

单词 diddle
释义 diddle 英ˈdɪdl美ˈdɪdļAHDdĭdʹl ☆☆☆☆☆高八COCA⁶⁵⁹³⁰BNC⁴⁸³³¹iWeb⁴⁵⁰¹⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
deprive of by deceit;

He swindled me out of my inheritance

She defrauded the customers who trusted her

the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change

manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination;

She played nervously with her wedding ring

Don't fiddle with the screws

He played with the idea of running for the Senate

来自英语方言diddle, 摇摆,蹒跚。引申诸多不相关的词义,如欺骗,浪费时间,游荡等。可能最终词源同dawdle, doodle, doodle, totter, toddle.diddle someone out of从某人骗去……diddle away浪费时间
近义词 play玩gyp骗局con骗局scam骗局bunco骗局mulct罚金rook白嘴鸦defraud诈骗swindle诈骗fiddle小提琴goldbrick偷懒hornswoggle 骗victimize使牺牲GIP综合情报计划联合国…short-change(给顾客少找钱…nobble暗中破坏使(…toy玩具

I've beendiddled! Half of these tomatoes are bad!我上当了! 这些番茄一半是坏的!
Keep an eye on Tom, he'lldiddleyou if he gets the chance.提防汤姆;他一有机会就会欺骗你。
They'vediddledme out of the rent!他们骗去了我的租金!
I'm not much of a musician. I just like todiddlearound.我还不是个音乐家,我只不过喜欢玩弄乐器。verb.loiter
同义词 dally,dawdle,diddle-daddle,loiter,tarry
反义词 hurryverb.cheat
同义词 deceive,fool,gyp,hoax,swindle,trick
cheatverb defraud, fool
bamboozle,beat,beguile,bilk,bleed,bunco,burn,caboodle,chisel,con,cozen,crib,cross,deceive,defraud,delude,do,do a number on,double-cross,double-deal,dupe,fast talk,finagle,fleece,flimflam,fudge,give bum steer,gouge,gyp,hoodwink,hose,jerk around,milk,mislead,pull one's leg,ream,rip off,rook,rope in,sandbag,scam,screw,shaft,short,shuck,skin,snow,stiff,sucker,swindle,take,take for a ride,take in,take out,trick,trim,two-time,victimize
conniveverb plot, scheme
angle,be in cahoots with,cabal,cogitate,collude,conspire,contrive,cook up,devise,diddle,finagle,frame,frame up,intrigue,machinate,operate,promote,wangle,work hand in glove
flimflamverb deceive, swindle
bilk,burn,cheat,chisel,con,defraud,diddle,dupe,fleece,fool,gull,gyp,hose,pull a fast one,rip off,rook,sandbag,scam,shaft,steal,take for a ride,trick
foolverb trick, mislead
bamboozle,bluff,cheat,chicane,con,deceive,delude,diddle,dupe,fake out,flimflam,fox,gull,hoax,hoodwink,jive,juke,kid,lead on,make believe,outfox,play a trick on,play-act,pretend,put on,put one over on,scam,snow,spoof,suck in,take in,trifle
foolsverb trick, mislead
bamboozles,bluffs,cheats,chicanes,cons,deceives,deludes,diddles,dupes,fakes out,flimflams,foxes,gulls,hoaxes,hoodwinks,jives,jukes,kids,leads on,make believes,outfoxes,play-acts,plays a trick on,pretends,puts on,puts one over on,scams,snows,spoofs,sucks in,takes in,trifles
goof offverb avoid work
bum around,coast,diddle,dog it,doodle,drag one's feet,featherbed,fiddle around,fluff off,fool around,hang around,hang out,horse around,lollygag,mess around,monkey around,putz around,screw off,shirk,slack,take it easy Keep an eye on Tom, he'll diddle you if he gets the chance.
提防汤姆;他一有机会就会欺骗你。 hotdic

Don't diddle away your time.

I do not want to use honey- tongued diddle your pure heart;
我不想用甜言蜜语骗取你纯洁的心; google-web

I'm not much of a musician. I just like to diddle around.

Let's diddle the data line to read “ October1,1999” instead of“10/1/99.”
让我们把数据图上的日期写法由“10/1/99”改为“ October1,1999”。《21世纪大英汉词典》

They'll diddle you out of your last penny if you give them the chance.
如果你给他们机会,他们就会把你骗得一分不剩。 blog.sina.com.cn

Diddle the switch see if the light comes on.




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