释义 |
de·segregation 英di,sɛgrə'geʃən美di,sɛgrə'geʃən 高MCOCA²⁰⁶¹⁴BNC⁷¹²⁹⁷iWeb²⁹²⁹⁴Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺⁶ 基本英英搭配记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 n.废除种族隔离⁶⁴;废止岐视³⁶ 种族
Noun: the action of incorporating a racial or religious group into a communitydesegregate 废除 … 的种… de-离开|反转-segregation⇒n.废除种族隔离⁶⁴;废止岐视³⁶近义词 reunion团聚integration集成unification统一integrating集成化reconciliation和解
名词100% The bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, as in society or an organization;desegregation.种族或宗教融合在社会或组织中,使不同的种族或宗教派别的人处于无限制的平等的关系中; 取消种族隔离noun.integration 同义词 assimilationintegratingdesegregating No child compelled to attend school that is racially mixed. No Desegregation unless approved by election. 除非经过公投批准,否则不允许将孩子们强行进入种族混合的学校,不可以取消种族隔离政策。 blog.sina.com.cn Until last week's pronouncement on school desegregation, he had not addressed himself directly to the problem at all—and he still has not spoken out on the broader aspects of civil rights. 即使是在上星期就学校种族隔离的问题发言中——此前他从未就这个问题发表讲演,他也未对更广层面的民事权利公开发表意见。 yeeyan |