

单词 aiming
释义 aim·ing ˈeimiŋ COCA¹¹³⁴⁷BNC⁶²⁷²Economist⁶⁰⁹⁰
动词 aim:
point or cause to go blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment towardspropose or intendmove into a desired direction of discoursespecifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain publicintend something to move towards a certain goaldirect a remark toward an intended goalhave an ambitious plan or a lofty goalaiming device瞄准器aiming mark瞄准点aiming silhouette人形靶aiming mechanism瞄准装置aiming rule瞄准尺,表尺…automatic aiming自动瞄准aiming field目标字段,引导域…aiming sight瞄准仪aiming symbol引导符号,目标符号,…aiming circle测角盘,瞄准环,引导…aiming off提前量; 前置量,前…aiming exercise瞄准练习aiming axis对准轴,觇轴,引导轴…aiming point瞄准点,觇点…aiming line照准线,瞄准线,觇线…aiming post瞄准标杆
用作名词I wasaimingto pocket the billiards ball.我瞄准把撞球打进袋里。
I walked over and saw himaiminghis home-made gun at a hole.我走过去看见他用自己做的枪对着一个洞瞄准。
The company isaimingto increase productivity.该公司的目的在于提高生产率。
We areaimingfor the complete recovery of the money invested.我们的目的在于重新收回全部投资的款项。verb.point or direct at a goal
同义词 address,design,direct,focus,intend,mean,plan,propose,target,try,wantangle,aspire,attempt,cast,concentrate,contemplate,covet,endeavor,essay,fix,level,purpose,sight,slant,steer,strive,train,wishset one's sights on,zero in on,zoom in
反义词 ignore,neglect,be idle,forget,look away No matter the topic, these conversations usually have two things in common: first, the group has a homogenous opinion on the topic at hand, and second, no one is aiming for better understanding.
关于主题,这些谈话通常有两个共同点:首先,人们对手头的话题有同样的观点,第二,没有人的目标是更好的理解。 yeeyan

The insurgents are now aiming mainly at Iraqi military targets.
叛乱分子现在主要针对伊拉克军事目标。 ecocn

Typically with DS games, for example first- person shooters, the aiming would be handled by using the stylus on the touch pad, sort of like a mouse.
以 DS平台上的第一人称射击游戏为例,“瞄准”操作需要玩家用触摸笔在触摸屏上来回滑动,就像操作笔记本鼠标一样。 yeeyan

“ We are aiming for the trains to run at344 kilometers per hour, ” the Daily Mail quoted rail expert Wang Mengshu from China's Academy of Engineering as saying.
“我们的目标是使铁路的速度达到每小时344公里,”每日邮报引用了铁路专家、中国工程院院士王梦恕的发言。 yeeyan

A more balanced and equal exchange of energy in and out is what we are all aiming for to rejuvenate ourselves naturally.
一个内外更加平衡和均等的能量交换正是我们所有人追寻的自然的返老还童的目标。 ebigear

And I don't say this to be a downer, because aiming high is the only way to get us out of this pandemic.
不过我并非是说这一目标会让我们失望,因为只有把目标定高才是我们摆脱艾滋病的唯一出路。 yeeyan

But aiming for self-sufficiency in staple crop production seems a thing of the past.
但是,大量生产农作物来满足自给的目标似乎已成为过去时了。 yeeyan

For high-risk patients, the goal is LDL of less than100 milligrams per deciliter, with the possibility of aiming for less than70 for those in the most danger of heart problems.
对于高风险患者,目标是每百毫升不超过100毫克低密度脂蛋白。对于那些极易患有心脏病的最危险的病人,目标是低于70。 yeeyan

He kept aiming his gun at me, but didn't squeeze off.

Remember, we’re aiming for communication rather than realism here.
记住,我们的目标是沟通交流不是写实主义。 yeeyan

Starbucks had been aiming for 20,000 shops in America and20,000 abroad, but that goal is now in doubt.
星巴克的目标是在美国和国外各开设20,000家咖啡连锁店,但是这个目标现在受到质疑. ecocn

Stouder was aiming the laser at a distant tower when a Metro Air Support police helicopter appeared in the line of sight an estimated1.5 miles away.
斯塔德当时正在用激光瞄准远处的一个高塔,这时一架市局空中支援的警用直升机刚好在1.5英里的同一直线上。 yeeyan

The final part of the book is philosophical, and considers whether extending lifespan is something worth aiming for.
书中的最后一部分比较哲学化,思考了为什么延年益寿是一个值得的目标。 ecocn

The industry is now aiming at the developing world, especially young women.
生产者现在将目标转向第三世界,尤其是年轻女性。 hjenglish

To avoid these risks, Mr Olmert is therefore aiming for a middle way that may not exist.
为了避免这样的危险,奥尔默特先生正在瞄准那可能不存在的中间道路。 ecocn

We need to keep on setting our sights higher, aiming to do more, for more and more people.
我们需要不断将我们的眼界放高一点,目标是为越来越多的人做更多的事。 who

When I presented the draft of this book to my teacher, she thought I was aiming at controlling others’ mind. I am totally speechless.
而俺写成这本书给俺老师看的时候,她居然以为我的目标是“控制别人的思想”,俺简直无语无言以及无言语。 http://source.yeeyan.org

You need to know that you are working on what matters and aiming for results that will be measured.
你应该知道你在干什么,想达到的结果瞄准目标,这些都是要仔细斟酌的。 yeeyan




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