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Desmond Tutu 基本英英近义反义例句 德斯蒙德·图图
Noun: South African prelate and leader of the antiapartheid struggle born in 1931近义词 tutu芭蕾舞短裙 Largest anti-Apartheid march in South Africa, led byDesmond Tutu.主后1989年,南非最大的反种族隔离游*行,由图图大主教领导。 And ArchbishopDesmond Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, has said he learned to read through comics.诺贝尔和平奖得主屠图大主教也说,他是透过漫画学会阅读。 In 1986,Desmond Tutuwas installed as the first black to lead the Anglican Church in southern Africa.1986年,德斯蒙德·突徒作为南非英国圣公会的首位黑人领袖就职。 Desmond Tutuwas installed as the first black to lead the Anglican Church in southern Africa.年,德斯蒙德·突徒作为南非英国圣公会的首位黑人领袖就职。 Desmond - ArchbishopDesmond Tutuwill start the activities of the global scene.戴斯蒙德-图图大主教将会启动此次全球现场活动。 “Hey, just look at us, which other country has a moral colossus to match Nelson Mandela?”askedDesmond Tutu.“嘿,看看我们,哪个国家有曼德拉那样的贤人?”德斯蒙德图图问道。 |