

单词 descents
释义 descents diˈsents COCA⁴⁰⁵³⁸BNC⁴³⁸⁵⁹
n.下降descent的复数;下沉¹⁰⁰原型descent的复数 The book is full, you will see, of a number of descents and ascents.
你们将会读到,本书充满一些下降与上升的句子。 v.163.com

The purpose of this research is to investigate the intergenerational ambivalent experiences of married male and female descents.
本研究目的欲瞭解子代男性与女性代间矛盾经验内涵。 sciopsy

But the fact that no one is sure what caused those ballistic descents can't be a comfort.
但没人确定为什么会有这样的降落,这才是让人最不舒服的。 yeeyan

Entrepreneurs from Taiwan belong to descents of great China, so they hung for investment in China.
台资企业基于同属于中华民族之血脉,来此投资之企业更是络绎于途。 fabiao

I no longer want to make such dangerous descents.
我不想再作这么危险的俯冲了。 yeeyan

Its low approach speed, combined with steep climbs and descents, would make it inaudible outside the airport.
凭借低缓的进场速度以及急剧升降的性能,飞机的声响不会传到机场之外。 ecocn

Jane also made several descents on Normandy, whose inhabitants saw this beautiful woman, with a sword in one hand and a torch in another, eyeing with pleasure all the horrors of her misplaced revenge.
简还几次袭击诺曼第。当地居民见到这个美丽女郎一手执剑,一手持火把,望着找错了对象的恐怖报复行为,沾沾自喜。 tefee.net

Nightmares, these descents into hell, did they make sense?
噩梦,正如坠入地狱一样的恐怖,它的存在有意义吗? yeeyan

Previous overs have deployed parachutes to slow their descents, and have then crashed into the ground using airbags to cushion their impacts.
之前的漫游车的下落过程采用降落伞减速,并采用气袋来缓冲撞击地面造成的冲击。 ecocn

Previous rover have deployed parachutes to slow their descents, and have then crashed into the ground using airbags to cushion their impacts.
以前,漫游者打开降落伞减慢下降速度,在撞向地面时用安全气囊缓冲。 ecocn

Reliance on promised advancements in air traffic management such as the use of automated decision-making tools for merging and spacing enroute and during departure climbs and arrival descents.
寄托于空中交通管理方面颇有前景的进步,例如用于合并与分割航路、离港爬升和到港降落的自动决策工具。 yeeyan

You'll see amateurs and pros alike using this technique on long, cold descents.




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