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ahmedinejadCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺⁴ 基本例句 🌏伊朗总统内贾德;阿荷美丁内贾德 Gary Sick concludes that Iran's recent pattern of making exaggerated claims is an example of“ classic blusteryby President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad.” 希克总结说,伊朗近来一系列夸大其词的做法是“艾哈迈德内贾德总统典型的威吓行为。” www.voanews.com.cn Incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad was shown on state TV describing his sadness at recent violence in Tehran's Haft e Tir Square during an opposition rally. 艾哈迈迪内贾德总统在官方电视台节目上描述自己为最近反对派在德黑兰广场上举行集会时发生的暴力行动感到悲哀。 ebigear Mr. Ahmedinejad repeatedly defended his re-election, belittling charges of fraud by his opponents and their supporters. 艾哈迈迪内贾德一再为他的再次当选辩解,贬低他的对手及他们的支持者做出的舞弊指控。 ebigear The Ayatollah appeared to rebuff an attempt by Mr. Ahmedinejad to kiss his hand. 哈梅内伊看似拒绝了艾哈迈迪内贾德试图亲他的手的举动。 iciba The Iraqi leader met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, as both country's delegations discussed trade and cooperation in the fields of education, culture and electricity. 伊拉克总统塔拉巴尼会晤了伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德,两国代表讨论了贸易问题以及在教育、文化和电力等领域进行合作等问题。 ebigear The mass protests following Ahmedinejad’s election have shown that regime has lost the affection of the majority of Iranians. 内贾德大选结束后广大民众的示威游行说明内贾德政府已经失去民心。 yeeyan Gates told a Senate panel that it is an open question whether such talks would succeed while President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad is in power. 盖茨对参议院拨款委员会表示,很难说在伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德任职期间,这种谈判是否会成功。 ebigear He says he foresaw the results of the election and he expected that, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, wanted to impose Mr. Ahmedinejad. 他说,他预见到了选举结果,并且料想到伊朗最高领导人哈梅内伊要让艾哈迈迪内贾德当选。 ebigear In fact, just a few weeks ago, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad made a very significant visit and was greeted warmly by Prime Minister Maliki. 实际上,就在几个星期前,伊朗总统艾哈麦迪内贾德就进行了一次意义重大的访问,并受到总理马利基的热烈欢迎。 ebigear Iranian officials reject allegations its nuclear program has any military aim, and President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad on Wednesday said the country would not retreat from its nuclear activities. 伊朗再度否认其核计划具有军事用途。伊朗总统艾哈迈德内贾德星期三说,伊朗将不会从他们的核行动中退缩。 voanews Iranian government TV ignored the protests, talking instead about the upcoming August3 inauguration of incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. 伊朗政府电视台对抗议活动不予理会,反而谈论现任总统艾哈迈迪内贾德8月3日的就职典礼。 tingvoa President Ahmedinejad, who was proclaimed winner of Friday's poll with63% of the vote, was shown on government TV attending an international conference in Moscow. 伊朗政府电视台报道了内贾德总统出席莫斯科国际会议的情况,内贾德在周五的票选中以63%的支持率获胜。 hjenglish Presidents Ahmedinejad and Zardari agreed to the request. 艾哈迈迪内贾德和扎尔达里表示同意。 iciba Some Iran experts argue that Mr. Ahmedinejad is planning to call for a“nuclear free zone in the Middle East,” as part of his package of proposals for talks with the group of five, plus one. 一些伊朗专家辩称,艾哈迈迪内贾德计划“在中东设立一个无核区”,作为他同5个安理会常任理事国加德国会谈提案的一部分。 ebigear The president was asked whether the election dispute and related violence had prompted him to change his mind about seeking a dialogue with Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. 奥巴马被问道选举的争议和相关暴力是否会导致他改变谋求与艾哈迈迪内贾德对话的想法。 ebigear Ahmedinejad, who himself visited Iraq in March2008, says that both country's can cooperate in multiple domains, now that relations are improving. 艾哈迈迪内贾德本人2008年3月访问过伊拉克。他说,鉴于两国正在改善关系,伊朗和伊拉克可以在许多领域进行合作。 ebigear Ahmedinejad bowed to the Ayatollah, in respect, and kissed him on his shoulder. 艾哈迈迪内贾德向哈梅内伊鞠躬致敬,并亲吻他的肩膀。 iciba |