deprive of by deceit;He swindled me out of my inheritance
She defrauded the customers who trusted her
the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change
manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination;She played nervously with her wedding ring
Don't fiddle with the screws
He played with the idea of running for the Senate
diddle someone out of从某人骗去……diddle away浪费时间
近义词 play玩gyp骗局con骗局scam骗局bunco骗局mulct罚金rook白嘴鸦defraud诈骗swindle诈骗fiddle小提琴goldbrick偷懒hornswoggle 骗victimize使牺牲GIP综合情报计划联合国…short-change(给顾客少找钱…nobble暗中破坏使(…toy玩具
I've beendiddled! Half of these tomatoes are bad!我上当了! 这些番茄一半是坏的!
Keep an eye on Tom, he'lldiddleyou if he gets the chance.提防汤姆;他一有机会就会欺骗你。
They'vediddledme out of the rent!他们骗去了我的租金!
I'm not much of a musician. I just like todiddlearound.我还不是个音乐家,我只不过喜欢玩弄乐器。