

单词 dichotomy
释义 di·chot·o·my 英daɪˈkɒtəmiː美daɪˈkɑtəmiAHDdī-kŏtʹə-mē ☆☆☆☆☆高GMS四八COCA¹⁶⁶⁰²BNC¹⁵⁹⁸³iWeb¹⁸⁰⁷⁹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

being twofold; a classification into two opposed parts or subclasses;

the dichotomy between eastern and western culture

dicho-, 二,来自di-的希腊语形式。-tomy, 砍,切,词源同atom, anatomy. 即切成两半的。cincinnal dichotomy蝎尾状二歧式…cruciate dichotomy十字形二歧分枝式…false dichotomy假二叉分枝式,假二歧…equal dichotomy等二歧式anterior dichotomy医 双上身畸形…bostrychoid dichotomy螺状二歧分枝式…flabellate dichotomy扇形二歧分枝式…posterior dichotomy医 双下身联胎畸…dichotomy of variables变量的均分simple dichotomy简单二分支dichotomy classification两组分类anisotomic dichotomy不等二歧分枝…dichotomy system二分系统partial dichotomy偏二分支helicoid dichotomy螺形二歧式
dicho二+tom切割+y名词后缀→切割为二⇒二分法;两分;双歧分支。词根记忆dicho二份+ tom切、割+ y → 切成二份 ⇒二分GRE难词记忆dichotomy→dicho二分+tomy分开,分离→二分近义词 gulf海湾clash冲突contrast对比duality两重性separation分离opposition反对contradiction矛盾

用作名词But perhaps instead it is time to ask whether thedichotomybetween banks and markets might be false.不过,与之相反,现在或许正是我们反思银行和市场两分法是否正确的时机。
Thisdichotomyhas its uses, but it can cause problems if taken too literally.这种二分法有它的用途,但如果死板地应用也会引发一些问题。
We also find an interestingdichotomyin the impact of these shareholders depending on the business group affiliation of firms.我们也发现这些股东对商业集团从属公司的依赖性的影响有有趣的二分法。noun.division
同义词 difference of opiniondifference,disagreement,disunion,separation,split
反义词 agreement,likeness,sameness,similarity
twonoun two of something
bifurcation,bilaterality,binary,brace,couple,deuce,diremption,dos,double,doublet,dual,duality,duet,duplexity,duplicity,dyad,pair,span,team,twain,twin,twins For those of you familiar with cognitive psychology this will be a familiar dichotomy.
那些对认知心理学比较熟悉的读者会发现这其实是个熟悉的两分法。 yeeyan

In the end, says Dr Krystal, the dichotomy between the valid and the useful may turn out to be a false one.
克里斯塔尔博士说,有效和有用之间的二分法最后可能变成假的。 ecocn

The administration could have found a path between the false dichotomy of abandonment or bailout.
政府本应该能从错误的二分法“放弃或救助”中间找到解决方法。 yeeyan

Then again, perhaps this is a false dichotomy and the answer hangs precariously somewhere in the middle.
回过头来看,也许这是一个错误的对立,而答案可能在明显的摆在两者间。 yeeyan

What you are describing is an environment where this dichotomy doesn't exist.
在你所描述的环境里面并不存在这样的对立关系。 infoq

Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and, quite possibly, there may be something of a dichotomy between them.
尽管有多种反面的热情表现,但是科学技术和人文艺术之间没有必然的联系,并且二者之间很可能还有分歧。 ecocn

I don't like that dichotomy.
我不喜欢这样简单的一分为二。 yeeyan

It's part of the parent- child, child- parent classloading dichotomy of J2EE apps.
这是 J2EE应用程序的父-子、子-父类加载二分法的一部分。 ibm

Now, in a fascinating twist, modern physics challenges the ancient dichotomy between substance and void.
而现在,事情却迎来了奇妙的转机:近代的物理学家纷纷挑战古典的虚实二分论。 ecocn

So what explains this dichotomy between share prices and fundamentals?
那么如何解释股价和基本面的分歧? ecocn

That dichotomy— and how to solve it— is a question that will shape the future of the league.
这种两极分化的现象——以及如何加以应对——将是关乎联盟未来走势的大问题。 yeeyan

The earthquake has put that dichotomy on display.
这次的日本地震已经将“二分法”展示得淋漓尽致。 yeeyan




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