喜气洋洋,兴高采烈 be very gay or pleased

air out v.+adv.

通通风,透透空气 freshen (a room by letting air move through it)

air sb/sth ⇔ outIt's so stale in here, Mary, please open the window and air this place out.这里的气味太不好了。玛丽,请打开一扇窗子,让这个地方透透空气。故事记忆皮肤很 Fair白皙有头好 Hair头发踩一把 Chair椅子开窗通 Air空气摔到了 Stair楼梯上把椅子 Repair修理修不好 Despair失望再去买 Pair一双故事记忆天气 Fair转晴公平凉爽 Air空气吹拂 Hair头发非常记忆ai矮〖拼音〗+r草〖编码〗⇒矮人用小草制造空气小学英语速记联想记忆:hair头发在air空中飘扬近义词 lookexposerevealmannerdisplayattitudepublicizeventilatecharacterv. aerateappearancewindn. atmosphere反义词 hidecover upv. conceal
用作名词n.The air is chilly.这空气寒冷。
The air of the hills is very pleasant.这山里的空气非常凉爽。
The air is now at its hottest.空气正热。
We breathe air.我们呼吸空气。
Let's go out and have some fresh air.我们出去呼吸点新鲜空气吧。
The air was heavy with perfume of the flowers.空气中有浓郁的花香。
Many birds are flying in the air.许多鸟儿在空中飞翔。
I saw something flowing in the air.我看见有什么东西在空中飘动。
There is an air of sadness in the village.村子里气氛悲哀。
The air was heavy between us.我们之间气氛沉闷。
He has a proud air.他神情傲慢。
He has the air of a scholar.他有一种学者风度。
He has an air of importance.他摆出了一副煞有介事的神态。
They were displeased with her haughty airs.他们讨厌她高傲的派头。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe straw mattresses are airing there.草褥子正在那里晾着。
The programme airs daily.本节目每天广播。
S+~+ n./pron.We air the room by opening the window.我们打开窗子让屋子通风。
The big window had been opened to air the room.大窗户被打开让房间换空气。
He hadn't wish to air the matter.他不希望把此事传开。
They were tired of the doctor airing his knowledge.他们讨厌这个炫耀知识的医生。
He aired his notions at a public meeting in a newspaper.开会时他在报纸上陈述了他的观点。
He spoke on the radio, airing his views to the nation.他在广播里对全国发表观点。
She is not the kind of person one can introduce into company; she is too fond of airing her opinions.她不是那种可以引以为友的人,她太爱发表议论了。
The ladies now have an opportunity to air their indignation.女士们现在有机会表明她们的义愤。
Don't air your troubles too often.别老是诉说你的烦恼。
The dormitory was aired in the morning.宿舍早上通风。
The mattress needs to be aired.垫子需要晾晒。
The grievances were aired in Parliament last week.冤情上星期在议会陈述了。
There his weekly broadcasts were aired from the 1920s until he was silenced by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church.自二十世纪二十年代起他每周广播直到被罗马教廷的等级制度禁止。Pair-bag气袋Pair-feed送气Pair-flow气流Pair-tube气管Pairbag空气囊Pair-slake潮解Pairboatn.气艇Pairglown.气辉Pair-pocket气囊Pair-shed空气域Pairbrushn.喷枪Pairbus空中客车Pairforcen.空军Pairframen.机身Pairlandvt.机降Pairplanen.飞机Pairspeedn.空速Pmidairn.半空中Pair-chamber气室Pair-cushion气垫Pair-dropvt.空投Pair-lockvt.堵住Pair-proof气密的Pair-stove热风炉Paircrewn.空勤组Pairheadn.空降物Pairportn.飞机场Pairsicka.晕机的Pairstreamn.气流Pair-feeder送气机Pair-freezing气冻Pair-hunger空气饥Pair-pressure气压Paircleaner净气机Pairfieldn.飞机场Pairscapen.空瞰图Pair-bedn.空气床垫Pair-dried风干了的Pair-painter喷漆器Pairbasen.空军基地Pairdent气磨洞形器Pairmailn.航空邮件Pairshipn.飞艇飞船Pairsicknessn.晕机Pairwaven.电波波道Pairwaysn.航空公司Pair-cure空气硫化法Pair-grounda.陆空的Pair-operated气动的Pair-sickness航空晕Pairburstn.空中爆炸Pairingn.晾通风兜风Pairspacen.空域空间Pairstripn.飞机跑道Pground-aira.陆空的Pland-aira.地对空的Pair-borne空气传播的Pair-coolvt.空气冷却Pairator松砂机充气器Pairfoiln.机翼方向舱Pair-cooling空气冷却Pair-slaked空气消和的Pair-swallowing吞气症Pair-tester大气碳酸计Paircraftn.航空器飞机Pairdromen.飞机场机场Pairdropn.空投vt.空投Pairhostessn.空中小姐Pairsn.装腔作势摆架子Pairscrewn.空气螺旋桨Pairwayn.空中航线风道Pantiaircrafta.防空的Pairtightnessn.密封性Pair-heating空气加温法Pairconditioningn.空调Pairometer风速计气流计Pairworthinessn.适航性Paircraftmann.空军士兵Pairilyad.轻盈地快活地Pair-conduction空气传导Pair-conductivity透气性Pair-dryvt.晾干a.晾干的Pair-fluen.气道风道烟道Paircondenser空气电容器Pairmann.飞行员空军士兵Pair-coolern.空气冷却器Pairfreightern.货运飞机Pairlinern.班机大型客机Pair-conditionern.空调器Pair-injection空气注射法Pairflown.空气的流动气流Pairlockn.气塞气闸气密舱Pairparkn.小型民用飞机场Pairstopn.直升飞机航空站Pair-conditioning空气调节airP-to-aira.空对空的Phydro-airplanen.水上飞机Pairlessa.无空气的不通风的Pairwomann.女飞行员空中女兵Pair-cooled空气冷却式气冷式Plighter-than-aira.轻于空气的Popen-aira.户外的野外的露天的Pairmanshipn.飞行技术导航技术Pair-setting空气凝固法常温自硬Pairinessn.通风轻快轻浮虚无缥渺Pair-conditioneda.备有空调设备的Pair-tight不透气的气密的不漏气的Pairlinen.航线航线的设备航空公司Pairworthya.飞行性能好的适宜航空的Pairtighta.气密的不透气的无懈可击的Pairya.空气的通风的轻率的无忧无虑的Pair-mindeda.热心航空的爱搭飞机旅行的Pair-conditionvt.设以空调设备用空调调节Pairbornea.升空的空运的空中传播的空降的Pairliftn.空运空中补给线空运物资vt.空运Pair-maila.航空邮政的vt.航空邮寄n.航空邮件Pairproofa.不透气的气密的vt.使不透气使气密airPy-fairya.体态轻盈如仙子般的空想出来的Pairfreightn.货物空运空运货物货物空运费vt.空运


air的基本意思是“空气,空中,天空”,引申可表示“飞行,散步”等。air作物质名词泛指“空气”时,不可数,不用冠词; 指某种具体的“气”或“天空”时用冠词。





air用作动词的基本意思是“晾,晒,吹”,指在通风暖和处晾〔晒,吹〕衣服、被子等。引申可作“炫耀; 诉说”解,指炫耀〔诉说〕自己的想法或苦衷。



指“空气”时,air前通常不加the,只在the air we breathe等表达中才用the。特指“空中”时,air前加the, 而by air不用the。

We can now travel by air.句中的by若改成through,则该加the。

take air指“传开”,take the air指“到户外”,take to the air指“开始飞行”,in the air指“在空中”,而in the open air指“户外,露天”。

Many birds are flying in the air.I am going out for a walk in the open air.

air指“天空”时,要注意与sky的区别,像句子The moon is in the air就是错误的,air应该替换成sky;

on the air和over the air是固定搭配词组,指“无线电广播”。

She is on/over the air.她正在广播。
用作名词The freshairin the morning made him feel glad.早晨的新鲜空气使他觉得愉快。
There is a bird flying through theair.一只小鸟从天空飞过。
The archers sent their shafts through theair.弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
There was anairof excitement at the meeting.开会时气氛显得有些兴奋。
There is anairof abstraction in her face.她脸上带着一种心不在焉的神态。
He played a delightfulairon his flute.他用笛子吹奏了一支欢快的曲调。
You will lose friends if you put onairs.你如果装腔作势,就会失去朋友。用作动词You shouldairthe clothes to get the damp out.你应该把衣服晾一下去去潮气。
The doctor recommended him toairthe room.医生建议他打扫房间。
We need toairout the smoke-filled rooms.我们得把满是烟味的房间通通风。noun.gases forming the atmosphere
同义词 atmosphere,breeze,windblast,draft,heavens,ozone,puff,sky,stratosphere,troposphere,ventilation,waft,whiff,zephyrbreathnoun.distinctive quality or character;style
同义词 atmosphere,aura,effect,feeling,flavor,look,mood,quality,toneaddress,affectation,ambience,appearance,bearing,comportment,demeanor,deportment,feel,impression,manner,mannerism,mien,pose,presence,property,semblancenoun.musical tune
同义词 aria,descant,lay,melody,song,strain,themeverb.put into the atmosphere;freshen
同义词 circulate,openaerate,aerify,air-condition,cool,expose,fan,oxygenate,purify,refresh, opinion publicly
同义词 broadcast,circulate,communicate,declare,disclose,display,publicize,publish,put,reveal,speak,telldisseminate,divulge,exhibit,expose,proclaim,state,utter,ventilate,voicemake known,make public
affectationnoun pretended behavior to make an impression
airs,appearance,artificiality,facade,false front,front,going Hollywood,imitation,insincerity,mannerism,pose,pretense,pretension,pretentiousness,put on,putting on airs,sham,show,showing off,simulation
affectednessnoun affectation
appearancenoun outward aspect, characteristic
aspectnoun visible feature
aspectsnoun visible feature
atmospherenoun general feeling or mood
air,ambience,aura,background,character,climate,color,environment,feel,feeling,flavor,impression,local color,medium,mood,place,property,quality,scene,semblance,sense,space,spirit,surroundings,taste,tone




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