释义 |
Diamond Hill 基本例句 n.钻石山地铁站;香港地铁观塘线站名 Gilly remembers what a close-knit farming community this once was. She especially recalls the annual acorn roast with a bonfire every year onDiamond Hillbehind the house.她记得这个牧场的人们曾经是怎样的亲密无间。她特别回忆起这座房子背后的钻石山每年举办的橡树果烧烤篝火晚会。 The reprovisioning of cremators atDiamond HillCrematorium is under active planning.此外,本署正积极策划重建钻石山火葬场。 The access road adjacent to theDiamond HillFuneral Parlour leading to Sze Chen Hall ofDiamond HillCrematorium.毗连钻石山殡仪馆,通往钻石山火葬场思亲堂的通路。 In this connection, the Department is actively planning for the replacement of cremators at the Fu Shan Crematorium and theDiamond HillCrematorium.本署现正积极计划更换富山火葬场和钻石山火葬场的火化炉。 Other crematorium projects in the pipeline include replacement of existing cremators at the Fu Shan Crematorium and the reprovisioning of theDiamond HillCrematorium.现正进行的工程还有更换富山火葬场现有的火化炉,以及重建钻石山火葬场。 Vicinity ofDiamond HillMTR Station Exits钻石山地铁站出口附近一带 |