

单词 Ahmedabad
释义 ah·med·abad AHDˈämədəˌbäd Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n.阿默达巴德印度西部城市异体字Ahmedabad The entrance to the pavilion is through a vaulted portal with the “ Tree of Life” carving inspired by the “ Siddi Syed Mosque” at Ahmedabad.
受到位于艾哈迈达巴德的 Siddi Syed寺的启发,印度馆入口处设立了一个刻有“生命之树”字样的拱形门。 putclub

The Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad, India’s sole representative, and the toughest business school in the world to get into see article, is78th.
印度唯一的代表阿默达巴德的印度管理学院也是世界上最难进的商业学校见文,其排名是第78. ecocn

The Judge Business School is helping build academic capacity at fledgling business schools in Ahmedabad, Karachi and Abu Dhabi and has plans to do so in China, too.
该校佳奇商学院正在帮助艾哈迈达巴德、卡拉奇和阿布扎比刚起步的商学院打造学术能力,在中国也有类似计划。 hjenglish

The road to Ahmedabad, Gujarat's main city, is privately operated and boasts four lanes. It passes through a countryside that is visibly industrialising.
通往 Gujarat邦主城的一条道路现在是私人经营的,这条路已经有了4条车道,穿过明显处于工业化过程中的一个乡村。 yeeyan

While only one person died in the Bangalore bombings, the number of dead and injured in Ahmedabad is much higher.
班加罗尔的爆炸只造成一人死亡,但是艾哈迈达巴德的爆炸造成的伤亡人数要多得多。 ebigear

But in recent months a series of attacks in Delhi, Jaipur, Bengalooru Bangalore and Ahmedabad have been claimed by the “ Indian Mujahideen”.
不过近几个月发生在德里、斋普尔和阿默达巴德的系列恐怖袭击均被“印度圣战者”组织认领。 ecocn

Considered India's top MBA program, IIM Ahmedabad is perhaps the toughest to get into— and undoubtedly the best to graduate from.
该校的 MBA项目是全印度最好的, IIM Ahmedabad商学院或许是最难进入的——但毫无疑问这是毕业就业最好的学校。 yeeyan

I can still recall the exhilaration and sense of relief with which Charles Correa’s first notable building, the Gandhi Memorial at the Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad, was greeted.
我仍然记得当查尔斯. 柯里亚第一件重要建筑作品,艾哈迈达巴德的圣雄甘地纪念馆落成时那种既兴奋又释然心情。 yeeyan

India, too, has only one: the Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad IIM- A.
印度也只有印度阿默达巴德管理学院 IIM- A这一所学校在榜。 ecocn

India's rising urban centers include Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Chennai.
在印度,新兴城市包括班加罗尔、艾哈迈达巴德和金奈。 kekenet

Muslim women offer prayers at a mosque on the eve of the Eid al- Adha festival on the outskirts of the western Indian city of Ahmedabad Nov6,2011.

That may help alleviate problems like highways blocking access to waterfront in cityscapes from Ahmedabad to Rio de Janeiro.
这样也许可以减轻一些问题,比如在艾哈迈达巴德或里约热内卢等海滨入口发生的高速公路堵车。 yeeyan

The next Google could well be cooked up in a garage in Guangzhou or Ahmedabad.
下一家谷歌公司很有可能就会诞生于广州或是阿默达巴德的某个车库里。 yeeyan

The road to Ahmedabad, Gujarat’s main city, is privately operated and boasts four lanes.
通往古吉拉特最大城市阿默达巴德的公路由私人经营,共有四条车道。 ecocn

The worst of these, a series of21 explosions in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, on July26th2008, killed 56 people.
其中最严重的一次是2008年7月26日在古吉拉特邦艾哈迈达巴德发生的21起连环爆炸。 ecocn

The cabinet minister says whether it is Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore or Ahmedabad the government will not play the blame game because to do that will not help the people.
这位内阁部长说,不管爆炸发生在孟买、德里、班加罗尔还是艾哈迈达巴德,政府都不会推卸责任,因为那样做不能帮助人民。 ebigear

The new results come from the “ Snow and Glacier Studies” project, undertaken with government support by the Space Applications CentreSAC in Ahmedabad.
这些新的研究结果来自“积雪和冰川研究”项目,该项目由印度艾哈迈达巴德市的空间应用中心承担,得到了政府的资助。 blog.sina.com.cn

The September13 attacks in the capital followed recent bomb blasts in Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Jaipur.
在新德里发生9月13号的爆炸事件之前,班加罗尔、艾哈迈达巴德和斋浦尔最近都发生过爆炸事件。 ebigear

When I went with my second brother to Ahmedabad, some enthusiastic friend of mine took me by surprise by printing and publishing it and sending me a copy.
当我和二哥到艾哈迈达巴德的时候,我的一个热心的朋友出乎我的意料,把它印刷出版了,还寄了一本给我。 yeeyan




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