

单词 Ahern
释义 Ahern əˈhɝːn COCA⁷⁴⁹¹⁶BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
Mr. Ahern had previously said this would be his last term in office, but that he did not intend to go until it ended in2012.
埃亨先前曾表示,这将是他最后一届总理任期,但是他并没有打算在2012年年底前离职。 ebigear

Mr Peelo said Mr Ahern had during the period concerned sought tax advice“from time to time” but did not give the name of any adviser used.
Peelo先生说,埃亨先生在有关期间“不时”寻求税务咨询,但他没有给出税务顾问的名字。 haolawyer

Mr Ahern was asked to name and give the addresses of the people who had contributed to the two loans, and a schedule of the associated repayments with interest he had said had been made.
税务局要求埃亨先生指出两次贷款有关的人员的名字和地址,以及他说的对附利息还款所作的安排。 haolawyer

On the morning of May12,2006, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing held talks with visiting Irish Foreign Minister Dermot Ahern in the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.
2006年5月12日上午,外交部长李肇星在钓鱼台国宾馆与到访的爱尔兰外长德莫特·埃亨举行会谈。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The form may have since been completed to the satisfaction of the Revenue but Mr Ahern's overall tax situation will probably remain unresolved until the tribunal has completed its inquiries.
表格后来可能填写到了税务局满意的程度,但埃亨的所有纳税情况可能要等到法庭完成调查才能搞清楚。 haolawyer

The letter concluded by drawing Mr Ahern's attention to the benefits of making a voluntary disclosure.
信函结束的时候提醒埃亨先生注意自愿披露信息的好处。 haolawyer

WHEN Brian Cowen succeeded Bertie Ahern as taoiseachprime minister in May2008, he inherited a popular coalition government with a comfortable parliamentary majority.
2008年5月,布莱恩•考恩成功地让伯蒂•埃亨登上了爱尔兰总理的职位,他接任了广受欢迎的合并政府,该政府的组成主要是议会成员。 ecocn

“We’re paying them off, ” says Captain David Ahern of Alpha company,1st battalion,66th armoured regiment.
66装甲团1营第一连队的队长大卫·埃亨说,“我们为其付款”。 ecocn

A spokesman for Mr Ahern said he had no comment to make other than to say that every citizen has a right to confidentiality in relation to their tax affairs.
埃亨先生的发言人说,他对此不进行评论,除了说每个公民都有权对他们的纳税事宜保密。 haolawyer

Accountant Des Peelo responded on Mr Ahern's behalf.
会计师 Des Peelo代表埃亨先生作出回答。 haolawyer

Based on landscape ecology principles and indices, this article introduces a sustainable landscape planning mode that was put forward by Leitao and Ahern, two American landscape planners.
介绍了美国景观规划师雷陶和阿赫恩共同提出的一种基于景观生态学原则与指数的可持续的景观规划模式。 cnki

Bertie Ahern is a veteran politician.
埃亨是一个资深的政界人士。 ebigear

Britain's minister responsible for Northern Ireland, Shaun Woodward, told British TV the peace deal will be Mr. Ahern's legacy.
英国负责北爱尔兰事务的大臣伍德沃德在英国的电视节目中说,和平协定将是埃亨的政治遗产。 ebigear

He has also said that he has not cashed the cheque sent to him by Mr Ahern last year.
他还说,他没有兑现去年埃亨先生送给他的支票。 haolawyer

He said the income tax return was not comprehensively completed and returned it, stating that for each category under which Mr Ahern had no income, this must be stated.
他说,埃亨没有全面完成所得税申报表并交回,对于每个埃亨先生无收入的种类,必须加以声明。 haolawyer

In Dublin, Bertie Ahern and I spoke with the press after our meeting.
在都柏林,我和伯蒂·埃亨会晤后与媒体见面。 yeeyan

In1999, Bertie Ahern, then the prime minister, issued a blanket apology to the victims of the abuse.
在1999年,总理 Bertie Ahern向虐童案的受害者只做了一个笼统的道歉。 yeeyan

The Revenue official said he could find no record of Mr Ahern having raised the tax issue.
税务官员说,他找不到埃亨先生提交税务问题的记录。 haolawyer

Then we went with Tony and Cherie Blair, Bertie Ahern, and George Mitchell to a large meeting of both Catholics and Protestants in the Odyssey Arena.
然后,我同布莱尔夫妇、伯蒂·埃亨、乔治·米切尔一同参加了天主教徒和新教教徒在奥德赛体育场举行的一场大型会议。 yeeyan




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