

单词 dicing
释义 dic·ing 英'daɪsɪŋ美'daɪsɪŋ COCA⁷¹⁶²⁵BNC⁶¹⁸⁰⁶
动词 dice:
cut into cubesplay dicedice骰子dicing cutter小块切割机dicing machine方粒切制机
as in.mince
同义词 crumble,grindchip,cut,dice,divide,hack,hash,whack
反义词 reveal,tell allas in.bet
同义词 pony up,speculate,wagerante,chance,dice,game,hazard,pledge,put,risk,set,trust,venturebuy in on,lay down,lay odds,play against,play for,play the ponies,put money on,tempt fortune,toss up
反义词 displace,removeas in.chop
同义词 cleave,cube,divide,hack,mince,slash,whackaxe,clip,dice,fell,fragment,hackle,hash,hew,lop,mangle,sever,shear,truncate
反义词 join,unite,lengthenas in.cut
同义词 carve,divide,rip,slash,sliceamputate,behead,bisect,bite,chine,chip,chisel,cleave,clip,crop,curtail,dice,dispatch,dissect,dissever,facet,fell,flitch,gash,guillotine,hack,hash,hew,intersect,lacerate,level,lop,massacre,mince,mow,nick,notch,part,penetrate,perforate,pierce,prune,puncture,quarter,rabbet,raze,reap,rend,rive,saber,saw,scarify,scissor,score,scythe,separate,shear,sickle,shave,slaughter,slay,slit,sliver,sniplay open,mow down,skive
反义词 combine,unite,close,connect,join,mendas in.cut up
同义词 carve,dice,divide,slice
反义词 be serious The balls were up in the air: water slowly coming to a boil on the stove, meat seasoned on a plate sitting on the butcher block. She stood beside the sink dicing an onion.
水蒸气飞上了天空,炉子上的水慢慢的翻滚起来,调好味的肉在屠宰间的盘子里静静的放着,她站在水池旁边切洋葱。 yeeyan

As a result the dollar became the haven of choice in the latest sell-off, less than two months after the nation's politicians were dicing with default and its debt was downgraded by Standard& Poor's.
这样一来,在美国政客们大玩主权违约把戏以及美国国债被标普降级近两个月后,美元成为最近抛售股票变现的理想选择。 ecocn

Chopping, slicing, dicing with sharp, professional knives also needs some instruction from an experienced chef.
切断、切片、切丁都需要尖利的刀锋,而使用专业的刀具时甚至需要有经验的大厨指导。 yeeyan

However, each publication has different ways of slicing and dicing the problem.
但是,这些文章都以不同的方式分解了问题。 ibm

In America, the government can be blamed for inadequate oversight of the vast market in slicing and dicing mortgages, but it has reacted aggressively to the bust, with monetary and fiscal stimulus.
在美国,政府可能因对市场风险估计不足,导致抵押贷款泛滥而遭受谴责。但政府对此的反应是积极的,会出台一系列货币和财政刺激政策来挽救。 ecocn

In OLAP processing, slicing and dicing is often performed along a time axis to analyze trends and find time- based patterns in the data.
在 OLAP的加工,切片和切割往往是演出沿着时间轴来分析发展趋势,并抽出时间为基础的模式中的数据。 blog.sina.com.cn

Mobile Devices will drive specialization, slicing and dicing rich data for their specific needs.
移动设备将推动专门的,分割好的,大量数据来满足人们的特殊需要。 yeeyan

Once mastered, this method of dicing onions or shallots goes like lightning.
一旦掌握了正确的方法,切起洋葱和红葱头来简直就是快如闪电。 kooaoo

The system functions mainly include macro dicing, micro planning and district demolition.
该系统主要有学校宏观划片、微观规划和片区拆迁等功能。 dictall

They spent time dicing.

This makes slicing and dicing your bytecode easy.
这使对字节码的切片和切块变得容易。 ibm

We are dicing for drinks.
我们在掷骰子赌喝酒。 bab

Dicing a blade to a comb.
把一把刀的刀刃切割成梳子状。 fqart




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