

单词 developer
释义 de·vel·op·er 英dɪˈveləpə美dɪˈvɛləpɚAHDdĭ-vĕlʹə-pər ★★☆☆☆COCA⁴⁵⁷³BNC⁷⁵²⁰iWeb¹⁵⁸²Economist⁷⁴⁰⁵
someone who develops real estate especially someone who prepares a site for residential or commercial usephotographic equipment consisting of a chemical solution for developing filmpullet developer中雏料developer application开发者应用程式…photographic developer显影剂land developer土地开发业者…developer tank显影槽software developer软件开发者property developer地产开发商
蒋争熟词记忆develop发展-er者⇒开发者develop发展-er者⇒开发者近义词 buyer买方brains智力maker制造者creator创造者designer设计者inventor发明家originator创始人speculator投机者contractor立契约的人land developer土地开发业者…property developer地产开发商

用作名词I was an operating systemdeveloper.我是一个操作系统开发者。
He is the leaddeveloperon the GAMA project.他是GAMA项目的首席开发者。
The landdeveloperdo a lot of under-the-table wheel and dealing.那个土地开发投资人干了很多非法的交易。
The landdeveloperhope the mayor will play ball on the scheme.土地开发投资商希望市长在那项方案上能够合作。
mix the colorant with thedeveloperand shake.把染发剂和显影剂混合,充分摇动使之均匀。noun.real estate developer
同义词 builder,plannerreal estate investor
erectornoun builder
fabricatornoun manufacturer
organizernoun planner
organizersnoun planner
pioneernoun person who finds a new place, founds something
colonist,colonizer,developer,explorer,founder,frontier settler,guide,homesteader,immigrant,innovator,leader,pathfinder,pilgrim,scout,settler,squatter,trailblazer
pioneersnoun person who finds a new place, founds something
colonists,colonizers,developers,explorers,founders,frontier settlers,guides,homesteaders,immigrants,innovators,leaders,pathfinders,pilgrims,scouts,settlers,squatters,trailblazers The developer network encourages developers to “ use our stuff to build your stuff”.
开发者网络鼓励开发者“使用我们的东西来建立您的东西”。 yeeyan

What do in- application purchases do for the developer?
对于开发者而言,应用内购买意味着什么? yeeyan

As a developer or an architect, you need to have both in your back pocket.
作为开发者或架构师,你应该在后备箱里为二者都留出位置。 infoq

As a developer, how do you get your arms around the practical, and technical, side of what social business means?
作为一名开发者,如何去获取社交商务所表达的东西中的实用的、技术的那一面呢? yeeyan

If there are several objects that all have the behavior, and a developer wishes to abstract on that behavior, they can create an interface and then use that.
如果几个对象间存在公共行为,而开发者想要抽象这种行为,那么它就可以创建一个接口并使用它。 infoq

Instead, a developer needs a J2EE container to run and test them.
相反,开发者必须要有 J2EE容器来运行和测试它们。 ibm

Just pure language, and creativity of the developer.
只是纯粹的语言,和开发者的创新。 infoq

Note that this update process is totally transparent to both the developer and the end- user.
注意到这个更新过程对于开发者和最终用户来说,完全是透明的。 infoq

Of course, if the parser does less work, it means youthe developer have more work to do.
当然,如果语法分析器的工作减少,则意味着您开发者有更多的工作要做。 ibm

Since consoles are usually sold at a loss, they are usually locked down to prevent games from running on them without the publisher paying royalties to the console developer.
由于控制台销售价格都很低,因此它们通常都对系统进行了加锁以防止未向控制台开发者支付版税的游戏在上面运行。 ibm

So, what is it that still motivates you to work as a software developer?
那么到底是什么样的动力促使我们仍然作为一个软件的开发者呢? yeeyan

The first thing you have to ask yourself is will you like the game developer lifestyle.
你需要问自己的第一件事情是你是否会喜欢游戏开发者的生活方式。 yeeyan

This was one of the most requested capabilities by our developer community.
这是我们的开发者社区中呼声最高的功能之一。 infoq

We believe the modern software developer must master a range of languages and tools.
我们相信现代软件开发者必须掌握一系列的语言和工具。 yeeyan

We document this in the Developer Journal.
我们在开发者日志中对此做了记录。 infoq




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