

单词 deposed
释义 de·pose·d 英dɪ'pəʊz美dɪ'poʊz 高COCA³⁵⁹³²BNC²⁶⁷⁴⁸iWeb³⁵⁵¹⁴Economist¹²⁴⁹⁵
force to leave an officemake a deposition; declare under oath近义词 out出or或者kick踢to对于give给bear熊oust逐出from出自swear咒骂eject喷射expel驱逐exile放逐lower低的remove消除attest证明impeach归咎dismiss开除degrade降格testify作证certify证明topple使倒塌displace取代kick out开除office办公室overthrow推翻throw out扔出cashier出纳员discharge排出attest to证实testimony证明witness目击者unseat使……退职dispossess剥夺depone发誓作证uncrown夺去王位disrate降低阶级defrock剥去法衣unfrock剥去法衣sworn起誓保证的force out挤出去dethrone废除君主disbar取消律师资格…bear witness to作证declass使丧失社会地位…disenthrone废除王位地位…

用作动词The head of state wasdeposedby the army.国家元首被军队废黜了。
The council of the tribe also had the power todeposeboth sachems and chiefs.部落会议也有罢免首领和酋帅的权利。
A witness mustdeposeto such facts as are within his own knowledge.证人必须宣誓证明他所知道的事实。
Investigators willdeposethe witness behind closed doors.调查员们将让证人们在关闭的门后宣誓作证。 Thaksin Shinawatra, whom the coup deposed as prime minister, spoke via video-link from exile.
在政变中下台而流亡海外的前总理他信正通过视频对民众发表讲话。 ecocn

“ After the last emperor was deposed and the Forbidden City was transformed into a museum in 1925, no new clock makers and restorers were educated in China, ” he said.
他说:“自最后一任皇帝被废黜,1925年紫荆城改建为博物馆后,中国就再也没有培养和教育新的时钟制造师和修缮者。” putclub

A few years afterwards he then deposed the Sultan and took control of the government.
几年以后,他废黜了苏丹国王的统治,自己掌控了政府。 yeeyan

If he persists, let him be deposed, as having murdered his brother.
若他坚持这样,就应将他免职,因他谋杀自己的弟兄。 douban

Lane reportedly was offered the CEO job last year before now deposed Leo Apotheker, but turned it down.
据称,去年在李艾科现在已下台之前,惠普曾力邀莱茵担任公司CEO,但遭到拒绝。 fortunechina

Thaksin Shinawatra, the former prime minister deposed in a coup in2006, called on his followers to stage a “ revolution”.
前总理他信•希纳华在2006年的政变中被免职后,呼吁他的跟随者们继续革命。 topsage

Thaksin, who was accused of corruption, was deposed in2006 after a military coup.
他信,因被指控贪污,在2006年一次军事政变后被罢免。 yeeyan

The cattle-raising people, popularly known as Watustsi, ruled neighboring Rwanda until deposed by the Hutu majority.
这个畜牧民族,一般被称之为瓦图西人,统治着靠近卢旺达的地方直到被胡图人废黜。 iciba

the anniversary of the2006 coup that deposed their leader, Thaksin Shinawatra, as prime minister.
以纪念前总理他信•西那瓦2006年被推翻的政变。 ecocn

Two days later, Zhang was indeed deposed as head of his department, although he kept his title at the university.
果然,两天后,他被免去学院主管的职位,教授头衔仍被保留。 yeeyan

Yemen, too, deposed its monarch in 1962, but he was replaced by the brutal dictatorship of Ali Abdullah Saleh.
也门,也一样,1962年放弃君主,为残暴的阿里的独裁取而代之。 yeeyan

Deposed in a coup in2006 and banned from politics in Thailand, he is now in exile in Dubai.
2006年,一场政变让他垮台,并从此禁止参与泰国政治,流亡迪拜。 ecocn




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