

单词 despatch
释义 des·patch 英dɪˈspætʃ美dɪˈspætʃAHDdĭ-spăchʹ ●○○○○高六研IT四八COCA¹⁰⁹⁷⁹⁶BNC¹⁸⁰⁴⁶iWeb²¹⁷⁴⁹

an official report usually sent in hastethe property of being prompt and efficient;

it was done with dispatch

killing a person or animalthe act of sending off something
send away towards a designated goaldispatch派遣dispatch box公文递送箱dispatch rider骑摩托车或骑马的通信…free despatch免付速遣费despatch vessel通信船despatch room调度室American Post Despatch美国邮报happy despatch剖腹自杀
非常记忆de德〖拼音〗+s美女〖编码〗+patch补丁〖熟词〗⇒德国人派遣美女打补丁钱博士des=dis,离开+patch束缚,阻碍→摆脱束缚⇒匆匆离开,派遣,发送des=dis,离开+patch束缚,阻碍→摆脱束缚⇒匆匆离开,派遣,发送。近义词 dispatch派遣shipment装运communique公报expedition远征send off寄出(逐出expeditiousness迅速

用作及物动词A messenger wasdespatchedto take the news to the soldiers at the front.一名通讯员被派去给前线士兵送消息。
We soondespatchedthe chocolate cake.我们很快就吃完了巧克力蛋糕。用作名词They are then transported to thedespatcharea.然后他们被送到发货区。
A cable inquiry would ensure earlydespatch,which is of benefit to you.如来电询购,当可早日运送,这对你方是有利的。
He rushed thedespatchthrough to headquarters.他把急件赶送到总部。 A notice sent by cable shall be deemed to have been served on the day following the despatch of the cable.
通过电报发出的通知,发送电报当天应被视为已经送达。 tianya

Or, world leaders could decide to do as UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has done and despatch two cards.
还有一种办法就是,世界各国的领导人可以向英国首相托尼·布莱尔学习,送两种不同的贺卡。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The despatch of any international observers risks being exploited by Moscow to lay a false veneer of credibility over a sham.
派遣国际观察员会被俄罗斯利用来展示选举公正的假象。 ecocn

All orders, including your own, have already been made up and are now awaiting despatch.
所有的订货包括你方的订货都已制成待运。 hotdic

As we are in urgent need of the articles, we must ask you to arrange for the despatch of replacement at once.
由于我们急需此货,故我们不得不要求你方立即安排发运换货。 http://www.hotdic.com

In the absence of special extenuating circumstances, a bank which failed to despatch the documents within three banking days would have failed to act with reasonable promptness.
在缺乏特别的减轻的情况下,未能在三个银行日内发送文件的银行应当认为是未能在合理的速度下采取行动。 www.cmla.org.cn

President Bush promised new measures to protect the residents, including the despatch of the police and the troop reinforcements.
总统承诺要采取新的措施保护居民,包括派遣警察和援军。 blog.sina.com.cn

Sir G. Robinson said plainly in one despatch, that he could not guess the probable object of her Majesty's Government.
罗便臣爵士于某份报告中直言,他不可猜测女王政府之目的。 douban

Surely only an angel from Paradise could have put it into your heart to despatch it.
不用说,只能是天使在您心中播下了这个念头。 ebigear

They are then transported to the despatch area.
他们,然后运到发货区。 suxuewang.com

We are grateful to you for pointing out the incident and have arranged for the immediate despatch.
感谢你指出这一事件,我们已经安排立即装运。 iciba




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