

单词 desensitization
释义 de·sensitization 英ˌdisɛnsətəˈzeʃən美ˌdisɛnsətəˈzeʃən 高COCA⁶⁴⁴²⁶BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb³⁰⁴⁵³

the process of reducing sensitivity;

the patient was desensitized to the allergen

nonspecific desensitization非特异性脱敏作用…desensitization test脱敏试验endogenous desensitization内原性脱敏desensitization therapy脱敏疗法systematic desensitization系统脱敏疗法,系统脱…
desensitizat-ion行为|动作|状态⇒n.不敏感化近义词 desensitisation减敏感作用退敏感作用…
I’ll give you some courses of desensitization therapy.
我会给您做几个疗程的脱敏治疗。 kekenet

It's only after desensitization that patients can take this medicine.
病人必须先脱敏,然后才能服用这种药物。 nciku

The “Mite Germicide Facial Cleansing” series of products of dispelling speckle, removing blain, whiting, wrinkle defense and desensitization are leading the trends in the industry.
“爱茜伊”牌祛斑、去痘、美白、抗皱、保湿、脱敏系列化妆品引领着行业潮流。 iciba

Conclusion: FCHA polishing Compound has local desensitization for teeth in addition to polishing effectiveness.
结论: FCHA新型抛光膏除有抛光效果外,还具有局部脱敏作用。 cnki

Conclusion:NHD dermatograph test provide reliable basis in the treatment of specific desensitization therapy of allergic rhinitis, providing objective criterion for the therapeutic evaluation.
结论:阿罗格皮肤点刺试验为变应性鼻炎的特异性脱敏治疗提供可靠依据,为治疗后的疗效评定提供客观指标,与心理护理相结合,疗效显著。 cnki

Conclusion Bioresonance desensitization is a good therapeutic approach to allergic diseases without any adverse reaction.
结论生物共振脱敏治疗无任何不良反应,是一种比较理想的过敏性疾病的治疗方法。 lwlib

Conclusion Specific desensitization treatment was for sufferer of anaphylactogen. It was unique method that can be radically cured, and having the dual meaning of the prevention and treatment.
结论特异性脱敏治疗是针对患者致敏原进行治疗的,是唯一可根治的方法,兼有预防和治疗的双重意义。 cnki

In another, called in vivo desensitization, they are exposed while awake to what may be haunting them in their sleep— for example, a live snake, caged and harmless— until the fear subsides.
另一个则被称为“体内脱敏”,他们在清醒状态下暴露在他们梦中害怕的东西前--比如一条活生生关在笼子里无害的蛇---直到恐惧消散。 yeeyan

It introduced the common psychological therapies for post- trauma stress disorder PTSD patients including cognitive behavior treatment, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing treatment.
介绍了创伤后应激障碍 PT SD常用心理治疗方法,即认知行为治疗、眼动脱敏和再加工治疗; chemyq

Objective To investigate changes of the intracellular calcium regulative signals during the activation and desensitization of neural nicotinic acetylcholine receptor induced by anatoxin- A ANTX-A.
目的探讨类毒素 A ANTX A致神经元烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体激活和脱敏时胞内钙调信号的变化。 cnki

Objectives To discuss the etiological factors of chronic urticaria in Panzhihua Area, and its desensitization treatment efficacy.
目的探讨攀枝花地区慢性荨麻疹的病因及脱敏治疗效果。 cnki

There is a dulling of reluctance that occurs when the homeland is invaded a desensitization process.
有消光,当祖国被侵略,一个脱敏过程中发生的不情愿。 cn56tong

Viewing violence increases desensitization to violence, resulting in callused attitudes toward violence.
查看脱敏暴力暴力冲突加剧,在茧的态度而产生的对暴力。 newchannel




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