

单词 DFR
释义 DFRBNC⁶⁵⁰⁷⁸
Studying with Design for Recycling DFR, definition of product multi- lifecyclePML based on reproducing ecological chain is given and the weighting index of product multi- lifecycle is explored.
在面向回收设计的范畴中,定义了基于产品再生生态链的多生命周期的概念,并探索了产品多生命周期的度量指标。 cnki

The lowest% DFR circuit valve is the index valve and will remain in the fully open position.
最低% DFR回路阀是指标阀,将保持在全开的位置。 iciba

The PRAIM is the basis of researches on DFR and the analysis of product recycling process.
产品回收应用信息模型是研究回收设计与对产品进行回收分析的基础。 cnki

According to the target of DFR and the concept of RE, the DFR method based on RE is put forward.
根据产品回收设计的目标和回收元的概念,提出了基于回收元的产品回收设计方法。 iciba

Analysis of above theory can direct design and implement of salary reform of DFR.
通过上述理论的分析,用于指导散热器厂的薪酬改革方案的设计及实施。 iciba

Design for recyclability DFR is an efficiency way to improve the recyclability and the environmental performance of products.
回收设计是提高产品的可回收性,进而提高产品的环境属性的有效途径。 cnki

Detail Fatigue Rating DFR method plays an important role in modern civil aircraft design.
现代民机设计中细节疲劳额定强度DFR方法占据重要地位。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn

Materials and Methods analyse the effect of integrate preponderance of DFR and CR with1007 patients in IVU.
资料与方法综合 DFR与 CR的优点对1007例静脉尿路造影效果分析。 iciba

Objective Discuss the applicable value of combine DFR and CR in IVU.
目的探讨 DFR与 CR联合运用在静脉尿路造影中的应用价值。 chemyq

This paper proposes a dynamical fast IP routing lookup algorithm DFR.
给出了动态快速路由查找算法 DFR的原理和实现。 cnki

DFR commissioned Copenhagen based BIG in the spring of2010 to introduce a new residential typology to Manhattan.
DFR委任哥本哈根的 BIG设计事务所于2010年春季在曼哈顿内引入新的建筑类型。 blog.sina.com.cn

DFR is a key technique of DFX, which many manufacturers especially pay attention to.
DFR技术是 DFX中的一项关键技术,也是许多制造商尤为关注的技术。 cnki




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