释义 |
Deutschneudorf 基本例句 n.德意志新村在德国;东经 13º27' 北纬 50º37' Two men look for buried Nazi treasure, before they begin drilling a hole in an effort to find the entrance to a cavern inDeutschneudorf, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2008.2月26日,两名男子用探测器在位于德、捷边境的德国杜特谢纽多夫侦测宝藏。寻宝者声称该地区的山洞有近两吨纳粹所埋的金子,并推测这里埋葬的就是失踪多年的“琥珀宫”。 Two German treasure hunters began digging Tuesday for what they say may be plunder buried by the Nazis in a man-made cavern inDeutschneudorf, eastern Germany, near the Czech border.两名德国寻宝者2月26日起,在位于德国东部与捷克边境的德意志新村挖掘一个据称是“纳粹遗产”的地下工事。 |