

单词 derrick
释义 der·rick 英ˈderɪk美ˈdɛrɪkAHDdĕrʹĭk ☆☆☆☆☆高八COCA¹⁶¹⁰⁷BNC³⁴⁸¹³iWeb³⁶²⁰⁹
a framework erected over an oil well to allow drill tubes to be raised and lowereda simple crane having lifting tackle slung from a boom17世纪初,英国伦敦附近的泰伯恩刑场有一个姓“德里克”Goodman Derrick的刽子手,在其常年的职业生涯中曾经执行过三千多次的绞刑或斩首,死在他刀下的不乏名人显贵,其中包括英国女王伊丽莎白一世的宠臣、后因叛乱被捕的埃塞克斯伯爵。因此,德里克成了全英国的知名人士,他的名字Derrick也与死刑联系起来了,被用来表示“死刑执行者”、“绞刑架”。后来,起重机、石油钻井等机械问世后,由于形状接近绞刑架,因此也被称为derrick。drilling derrick钻塔derrick crane桅杆起重机barge derrick浮式转臂吊车,船式起…derrick floor钻台derrick car转臂吊车,起重车…derrick boat起重船derrick brace井架斜拉筋derrick tower桁架塔,起重机架,起…derrick barge井架驳船derrick mast起重把杆,起重桅…oil derrick开凿油井时用的钻…floating derrick浮吊,起重船…derrick post人字起重机柱…derrick boom吊杆guy derrick牵索起重机telescopic derrick套迭钻塔derrick guy吊杆稳索boat derrick水上起重机,船式起重…tripod derrick三角架起重机,三脚起…
近义词 crane鹤rig装备hoist升起winch绞车frame骨架support支持wellhead井口elevator电梯lift举起oil platform石油平台gantry起重的龙门架…

用作名词The ginpole is the simplest form ofderrick.起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。
They were placed by aderrickmounted on rails on the bridge deck.它们由轨道上的转臂吊机吊放在桥面上。
We put up at the surface an oilderrick.我们就在那块地面上竖起一个井架。
Thederrickhas been skidded to the towing position.井架已经移到适合托航位置。noun.crane
同义词 hoist,lift,machine,rig“ It seems clear which domino currently looks in danger of falling over on the European table, ” Mr Derrick said.
德里克说“很显然现在多米诺骨牌已经在欧洲的桌面上摇摇欲坠了。” yeeyan

“ The reason for doing it is that the customer is all right with it, ” says Derrick Kuzak, head of global product development.
“我们之所以这么做是因为消费者喜欢这样。” Ford全球产品开发总监 Derrick Kuzak说。 yeeyan

“The real challenge is we’re in a somewhat short-term situation here,” said Mr. Derrick, who said Einstein now had a year in which to find permanent financing.
“真正的挑战就是我们现在陷于一种短期的情况之中。”德瑞克先生说。 ecocn

It was the second such incident in less than a year— in December, male porn star Derrick Burts tested positive for HIV, sending fear rippling through the industry.
类似的事故已经是第二次发生了,而且还是在一年之内——去年12月,色情演员 Derrick Burts男的 HIV检测呈阳性,让整个行业掀起了恐惧的波澜。 yeeyan

Mr Derrick noted that verbal intervention from officials had done little to stem the rise.
德里克指出,官员的口头干预对抑制日元的上涨几乎没有作用。 stuus

Now Derrick wears a crisp uniform.
现在德里克穿着崭新的校服。 hjenglish




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