

单词 dictate
释义 dic·tate 英ˈdɪkˌteɪt, dɪkˈteɪt美ˈdɪkˌtet, dɪkˈtetAHDdĭkʹtāt', dĭk-tātʹ ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝46八COCA⁶⁸⁵⁰BNC¹⁴⁸⁵³iWeb⁶⁰³²Economist¹²⁵⁰⁰

vt. & vi. 大声讲或读; 口授

say or read aloud words to be written down by another or others

vt. & vi. 指示; 指定; 指令

state with the force of authority; command; decree; prescribe


an order which should be obeyed

an authoritative rulea guiding principle;

the dictates of reason

issue commands or orders forsay out loud for the purpose of recording;

He dictated a report to his secretary

rule as a dictator词根词缀: -dict-说,讲 + -ate动词词尾
用作动词 v.
~+名词dictate condition提出条件dictate demands提出要求dictate a letter口述一封信dictate a matter口述一件事dictate an order口头传达一个命令~+副词dictate amiably和蔼地口授dictate definitely明确地指示dictate personally攻击性地宣读dictate reasonably明智地宣称dictate viciously带有胜利地大声宣读~+介词dictate by受…的指使dictate to向…口授
dictate to v.+prep.

依仗权势把…强加于 enforce (sth over which one has power on)

dictate to sbHow fast do you dictate to your secretary?你向你的秘书口述的速度有多快?
Don't go home yet,I have three letters to dictate to you.先不要回家,我有三封信向你口述。dictate sth to sbHe dictated a letter to his secretary.他向秘书口授信稿。
The teacher dictated a passage to the class.老师让全班同学听写这篇文章。dictate to sbThat boy always tries to dictate to his friends when they play together.那男孩和朋友一起玩耍时总想支配他们。
Don't try to dictate to children, they will obey you better if you ask them politely.不要对孩子们发号施令,你如果礼貌地要求他们,他们会更听话的。
No person of a strong character likes to be dictated to.没有一个个性强的人愿受人使唤。
He refused to be dictated to.他不想受别人的支配。dictate to sb/sthThe unions are hardly in a position to dictate to the Labour Party.联盟很难达成一致来支配工党。dictate sth to sb/sthYou should be able to dictate the terms of the agreement to the firm which you are buying.你应该能够使你要买下的商行接受协议的条款。dictate to sb wh-clauseThe government tried to dictate to people how they should spend their money.政府试图将消费方式强加于人民。dictate to sb wh-to-vNo one is going to dictate to me where to live!谁也不能命令我非住哪不可!钱博士dic说,指示+t反复动词后缀+ate动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词和名词后缀→反复说,反复指示→命令,口述,听写⇒用作名词规定,原则
GRE红宝书dict讲话, 命令; 参: abdicatev 退位; 放弃
dict 说,字;dictionary 字典,词典,学单词看字典就是把字,词说写出来
dict讲话,命令+at e→命令;
dic说,指示+t反复动词后缀-ate…的动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词和名词后缀→反复说,反复指示→命令,口述,听写⇒用作名词规定,原则。故事记忆现在我来 Dictate口述快买那片 Estate地产决不能再 Hesitate犹豫对手会把我们 Imitate模仿非常记忆di弟〖拼音〗+ct餐厅〖拼音〗+ate吃〖熟词〗⇒命令弟弟在餐厅吃东西词根记忆dict讲话;命令+ ate ⇒命令词根记忆dict+ate说话=口授,命令词根记忆dict说话+ate做→口授词根记忆dict说话+ate做→口授词根记忆dict—say ate 动词后缀近义词v. & n. command反义词 obey服从submit使服从
S+~+AThe teacher was dictating.老师在进行听写。
He cannot write but he can dictate.他不会写,但可以口述。
S+~+ n./pron.She dictated the matter.她口述了这件事。
It took him a long time to dictate this letter.口述这封信花了他很长时间。
Businessmen often dictate their letters.商人常口授信稿令人笔录。
The victorious nation dictated the conditions of peace.战胜国提出了和平条件。
We're now in a position to dictate our own demands.现在,我们有资格提出我们的要求。S+~+wh-clauseThey dictated how everything should be done.他们专横地规定各种事物应如何处理。用作名词n.He always follows the dictates of common sense.他总是按常识行事。
He seldom yielded to the dictates of the heart.他难得按心愿办事。
She always obeys the dictates of fashion.她总是按流行式样更换服饰。




用作不及物动词The teacherdictateda passage to the class.老师给全班同学听写一段文章。用作及物动词He wasdictatinga letter to his secretary.他在向秘书口授信稿。
He can't write but he candictate.他不会写但会说。
Businessmen oftendictatetheir letters.商人常口授信稿令人笔录。
You can'tdictateto people how they should live.不能强行规定人们应该怎样生活。用作名词If I had the dictatorial power in a dictatorship, I willdictatethose IT be kept in detention for appearing too pretentious.我假如拥有独裁政治的专断权,我会命令把她关起来,罪名是外表炫耀做作。
Don'tdictateto me to do that.别命令我去做那件事。
It belongs to me todictateto them.我有指挥他们的权责。noun.command;rule
同义词 edict,preceptbehest,bidding,code,decree,dictum,direction,fiat,injunction,law,mandate,order,ordinance,principle,requirement,statute,ultimatum,word
反义词 answer,lawlessness,questionrequestverb.command;give instructions
同义词 govern,guide,impose,lay down,prescribebid,bulldoze,charge,control,decree,direct,enjoin,instruct,lead,manage,ordain,order,pronounce,regiment,rule,setcall the play,call the shots,call the tune,lay down the law,put foot down,read the riot act,take the reins,walk heavy
反义词 disallow,mismanageask,implore,requestverb.read out for the record
同义词 speakcompose,deliver,emit,formulate,interview,orate,say,talk,transmit,utter,verbalizedraft correspondence,give account,give forth,prepare draft
反义词 conceal,refrain,withholdask,implore,request
behestnoun order;personal decree
bidding,charge,command,commandment,demand,direction,expressed desire,injunction,instruction,mandate,order,precept,prompting,request,solicitation,wish,word
biddingnoun command
canonnoun rule, edict
chargenoun command
commandnoun directive, instruction
commandverb rule, have power
administer,boss,charge,check,coach,coerce,compel,conduct,conquer,constrain,control,curb,determine,dictate,direct,dominate,domineer,exact,exercise power,force,govern,guide,have authority,head,hinder,hold office,influence,lead,manage,officiate,oppress,overbear,override,predominate,prescribe,preside over,prevail,push,regulate,reign,reign over,repress,restrain,run,stop,subdue,superintend,supervise,sway,take over,tyrannize,wield The age of any further cases will dictate the target age groups for the two subsequent NIDs.
任何进一步病例的年龄将为今后两次国家免疫日指示目标年龄组。 who

The future should dictate some type of return on every dollar we invest in any venture.
在任何风险投资的每一美元未来都会要求得到回报。 yeeyan

America, emboldened by its latest victory, can dictate to Israel as it could not before.
美国在其最新的胜利鼓舞下,可以支配以色列,而之前它不能做到。 ecocn

Because JSF cannot change the course of action after beginning to render the response, some inherent limitations dictate when these exceptions can be handled.
由于在开始呈现响应之后, JSF不能改变动作的过程,一些固有的限制规定了何时才能处理这些异常。 ibm

Don't let statistics and the results of your friends and family dictate where you go.
不要让统计数据和朋友及家人的结果指示你去哪。 yeeyan

Gaia, even though we are a part of her, will always dictate the terms of peace.
即使我们是她的一部分,该亚也将永远支配着平静的条件。 yeeyan

I don't let this list dictate my life or determine what I have to do for the day.
我不会让这些工作清单来支配我的生活或者决定我这一天要做什么事情。 yeeyan

I try not to dictate it, not to play God.
我试着不去指挥它,不扮演高高在上的神的角色。 yeeyan

If people could just dictate the kind of country they had, what would it be?
如果人们可以自己管理命令自己的国家,他们希望它变成什么样子? yeeyan

That means Britain and France will continue to dictate the terms of European military engagement.
这意味着英国和法国将继续支配着欧洲的军事介入的具体条款。 yeeyan

The authorities should also place more emphasis on using interest rates to dictate monetary policy, rather than instructions to the banks on how much to lend, he said.
他表示,有关部门还应当更加注重用利率来支配货币政策,而不是在放贷多少的问题上向银行发出指示。 iciba

These connection parameters dictate the nature of the connections returned from the factory.
这些连接参数指示工厂返回的连接的性质。 ibm

These limits dictate how we configure each of the memory pools in the database shared memory set.
这些限制规定了我们该如何配置数据库共享内存集中的每个内存池。 ibm

Why does money dictate our passion or in most cases, kill it?
为什么金钱就支配了我们的热情,大多数情况是扼杀了热情? yeeyan




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