

单词 detectives
释义 detectives 英dɪ'tektɪvz美dɪ'tektɪvz COCA¹⁰⁰⁷⁹BNC⁶⁶⁸⁰Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
名词 detective:
a police officer who investigates crimesan investigator engaged or employed in obtaining information not easily available to the public用作名词They had her watched bydetectives.他们把她置于侦探的监视之下。
Thedetectivesresumed their vigil at the house.侦探们又开始在那栋房子警戒了。noun.investigator of crime
同义词 agent,informer,police officer,private eye,private investigator,prosecutor,reporter,sleuth,spyanalyst,bloodhound,bull,constable,cop,dick,eavesdropper,eye,fed,fink,flatfoot,gumshoe,nark,peeper,roper,scout,sergeant,shadow,shamus,shoofly,snoop,tailP. I.,Sherlock Holmes,bird dog,plainclothes officer,slewfoot And it would also be a great drug for detectives and spies.
它还可以成为间谍和侦探手中非常棒的药物。 yeeyan

As well as being permitted to question their interviewees only via Russian officers, the Scotland Yard detectives seem unlikely to be given access to any serving FSB men.
除了允许对约谈者只能通过俄罗斯办事人员代为提问,苏格兰场的侦探似乎不大可能有机会直接与任何 FSB特工接触。 ecocn

All across China, private detectives that investigate cheating wives and husbands have more work than they can handle.
在中国各地,调查行为诡秘的妻子和丈夫的私人侦探总是有干不完的活。 yeeyan

Army units are no longer judged by their body count. Detectives are now flown in to investigate all deaths reported in combat.
政府军各单位不再自行计算尸体,改由刑事鉴定侦探调查因战斗而丧生的全部死者。 ecocn.org

But in a letter clarifying the affair, Mr Starmer said that advice from Crown Prosecution Service lawyers to detectives“did not limit the scope and extent of the criminal investigation”.
但在一封澄清事实的信件中,斯塔梅尔先生说到,皇家检察署的侦探意见是“不要限制案件调查的广度和深度”。 yeeyan

Memo to Nolan: police and forensic detectives can easily tell the difference between a suicide jumper and a victim who was pushed— especially when they are in different buildings.
给诺兰一个建议:警察和法医侦探可以轻易分别出自杀者和被谋杀者之间的区别——尤其那时他们还在不同的大楼里。 yeeyan

Renault hired private detectives to look for secret bank accounts abroad.
雷诺聘请私家侦探调查神秘的海外银行账号。 ecocn

Seven of the accused refused to answer questions from detectives after their arrest.
七名被告被捕以后,拒绝回答侦探提出的问题。 yeeyan

That began to interest the detectives.
这开始引起了侦探的注意。 ebigear

The prisoner was flanked by the two detectives.

This is a very dark film, the gloom often penetrated only by the flashlights of the detectives.
这是一部非常黑色的电影,幽暗常常只被侦探的手电光刺穿。 yeeyan

This reflects one of the primary investigative techniques of Miss Marple: soliciting information from other detectives.
这反映了马普尔小姐的一个重要侦破技巧:从别的侦探那里收集信息。 yeeyan

Today, not all detectives are human.
今天,并非所有的侦探都是人类。 ecocn

Villagers are like detectives in the field.
村民们就像实地的侦探。 fao

Detectives in Laredo say he quickly became affiliated with a local gang known as Los Chachos, one of four groups that controlled the city’s drug trade in those days.
拉雷多的侦探称,他很快就和当地的洛斯 卡口斯团伙建立了联系,该团伙是当时控制当地毒品交易的四大团伙之一。 yeeyan

Detectives say that many of the cases they handle involve wives seeking information on their husbands and their mistresses.
有一位私家侦探说他们接手的许多案件都是妻子要搜集丈夫和情人有外遇的证据。 yeeyan




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