

释义 DEPP ˈdep COCA²⁸¹⁹⁴BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
=diethylpyrophosphoric acid 二乙基焦磷酸,焦磷酸二乙酯
Both Burton and Depp say there are major nods to Peter Lorre's Mad Love performance in Sweeney.
波顿和戴普都说道《理发师陶德》的表演中有对彼得·洛《疯狂之爱》的致敬。 yeeyan

But like most of the general public, Depp is not a Broadway zealot.
但是如同普通大众一样,戴普并不是一个百老汇的粉丝。 yeeyan

But Depp chose to hole up at a West Hollywood recording studio.
但是戴普选择呆在一个好莱坞西部录音室。 yeeyan

He pounced on Sweeney, and quickly persuaded Depp to join him.
他抓住《理发师陶德》,并很快说服戴普加入他。 yeeyan

However, the interview, conducted by Patti Smith, shows Depp was unfazed by the studio's bafflement.
然而,帕蒂史密斯在采访中显示了德普对工作室的困惑不为所动。 yeeyan

It also created the bonds of the Burton- Depp team.
这次合作也创立“波顿加德普”这对金牌搭档。 iciba

Its stars, Johnny Depp and Anne Hathaway, were set to join the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall at the event.
该片中的重磅明星约翰尼·德普和安妮·海瑟薇与威尔士王子、康沃尔女公爵一同亮相首映式现场。 yeeyan

Johnny Depp, Will Smith and Barack Obama were all on the list.
此外,约翰尼·德普、威尔·史密斯及美国总统候选人奥巴马等入围。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Smith was the only person to receive a perfect score of10, edging out Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Angelina Jolie, who all tied for second with scores of9.89.
史密斯是唯一得到满分10分的演员,他挤掉得分9.89,并列第二的约翰尼德普,布拉德皮特,莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥和安吉丽娜朱丽,荣登榜首。 yeeyan

That is, so long as they are sexually propositioned by Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie, respectively.
只要这个提议是令他们心仪的人提出的,比如约翰尼德普,或者安吉丽娜朱莉。 yeeyan

This may also be the only Johnny Depp film where you actually see him smile!
这可能也是唯一一部你看到约翰尼·德普笑的电影。 yeeyan

Unlike Depp, Bonham Carter studied for months with a renowned vocal coach, Ian Adam.
不同于戴普的是,卡特师从一位著名声乐教练伊恩·亚当学习了数月。 yeeyan

Depp had a couple of months to kill before jetting to the Caribbean.
而德普在开拍《加勒比海盗四》之前正好有几个月空闲。 yeeyan

Depp's another actor who marches to his own drum and makes money, too.
约翰尼戴普是另一个按自己的节奏前行并且挣钱的演员。 yeeyan




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