

单词 DFS
释义 DFSEconomist¹⁶²⁶⁷
A DFS root already exists in this cluster node.
DFS根目录已在这个群集节点中。 tdict

The concepts of dynamic forensics system DFS has been introduced, and the main weaknesses in current DFS has been pointed out.
简单介绍了动态取证系统 DFS的基本概念,指出了目前的动态取证系统存在的不足。 cnki

Totally155 patients received high-dose interferon treatment and the median DFS was not reached.
而155例接受了大剂量干扰素治疗患者的中位 DFS尚未达到。 biother

ZD- DFS assure the data consistence by using the lock mechanism, version counter mark, and heartbeat protocol.
DFS同时通过锁机制,版本戳和心跳协议等方法保证了分布式的数据一致性。 iciba

For example, new cut-off frequencies for low and high cut-off filters in DFS- V data acquisition system were designed in or- der to improve its performance and adaptability.
文中以 DFS- V数字仪为例,对高、低截频滤波器的截止频率进行了具体地设计计算,其目的在于进一步提高现有数字地震仪的性能和适应能力。 cnki

Hypertable communicates with the underlying file system by speaking a standard protocol to a DFS broker process.
Hypertable通过标准的协议与一个 DFS代理交谈,从而实现与底层文件系统的通信。 infoq

IBM DFS makes use of IBM DCE security for secure communication.
IBM DFS利用 IBM DCE安全性来保证通信安全。 ibm

In this paper, we use a lexicographic order among graphs to map each graph to a unique minimum DFS code as its canonical label.
文章利用图的词典顺序,用唯一的最小 DFS深度优先搜索编码表示每个图。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Support DFS channel in Australia, Canada, and Europe.
在澳大利亚、加拿大、欧洲支持 DFS频道。 buynetge

This typical scenario is used when customers want to migrate from DCE/ DFS to NFS V4.
这种典型的场景常常用于客户希望从 DCE/ DFS迁移到 NFS V4时。 ibm

Thus, this feature allows directories of one share to be universally accessed from a DFS root.
因此,此特性使用户可以从 DFS根访问共享的目录。 ibm

With IBM is declaring its end of support for IBM DFS, NFS Version4 is becoming the next- generation distributed file system.
随着 IBM声明将结束对 IBM DFS的支持, NFS Version4正在逐渐成为下一代的分布式文件系统。 ibm

You might call this a Design-for- Sustainability DFS methodology.
您可以称呼此种设计为可持续性设计方法 DFS。 eefocus

On success, the user will have authenticated access to IBM DFS space and the NFS client will then be able to view the same file system hierarchy as the DFS client.
操作成功之后,用户将可以以身份验证的方式访问 IBM DFS空间,而 NFS客户端能够如 DFS客户端一样浏览相同的文件系统层次结构。 ibm

The server program residing on the machine hosting IBM NFS/ DFS Authenticating Gateway needs to be executed at system startup, or manually by the administrator.
驻留在承载 IBM NFS/ DFS Authenticating Gateway的计算机上的服务器程序需要在系统启动时执行,或者由管理员手动执行。 ibm

The user can now access both the migrated data residing on NFS Version4 space and the data that is still residing on IBM DFS space.
现在,用户既可以访问驻留于 NFS Version4空间的迁移数据,又可以访问仍驻留于 IBM DFS空间的数据。 ibm

Before addressing those questions, let's briefly discuss NFS Version4 and DFS security modules.
在解决这些问题之前,我们先简要地讨论一下 NFS Version4和 DFS的安全模块。 ibm

Figure1 shows a high-level view of events that takes place between the client and the server application to achieve authenticated access to IBM DFS space from the NFS Version4 client.
图1概要显示了通过 NFS Version4客户端以身份验证的方式访问 IBM DFS空间时客户端和服务器端应用程序之间所发生的事件。 ibm




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