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Ahmad 基本例句 阿哈默德穆罕默德在《古兰经》中的名称 “ It was just in time, ” says Moeed Ahmad, the network’s head of new media. “这个培训太及时了,”半岛电视台新媒体网络负责人 Moeed Ahmad说到。 ecocn “ This is not a very huge effect,” says Ahmad Hariri, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University. “它们没有那么大的影响,”杜克大学的心理学和神经科学教授,艾哈迈德-哈里里说。 yeeyan “ To have PET data in over200 related animals is really quite unique,” adds Ahmad Hariri, a neuroscientist at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. 北卡罗来纳州杜兰市杜克大学的意味神经学专家 Ahmad Hariri说道:“能收集到超过200个具有血缘关系的动物的 PET数据真是非常特殊。” yeeyan “ We have lost everything: our houses, our crops, cattle,” said Ahmad Hasan at a government relief camp in Taunsa Sharif district. 栖身 Taunsa Sharif地区政府救灾帐篷里 Ahmad Hasan说,“我们失去了所有:房子,粮食,牛匹。” yeeyan “The Taliban are patrolling the area. Nobody voted and nobody could vote,” said Haji Ahmad Shah Khan, an elder in Nad Ali district of Helmand. “塔利班的恐怖分子正在街上巡逻,没人去投票也没人能去投票,”赫尔曼德阿里河畔的一位老人 Haji Ahmad Shah Khan如是说。 ecocn A talented bureaucrat, Ahmad becomes mayor of Tehran but is jailed for several years in the 1960s on trumped-up corruption charges. Ahmad是个有天分的官员,曾当过德黑兰市长。但在20世纪60年代,他却因莫须有的腐败罪名蹲了几年监狱。 ecocn A tradition of fresh juice lives on in Damascus and Abu Ahmad next door squeezes a huge orange juice glass for about 25 U.S. cents. 大马士革有喝新鲜果汁的传统,而隔壁的 Abu Ahmad里的大杯鲜榨橙汁每杯只卖25美分。 yeeyan and too indulgent towards his colleague Ahmad Chalabi, the Iraqi politician who more than any other seduced policy wonks in Washington into believing that Iraq would be easy. 并且对于他的同事艾哈迈德.卡拉比,就是那位而不是其他人的诱使华盛顿的政策书呆子相信伊拉克是很简单的事。 ecocn Born in1933, Mr Ahmad spent his working life as a Pakistani civil servant in postings up and down the region. 艾哈迈德先生出生于1933年,他大部分的工作时间都用在作为该地区的巴基斯坦的邮政公务员。 ecocn Fish farmer Sofian Ahmad squats on a damaged bank near the Aquaculture Centre as an FAO official explains how zoning might work to his advantage. 养殖渔民 Sofian Ahmad蹲坐在养殖中心附近一处被破坏的堤岸上,听一名粮农组织官员解释划分区域如何会给他带来好处。 fao Mr Ahmad writes with an insider’s knowledge, a careful attention to detail and an admirable restraint in his language. 艾哈迈德先生用知情人的知识,细心的细节描述和让人敬佩的语言上的克制来写出这本书。 ecocn NINE years ago, Ahmad Batebi appeared on the cover of The Economist. 9年前 Ahmad Batebi出现在《经济学人》的封面上。 ecocn Sheikh Rashid Ahmad is an ally of Mr. Musharraf who after winning election to parliament six times since1985, suffered his first defeat on Monday. 拉希德.艾哈迈德是穆沙拉夫的盟友。自从1985年以来,艾哈迈德曾经6度赢得巴基斯坦国民议会的席位。 ebigear The defence minister, Ahmad Mukhtar, said Pakistani soldiers might be pulled from guarding the Afghan border. 国防部部长 Ahmad Mukhtar说,巴基斯坦的士兵可能从守卫阿富汗边疆的战士中拉回。 ecocn The flooding has also affected the central province of Punjab, where troops rescued more than 1,400 people trapped by rising water, said Brigadier Ahmad Waqas. 这场洪灾同样影响了中间的 Punjab省,陆军准将 Ahmad Waqas说,那里,部队救出了被上涨的洪水围困的1400多人。 yeeyan Ahmad al- Shugairi, a Saudi preacher, describes a misspent youth in California, going to clubs with women and even drinking alcohol, before he returned to Saudi Arabia and Allah. 阿拉伯牧师 Ahmad al- Shugairi讲了自己在加利福尼亚州度过的荒诞的年轻时代,跟女生去酒吧喝酒,之后他回到沙特阿拉伯,回归了真主。 ecocn Ahmad was asked about removing the pubic hair with scissors. 艾哈迈德被问到使用剪刀去除阴毛的事。 yeeyan |