

单词 deposit money
释义 deposit money短语⁵⁶¹⁴⁰
Issue the receipt of deposit money and rental money.
开具保证金及租金收据。 iciba

On the contrary, if Mr. Dai cannot complete the agreement, then he is responsible to pay Mr. Roberts double the deposit money.
相反,如果戴先生未能签订正式租约,戴先生须赔偿罗伯茨先生双倍订金。 ebigear

Being able to deposit money is good, but people probably want to take it out as well.
能够存款是好事,但人们可能想要把它取出来。 ibm

Hello, can I deposit money into the ATM here?
你好,请问这儿的 ATM机能存款吗? nciku

These would essentially give banks incentive to deposit money at the Fed for a set period of time.
这将从根本上促使银行在一段特定时期内将钱存在美联储。 tianya

You can deposit money into your account at Cowboy Casino using a number of methods.
你可以用许多方法来存钱到你在牛仔赌场开设的帐户中。 blog.sina.com.cn

You have to deposit money before you do your first trading.
你在做第一笔交易之前必须存款。 iciba

Deposit money to a particular account.
在特定的帐户中存款。 ibm




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