

单词 80
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“ We probably train80 residents or medical students each year, ” he estimated.
“我们每年大约训练80名住院医生或医学学生,”他估计。 yeeyan

About80 colleges and a handful of high schools have administered the test so far.
迄今为止,大约有80名高校和一些高中已经实施了这项测试。 yeeyan

And so, a deal: give us drugs, after a certain age— say,80— all drugs, any drugs we want.
因此,交易:在一个特定的年龄后,比如说80,给予我们毒品,任何我们想要的毒品。 yeeyan

Certain things are still not possible, such as binding to port80, or writing to a random directory outside of your application container.
不过,的确有些是事情是办不到的,比如绑定80端口,或将数据写到你的应用容器之外的一个任意目录。 infoq

Depending on the type of the servers you simply pay10-80 cents per server per hour for up to20 servers!
根据服务器的类型,每台服务器每小时你只需要支付10-80美分,你最多可以使用20台服务器! infoq

Europe seems to have been the hot spot, with a whopping80 new species emerging in the Mediterranean Basin.
地中海盆地出现了数目巨大的80种新种,这让欧洲变成了可能的突变热点区。 yeeyan

For close viewing the density of picture elements should be no worse than on a standard computer screen, about80 per inch.
对于近距离观察,图像元素的密度不能够插于一个标准的计算机屏幕,大约每英寸80。 yeeyan

For most of this year, the polls have suggested her block would win some95 seats to the ruling coalition's80.
在本年的大部分时间里,民意测验显示她的阵营将赢得95席,而执政联盟会得到80席。 ecocn

He says80 people queued up when they arrived.
他说当他们抵达时,已经有80人在排队了。 yeeyan

I stopped for a while after a doctor told me my knee sounded like an80 year old’s knee.
当医生告诉我,我的膝盖听起来像80岁的膝盖之后,我停了一段时间,没去跑步。 yeeyan

If this is true, it means that the UK will not cut its greenhouse gases by80% by 2050, as the government promised. It means it will cut them by 40%.
如果这是真的,这意味着英国将不会象政府承诺的那样,到2050年削减其80%的温室气体排放量,这意味着英国将只削减40%。 yeeyan

If you analyze your list, you’ll find that20% of the tasks contribute to80% of results in your life.
如果你对你的清单进行分析的话,会发现生命中,那20%的任务却能得到80%的效能结果。 yeeyan

If you tried, you could have jewed him down to$80.

It should listen on port80.
应该在端口80上进行侦听。 ibm

Japan coast guard searching for another ship with80 on board washed away by tsunami, AP snaps.
AP报道,日本海岸警卫队正在搜寻一只被海啸卷走的船,船上有80人。 hjenglish

Membership of the club has fallen below80.

Normally the heart contracts and relaxes between 70 and80 times per minute, each heartbeat filling the four chambers inside with a fresh round of blood.
通常情况下心脏平均每分钟收缩和放松70到80次,每一次心跳都会给四个腔室供给新鲜的血液。 yeeyan

Of course, there are smart defaults that will cover you80% of the time so you only have to go into configuration if you really need to.
当然,只有当你确实需要的时候你才要去做这些配置,因为默认的配置选项在80%的情况下可以满足你的需求。 joycode

The Army and Marine Corps have80 systems in theater.
陆军和海军陆战队在战场上有80套系统。 www.etiri.com.cn

Then dying, after that crash at80 miles an hour.
然后她垂死挣扎,在时速80迈的撞车之后。 yeeyan

They are ramming their motorcycles on the expressway at80 miles per hour.

This oil well runs80 tons of oil every day.

We have broad agreement in Congress on about80 percent of what we’re trying to do.
在国会,我们试图完成的计划中有80%的内容已经得到了广泛的认同。 yeeyan

Winning at least80 seats—out of a possible601— is rumoured to be the bottom line for their continued commitment to democracy.
据传毛派至少需要赢得80个席位——可能共有601席位——才是他们能够继续实现民主承诺的底线。 ecocn




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