

单词 Diaspora
释义 Di·as·po·ra 英daɪˈæspərə美daɪˈæspərəAHDdī-ăsʹpər-ə 

the body of Jews or Jewish communities outside Palestine or modern Israelthe dispersion of the Jews outside Israel; from the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 587-86 BC when they were exiled to Babylonia up to the present timethe dispersion or spreading of something that was originally localized as a people or language or culturedia-穿过-spora⇒n.散居在外的犹太人;散居⁸⁴;犹太人散居的各个地方近义词 spread传播movement活动migration移民dispersion散布scattering散落displacement置换

用作名词Most diaspora Jews still support Israel strongly.大多数散居在外的犹太人易燃强烈支持以色列。
If it exploits links to the large North African diaspora in Europe, targets there may be next.如果该组织将目标扩大到散居在欧洲的北非人,那么欧洲将成为下一个目标。 The economic recovery after the genocide, when Hutu militias looted the country before fleeing into Congo, had been remarkable, if largely funded by the diaspora and by foreign aid.
种族屠杀中胡图族民兵在逃到刚果之前洗劫了这个国家,之后的经济恢复,主要由异国流亡者和外国援助出资,成果非凡。 ecocn

The Katyn affair remained dormant throughout much of the postwar period, although never far below the surface in the “ friendly” People’s Republic of Poland and in the Polish Diaspora.
在战后的漫长岁月里,卡廷事件一直静静地躺在历史的最深处,尽管它从没远离“友好”的波兰人民共和国和波兰犹太人的视线。 yeeyan

But the meeting on May15th was not the usual style of diaspora politics, in which a nation’s far-flung children are urged to cheer for the homeland.
但是,在五月15日的集会并不是平常的海外犹太政治形式,那种情形下,一国身处异地的孩子们都受到激励,为自己的祖国欢呼喝彩。 ecocn

But the high-tech Haiti volunteer response also depended in large part on personal connections, and the mobilization of the Haitian diaspora in North America, for it to work.
不过这些使用高科技的志愿者的灵敏度,很大程度上还依赖于他们个人的人际关系,以及对侨居在北美的海地居民的动员。 yeeyan

But these two places operate as if they are part of the diaspora.
但是这两个地方运作得好像它们也是海外华人区的一部分似的。 ecocn

For example, on Diaspora you clump people into “Aspects” like Friends, Family, and Acquaintances.
比方说,在“散居”上你可以将联系人“分门别类”,例如朋友、家人和熟人。 yeeyan

If it exploits links to the large North African diaspora in Europe, targets there may be next.
如果该组织将目标扩大到散居在欧洲的北非人,那么欧洲将成为下一个目标。 ecocn

If one cheats the other, he will be shut out of the entire Lebanese diaspora trading network.
如果有人欺骗了对方,那么他将被逐出整个黎巴嫩海外族群贸易网。 ecocn

Israel and India have successfully issued diaspora bonds in the past.
过去,以色列和印度已经成功地发行了移民债券。 ecocn

Remittances from the diaspora have plummeted and GDP is expected to grow by only1.5% this year.
流散外地的犹太人汇款数额不稳定,今年国内生产总值估计只能增长1.5%。 ecocn

This is because the diaspora networks have three lucrative virtues.
这是因为移民网络有三个有利可图的优点。 ecocn

Diaspora members already invest in real estate, entrepreneurial businesses, and capital markets. Sometimes they pool their money with friends or form an investment consortium.
散居侨民成员已在房地产、企业创办和资本市场等领域进行投资,他们或与朋友一道筹集资金,或成立投资财团。 worldbank

Diaspora networks speed the flow of information, the lifeblood of science and commerce.
海外同族网络加快了信息的流动,而这正是科学与贸易的命脉。 ecocn




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