

单词 deuce
释义 deuce 英duːs, djuːs美dus, djusAHDd›s, dy›s ☆☆☆☆☆高SCOCA⁴²⁷⁷⁶BNC⁵⁰⁶¹⁹iWeb³⁰¹⁸⁰

a tie in tennis or table tennis that requires winning two successive points to win the gamethe cardinal number that is the sum of one and one or a numeral representing this numbera word used in exclamations of confusion;

what the devil

the deuce with it

the dickens you say

one of the four playing cards in a deck that have two spots来自拉丁语duos, 二,词源同two. 指比赛中的局末平分,需连赢两局方可赢得比赛。deuce a bit完全不一点儿不…deuce-ace骰子的丁丁一点…Deuce take it.该死!见鬼!…There will be the deuce to pay.后果可怕。The deuce!活见鬼!啊呀!…the deuce究竟Deuce take you.滚开!去你的!…Deuce knows!天晓得!a deuce of a非常的go to the deuce变坏(滚开the deuce a bit毫不deuce it作为第二个节目出场…the deuce of a非常的The deuce is in it if I cannot.我不能才怪呢,我肯定…what the deuce活见鬼!啊呀!表示…The deuce he isn't.他不是才怪哩。…
近义词 two二draw拖tie束缚2two,二devil魔鬼dickens魔鬼level pegging势均力敌even-steven口机会相等…

用作名词I always play my best when we're ondeuce.当我们平手时,我总是发挥得最好。
We've stayed ondeucefor 5 minutes.这个平局状态我们已经保持了5分钟了。
What thedeucewere they thinking of?他们到底在想什么?
There'll be thedeuceto pay if I am late.我若迟到就糟了。as in.(couple
同义词 set,teambrace,couplet,doublet,duo,dyad,item,newlyweds,span,twain,twosome,yokehusband and wife
反义词 individualas in.criminal
同义词 convict,crook,culprit,felon,fugitive,gangster,hoodlum,hooligan,lawbreaker,mobster,offender,thugbaddie,baddy,bad guy,bad person,blackmailer,con,delinquent,desperado,evildoer,guerilla,heavy,hood,hustler,jailbird,malefactor,mug,muscle,outlaw,racketeer,repeater,scofflaw,sinner,transgressor,trespasser,wrongdoer,yardbirdbad actor,black marketeer,ex-con,inside person,slippery eel
反义词 policelawas in.pair
同义词 combination,couple,duo,match,team,twobrace,combine,combo,doublet,duality,dyad,mates,span,twins,twosome,yoketwo of a kind
反义词 one,singleas in.two
同义词 couple,double,pair,teambifurcation,bilaterality,binary,brace,dichotomy,dos,doublet,duality,duet,duplicity,dyad,span,twain,twin,twinsdiremption,dual,duplexity
couplenoun pair of things
brace,couplet,doublet,duo,dyad,husband and wife,item,newlyweds,set,span,team,twain,twosome,yoke
couplesnoun pair of things
braces,couplets,deuces,doublets,duos,dyads,husband and wifes,items,newlyweds,sets,spans,teams,twains,twosomes,yokes
criminalnoun person who breaks the law
bad actor,bad guy,bad person,baddie,baddy,black marketeer,blackmailer,con,convict,crook,culprit,delinquent,desperado,deuce,evildoer,ex-con,felon,fugitive,gangster,guerilla,heavy,hood,hoodlum,hooligan,hustler,inside person,jailbird,lawbreaker,malefactor,mobster,mug,muscle,offender,outlaw,racketeer,repeater,scofflaw,sinner,slippery eel,thug,transgressor,trespasser,wrongdoer,yardbird
pairnoun two of something
brace,combination,combine,combo,couple,deuce,doublet,duality,duo,dyad,match,mates,span,team,twins,two,two of a kind,twosome,yoke
pairsnoun two of something
braces,combinations,combines,combos,couples,deuces,doublets,dualities,duos,dyads,matches,mates,spans,teams,twins,two,two of a kinds,twosomes,yokes
poopingnoun excrement
BM,crap,defecation,deuce,discharge,dung,excrement,excretion,fecal matter,feces,feculence,manure,number two,shit,stool,waste Double- deuce: Google co- founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, both37, tied for No.22.
并列者: Google联合创始人谢尔盖•布林和拉里•佩奇,两人都是37岁,并列第22位。 yeeyan

The deuce of a house could be seen anywhere in the desert.
在那片荒漠,到处都看不到人家。 iciba

We use reasonable machining technology to greatly improve the machining precision of the rolling dies, and deuce the times of trying dies.
确定合理机加工工艺,可大大提高模具加工精度,减少试模次数。 iciba

“The deuce you say!” replied the marquis, “ let us lose no time, then!”
“见鬼。”侯爵说,“那么我们不要浪费时间了。” ebigear

Analyzing two high level matches in 2005, we found, the success rate in serve in deuce court was higher than those in the ad court;
从2005年两场高质量的网球比赛来看,在发球成功率上,一区普遍高于二区; cnki

But who the deuce is he following?
可是他在跟什么鬼呢? ebigear

He then immediately pressed Andy to deuce, but to no prevail.
然后,他立即按下安迪向倒霉,但均未得逞。 blog.sina.com.cn

How long did they stay on deuce?
“平手”的局面他们维持了多久? hotdic

I only discovered it by accident, and I have been driving like the deuce to overtake you.
我是碰巧发现你走了的,所以像鬼似地驾着车拼命地追,才赶上了你。 hjenglish

Serve into the forehand or backhand corner, Deuce or Ad court.
平分区发向正手角落,占先区发向反手角落。 com

They had a deuce of an argument.
他们争吵得很激烈。 hotdic

We kept tying on deuce.
我们保持平手。 iciba

We've stayed on deuce for5 minutes.

Why is your kid dropping a deuce in that plant?
我们你的孩子是脱裤子坐在那植物下? engxue.com




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