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Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao, the former home minister, admits that the government failed to take“ swift and decisive action” against the Taliban.
前内政部长阿夫塔布·艾哈迈德·汗·谢尔帕奥坦言,政府在对塔利班采取“迅速而有决定意义的行动”方面并不成功。 ecocn

At the least, the power and money that flows from Ahmed Wali to members of his small Popalzai tribe have exacerbated local jealousies.
至少,权力和金钱从艾哈迈德瓦利流向他手下的波帕扎伊小部落成员,都加剧了当地人的嫉妒。 ecocn

Mr Ahmed’s claim echoes those of several once- suspected terrorists that agents of the British government“ outsourced” torture to other jurisdictions, sometimes providing lists of questions.
艾哈迈德的申诉是很多曾今被指控是恐怖分子犯人的重演:英国政府将刑讯“外包”给其他的司法机构,有时还提供拷问的问题。 ecocn

Thanks to his fluent Mandarin Ahmed from Iraq was praised by Premier Wen immediately after he spoke.

“The border is too dangerous for anyone right now, ” said Ahmed Rashid, author of several books on militancy.
“现在边境地区对于任何人来说都是非常危险的”,数部军事书籍的作者艾哈迈德·拉什德说道。 yeeyan

A few months ago NATO generals said that a big offensive in Kandahar was pointless as long as Ahmed Wali remained in power.
几个月前北约的将军们说只要艾哈迈德瓦利的势力还在,对于坎大哈的大规模进攻就没有意义。 ecocn

After the murder of Ahmed Wali early in July, he had no high-up protector; but that made him all the more passionate to explain why his ideas were good for the city.
七月初艾哈迈德•瓦利被刺后,他并没有增强自身安保措施;艾哈迈德•瓦利遇刺反而让他更加热切地向市民解释为何自己的设想有利于坎大哈市的发展。 ecocn

An independent judiciary is welcome, says Samina Ahmed of the International Crisis Group, yet it is striking how hard the judges fought to reject any elected oversight.
国际危机小组的萨米娜艾哈迈德说,司法独立是受欢迎的,但是这太明显法官们多么排斥由选举产生的监督者。 ecocn

Barely a day goes by in which Ahmed Wali, half-brother to President Hamid Karzai and a sort of viceroy to the turbulent, Taliban- filled south, is not briefed about another killing.
这一天还没怎么过去,艾哈迈德先生已经不为这又一次的杀戮而悲伤了。瓦利是总统哈米德•卡尔扎伊同父异母的兄弟,也是这块动荡的充斥着塔利班的南部地区实际上的总督。 ecocn

But Dr Kamal Ali Ahmed, an elder among the Darfuris at Salloum, says that the Sudanese delegation includes a warlord responsible for several massacres in Darfur.
但是一个在萨卢姆的达尔富尔老人,阿里艾哈迈德卡迈勒博士,他说,包括一个军阀在内的苏丹代表团对在达尔富尔几个屠杀负责。 ecocn

Former Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif has also been detained for15 days.
前总理艾哈迈德那齐夫也被判处了15天的拘留。 yeeyan

He and two of his students, Ahmed Kirmani and Andreas Velten, have developed a camera that can see what other cameras cannot.
他和他的两名学生,艾哈迈德•基尔马尼以及安德里亚•费尔滕已经研制出了一个相机,其他相机做不到的事,它可以做到。 ecocn

It is led by Sharif Ahmed, a moderate Islamist, who once headed the Islamic Courts Union.
政府领导人沙里夫-艾哈迈德是个温和的伊斯兰教徒,主持过伊斯兰联盟法院。 ecocn

Khaled Ahmed, author of“ Sectarian War”, a new book on religious violence in Pakistan, says all three elements work closely together.
有关巴基斯坦宗教暴力的新书《宗教战争》的作者哈立德•艾哈迈德表示,这三股力量咬合得很紧。 ecocn

National Disaster Management Authority chairman Nadim Ahmed said Friday the latest figure applied to the northwestern Khyber- Pakhtunkhwa and central Punjab provinces.
国家灾难管理局主任艾哈迈德星期五说,最新的数据包括了西北部的开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省和中部的旁遮普省的灾民。 tingvoa

President Ahmed sleeps in a presidential palace guarded by African Union AU peacekeepers from Uganda and Burundi.
总统艾哈迈德栖身的总统府邸,由来自乌干达和布隆迪的非洲联盟 AU维和人员守卫。 ecocn

Presidential spokesman Ahmed al-Sufi said opposition demands for an immediate transfer of power were unacceptable.
总统发言人艾哈迈德说反对派要求权利立即转移是不可接受的。 yeeyan

Raja Salem has come shopping with her husband, Ahmed.
拉贾.萨勒姆和丈夫艾哈迈德一起来菜市场买东西。 voanews

Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed joined his troops on the front lines Wednesday night as they fought Islamist militants in the capital.

Western officials have been bad- mouthing Ahmed Wali for years.
西方官员多年来一直唱衰艾哈迈德瓦利。 ecocn

When steel tycoon and ruling-party boss Ahmed Ezz eliminated almost all opposition candidates in the wildly fraudulent parliamentary elections at the end of last year, the public’s anger mounted.
当钢铁寡头,执政党的党首艾哈迈德,在去年年底作弊严重的议会选举中,清除了几乎所有的反对派候选人,公众的愤怒情绪达到了顶点。 yeeyan

Yang welcomed Ahmed to visit China. He spoke highly of the positive development of China-Palestine traditional friendship in recent years.




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